A909900 - 4909939
JUL-DEC. 1977
1909900. Abstract certificate. 1 p. Add. ti: Abstract certificate for Kaiser Abstract Company. NH: substantial change. O Kaiser Abstract Coapanv; 6Sep77; A909900.
A909901. Catalog of articles and papers on nonvoTeo fabrics, 1976. Editor: Gordon B. Harver. Sa p. Add. ti: Nonvoven articles/papers and patents, 1976. Bando Hachine Corporation: 1Sep77: A909901.
A909902. H-iine accessories for use Kith Bicro-aeasureiients. Catalog A-100. 19 p. O Micro-HeasureaeDts a.a.d.o. flicro- Heasureaents* division of Vishay Intertechnoloqy, Inc.; 13Sep77; A909902.
A909903. veterinary Scope. Vol. 19, no. 2, 1975. Hanaging editor: Paul S. Ludwig, art director: Bobert Klunder. 20 p. Appl. au: The Opiohn Coapany. The Opjohn company: 5No»75; A909903.
A90990I1. College chemistry faculties. Editors: Bonnie B. Blaser G Jeanann H. Dellantonio. «th ed. 189 p. Appl. an: Aaerican Cheaical Society. Aaerican Chemical Society: 20Jan77; A90990*.
A909905. The Three BBB book: an intiaate story of roach routing rituals. By Bette Noire, pseud, of Alice Z. aeyer. 1 w. Add. ti: The Three "B" book on how to fight the foe. O Alice Z. Meyer, whose pseud, is Bette Moire; 2i4Sep77: A909905.
A909906. Taylor Hade custoa guality marine products, 1978. 28 p. Taylor Hade. Inc., subsidiary of N. A. Taylor Coapany, Inc.: 15Sep77; A909906.
A909907. Talisaen uses and "how to" protect, cleanse and bless instructions. 2 p. Appl. au: nichael J. Caapione. Nd: new textual material. Hichael J. Campione; 27Jan77; A909907.
A909908. Hov mailorder works. 2 p. Appl. au: Nick Kable. Nick Kable; 20Sep77; A909908.
A909909. Poetry is free. By Ste>an-Adele Horley. 914 p. 6 folder. C Curriculum Associates, Inc.; 2laay76: A909909.
A909910. Presentation on redeemable "food and/or non-food saving coupon staaps." 2 p. Appl. au: Larry Barnes. V.E.E.P. Besearcb Institute: 10Jan7e: A909910.
A909911. Bow a hairpiece can help to combat the effects of the common cold, and possibly add years to the life of the wearer. 3 p. Appl. au: Bobert F. Smith. O Bobert F. Smith; 21|Oct77: A909911.
A909912. Supplemental label Chem Hoe IPC FLU, EPA reg. number 748-207. 2 p. O PPG Industries* Inc., Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.); 12Sep77; A909912.
A909913. Locksmith financial controls. 16 p. Armstrong's Lock and supply. Inc.; 10Aug77: A909913.
A90991K. Hobart Heldworld; AUN-199. Editor: Daniel Lea» associate editor, German ed. : Bernd V. Behlen. 23 p. Foreword in German, resumes in French C Spanish. Appl. au: Hobart Brothers Coapany. O Hobart Brothers Coapany; 150ec75; A90991II.
A90991S. Hobart Ueldworld; Allli-198. Editor: Daniel Lea. 23 p. Captions in English, French, Geraan £ Spanish, resumes in French, German & Spanish. Appl. au: Hobart Brothers Coapany. O Hobart Brothers Coapany; 2SSep7S; A909915.
A909916. ETA teacher's guide for the Veri Tech aathematics labs. Developed by John 0. Aceto Kenneth L. Bosenthal. IS p. Educational Teaching Aids, division A. Daigger and Company; 13Nov75; A909916.
A909917. International SKAbo Club, Eastern Skateboard Association, presents 2nd annual SKAbo eastern skateboard cham- pionship. Folder. Add. ti: International SKAbo Club: time tables, rules, judging guidelines and formats, scoring. Appl. au: Barry Segall. O Barry Seqall; 17Sep77; A909917.
A909918. Maybe I was a fool. By Tvonne Louise Melton. 1 p. Yvonne Louise Helton; 5Aug77; A909918.
A909919. Hhat your supervisors should know about labor lav. Hb p. (Staff recoaaendatious, Aug. 8, 1977, file 25) Add. ti: Bhat supervisors should know about labor laws. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. The Research Institute of America, Inc.; 8Aug77: A909919.
A909920. Uord growth program teacher's manual. By Beth La Fleur. Donald D. Durrell, George N. Moore, Bichard A. Talbot C G. uillard Uoodruff. 24 p. O Curriculum Associates, Inc.; 15Mar74; A909920.
A909921. Word growth program. Grades 7-8. Cards. Appl. au: G. Uillard Uoodruff e George N. Moore. C George N. Moore Z G. uillard Uoodruff (in notice: Hoodruff- Hoore) : 2Juu72; A909921. (Xerox copy of portion of 2nd copy deposited)
A909922. The Ladder of life. By Daniel E. Hott. 43 p. Daniel E. Mott; 17AU977; A909922.
A909923. Jackson and Perkins Company giant royal lilies. Folder, 2 p. £ card in envelope. Add. ti: Jackson and Perkins royal lilies. NM: compilation, additions & revisions. O Jackson and Perkins Company; 15Aug77; A9Q9923.
A909924. Famous-name tulips from Jackson and Perkins. Folder, 2 p. 6 card in envelope. NM: compilation, additions & revisions. O Jackson and Perkins Company; 12Sep77; A909924.
A909925. Jackson and Perkxns Company rose test panel research bulletin. Sheets (2 p.) 6 card in envelope. Add. ti: Jackson and Perkins rose research test panel. NH: compilation, additions & revisions. Jackson and Perkins Company; 10Oct77; A909925.
4909926. Jackson and Perkins peonies. Folder, 2 p. G card in envelope. NM: coapilation. additions £ revisions. Jackson and Perkins Coapany; 29AU977; A909926.
A909927. Jackson and Perkins ever fresh daylilies. Folder, 2 p. 6 card in envelope. NH: coapilation, additions £ revisions. Jackson and Perkins Company; 9May77; A909927.
A909928. The World's finest bulbs. Catalog no. 265. 14 p. £ insert. Add. ti: Jackson and Perkins — the world's finest bulbs. NH: compilation, additions £ revisions. O Jackson and Perkins company; 1Aug77; A909928.
A909929. Hinnesota guidebook to state agency services* 1977. Editor: Susan Ericksoo, assistant editor: Bussell fihode. 381 p. Appl. au: State of Minnesota. State of Hinnesota; 14Sep77; A909929.
A909930. Natural cookery from Vermont kitchens. By Rosalie Angell* Claudia Gilbert, Anne Schaper £ Holly Schumann, illustrated by Anne Schaper. 431 p. O Rosalie Angell, Claudia Gilbert, Anne Schaper £ Holly Schumann; 40ct77; A90993a.
A909931. Genealogical gunslinger (your roots and missing heirs) By Diversified Genealogy and Foreign Archives. 170 p. Appl. au: Charles Morgan. O Charles Morgan d.b.a. Diversified Genealogy and Foreign Archives; 16Apr77; A909931.
A909932. I make love (with you) By Peter J. McQuade. 1 v. Peter J. HcQuade; 19Sep77; A909932.
A909933. Sales data cards, Sept. 1977. Mo. 1 through 93. Mid-South Title Coapany, Inc.; 250ct77; A909933.
A909934. My life 1 give; the story of a life of faith lived by Thomas Vernon Ludlow. By Christine Ludlow. 185 p. O Christine Ludlow; 13Sep77; A909934.
A909935. The Hinds of God; the story of the early Pentecostal movement (1901-1914) in the life of Howard A. Goss. By Ethel E. Goss, author of pref.: Charles E. Clanton. 2nd ed. 286 p. Appl. states except for pref. to 2nd ed. no new material has been added. Buth Goss Nortje; 16Sep77; A90993S.
A909936. You and the law. Author: Bichard £. Uylie, artist: Oebra Klinman. 13 p. Relevant Productions, Inc.; 23Sep75; A909936.
A909937. Decision making. Author: Bichard E. Uylie, artist: Sharon Hodd. 8 p. Add. ti: Making decisions. O Belevant Productions, Inc.; 20oct76; A909937.
A909938. The interview. Author: Gordon G. BarnewaJi, editor: Bichard E. Uylie. 12 p. Add. ti: Applying for a job: the interview. Relevant Productions, Inc.; 20Oct76; A90993e.
A909939. Earning money now. Author: Charles Adelman, editor: Bichard E. Uylie. 9 p. Belevant Productions, Inc.; 23Sep76
(in notice: 1975) ; A909939.
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