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A909e59 - A909899


JUL-DEC. 1977

A909859. Greater Charlotte metroquide- 3rd ed- 112 p. Hiodsoc Publications, loc. ; 29Jun77: 4909859.

A909860. Dealers wholesale catalog, vinter 1977. 68 p. Add. tl: Caip Supply Companr. Inc. 1977 winter dealers wholesale catalog. Appl. au: Janes F. Faeth. O Mercantile Sales CoBpanv. Inc. d. b. a. Caiip Supply Company. Inc.: 20Sep77: A909860.

A909861. Theory to the concept of the Hilky Hay and its placement. 1 p. Appl. au: Gregory A. LaFoctune. Gregory A. LaFortune (in notice: Greg LaFortune) ; 6Sep77: A909861.

A909862. Check the oil consumption of your truck. Folder. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 16Aug77; A909862.

A909863. Service topics. 37th year, no. 5» Sept. -Oct. 1977. Folder. Appl. au: General Motors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Motors Corporation) ; 29Auq77; A909863.

A909864. Baldwin and Geqenheimer ink agitator. Parts catalog; SD-tlitO-Da (level 1) 6 p. e Addressoqraph-Multigraph Corporation; 30Mar77; A909864.

A909865. Model 12-15 data recorder; parts catalog: SD-I41M3-DB. 6 p. Addres- soqraph-Muit iqraph Corporation; 30Mar77; A909865.

A9098e6. Egualoq contract 1 for marrying, married or cohabiting adults. 12 p. Appl. au: Janette o. Baute & Bernard J. Baute, Jr. (Paschal Baute) NM: additional text £ editorial revision. Q Janette £ Paschal Baute: 10Auq77: A909B66.

A909867. The Child care worker: developmental planning; student manual 1. 151 p. Group Child Care Consultant Services, School of Social Hork. Oniversity of North Carolina; 1Jul77; A909867.

A909868. L-910 welded handle hickey bender brochure. 2 p. Add. ti: New welded handle hickey bender. Appl. au: Enerpac, division of Applied Power, Inc. Applied Power, Inc., parent company of Enerpac; 6Sep77: A9098b8.

4909869. Fifteenth annual salary survey of data processing 1obs, September 1 , 1977. By J. Georqe Piccoli S Vi1ai Sinqh. 39 p. Appl. au: New York chamber of commerce and Industry. C New York chamber of Commerce and Industry: 180ct77; A909869.

A909870. ASHE guide for gas transmission and distribution piping systems, 1976. Addenda no. 7. Sheets. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 19Aug77; A909870.

A909871. ASHE guide for qas transmission and distribution piping systems, 1976. Addenda no. 6. Sheets. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in any material taken from D. S. Govt, sources. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 19Auq77; A909871.

A909872. Aerovent industrial air moving products filtered air supply. Bulletin 661, Oct. 1977. Polder. Add. ti: Aecovent filtered air supply. Aerovent, Inc.; 2i10ct77; A909872.

A909a73. Stewardship and financial planning. 1 V. e Financial Planning Institute, division of Gospel Ministry Institute, Inc.; 15Sep77; A909873.

A909871t. Why not environmental education? Submitted by Adelaide Christian. <4<( p. e Adlaide Christian: 8Aug77; A90987«.

A909875. University art center. 182 p. Appl. au: Lauretta capprxllo & Salvatore Affrunti. University Art Center; 2itHar77 (in notice: 1976); A909875.

A909876. Pure old port vine, and other titles. Poster. Appl. au: Steven Martin Shine (Victoria Books) KM: compilation. Victoria Books; 110ct77; A909876.

A909877. Steamer wide west. Poster. Appl. au: Steven Martin Shine (Victoria Books) NH: compilation 6 editorial revision. O Victoria Books; 140ct77: A909877.

A909878. Twenty-five fiddle tunes for the five-string banjo. By Gary Kenyon, artwork by Bita Peach 6 the Southwest Indians. H p. NM: 2 tunes t arr. of other tunes. Clarity lablatuces; 15Sep77; A909878.

A909879. Praise: a treasury of 20 gospel songs as sung by the Bill Gaither trio. Compilers: Gaither Music Company, text author: uilliam J. Gaither, arranger: Carol McMillen. 79 p. NM: compilation S new arrangements. O Gaither Music Company: 25Spr77; A909879.

A909880. Ue have this moment today and other favorites by Bill and Gloria Gaither, arranged for solo and duet with accom- paniment by Eonn Huff. Compilers: Gaither Music Company, text author: Nilliam J. Gaither, arranger: Bonn Huff. 80 p. NM: compilation & new arrangements. Gaither Music company; 25Apr77; A909880.

A909881. National cake decorating "Explo 76." By Betty Jo Steinman. 1 v. 6 Betty Jo Steinman; 21Sep77; A909881.

A909882. Instrument pilot exams. 5« p. Add. ti: Instrument pilot FAA exams made easy. Appl. au: Stephen U. Hartonak. Appl. states O.S. copyright not claimed on any material taken from U.S. Govt, sources. O Acme School of Aeronautics; 21Sep77; A909882.

4909883. Captain John Hhipple, 1617-1685, lineage-chart. 7 p. Appl. au: Judith Whipple. O Judith Whipple; 30ct77; A909883.

4909881. Puerto Bican women in the United States: organizing for change. 84 p. 4ppl. states all new except p. 18-26 S 48-50. O National Conference of Puerto Gican women. Inc.; 264ug77; 4909884.

4909885. United First Federal S60,000 open program book. 26 p. 4ppl. au: Danford L. Sawyer, Jr. 4rea Guides, Inc. ; 1Sep77; 4909885.

4909886. Phonetics and pronunciation audio guide. By Dorothy Pappas Menzel. 21 p. e Dorothy Pappas Henzel; 19Sep77; 4909886.

A909887. Word problems: Hilmore has 40 marbles. By G. Barr Mccutcheon. 25 p. O National Textbook Company; 18Dec75; A909887.

A909888. Equations: the balance of power. By G. Barr McCutcheon. 34 p. O National Textbook Company; 18Dec75; A909888.

A909889. Hots croises faciles; 24 word puzzles for intermediate students of French. By B. De Eoussy De Sales. 24 p. Appl. au: National Textbook Company. National Textbook Company; 18Sep74; 4909889.

4909890. How to enjoy a balanced protein-rich diet while you save up to 40X on food costs. Folder. Appl. au: Bande J. Grover. 6 The Gcover Company; 14ug77: 4909890.

A909891. The American people. By Paul B. Baker S William H. Hall. 172 p. (The American experience) NM: editorial revision, new text G compilation of illus. Oxford Book Company, Inc., a division of William H. Sadlier, Inc.; 12Nov76 (in notice: 1977); A909891.

A909892. Hardware selector. O Slide Chart Corporation; 28Sep77; A909892.

A909893. Morrison map guide for Wichita, Kansas, 1977; a street guide for Greater Wichita. 68 p. James B. Morrison; 15Jul77; A909893.

A909894. Mathematical methods of population biology. By Frank C. Hoppensteadt. 167 p. O Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences; 20Sep77; A909894.

A909895. All around Las Vegas. 16 p. Appl. au: Carolyn Sue Busko G Joseph John fiusko. e Sujo Enterprises; 1Sep77; 4909895.

4909896. 4 Day in a life of love. By Charles Miles Martin. 65 p. 4dd. ti: songs in a life of love. Charles Miles Martin; 24Aug77; 4909896.

A909897. HEC: course manual. Prepared by Susan Ann Cavanaugh G Lea Luisa Ebro. 69 p. Add. ti: Home economics 290 course manual. O The School of Home Economics of the Ohio State University; 26Aug77; 4909897.

4909898. Bemanuf actured antique and classic car water pumps. OBP-77, index 432. 6 p. Appl. au: Carolyn Lopez. NM: compilation S additions. Van Alen Automotive Catalogs; 100ct77; 4909898.

4909899. Bemanuf actured water pumps. 1977. WP-777, index 432. 32 p. 4ppl. au: Carolyn Lopez. C Van 41en 4utomotive

Catalogs; 10Oct77; 4909899.


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