JUL-DEC. 1977
A909658 (con.) the Valve and Fittinqs IndastriTf Inc.; 26Sep77; A909658.
i909659. South Carolina football 1977 annual pcevieH. Editors: John F. Lawrence £ J. i. Lawrence, Sr. 52 p. O Sain Pub- lications, a subsidiary of the News Leader, Inc.; 1Sep77; »909659.
1909660. 5 ways to learo. Transparencies. Appl. au: Bonald BalstoD. O Bonald Ralston; 3nay77: A909660.
S909661. The Littlest anqel. 2 p. Appl. au: Harry Vernon Hinkler. O Harry Vernon Hinlcler; 5Jan77: A909661.
A909662. crooked trees. By Harry Vernon flinkler. 2 p. O Harry Vernon Hinkler; 5Jan77; A909662.
A909663. The Slouch in the pouch of Lou the 'roo. story by Jaoes H. Conoy, illus. by Jean Ouine. 1 v. on text; Jaoes Conay; 18Auq77; A909663.
A909664. Hanuscript handvritinq 2 practice sheets. 28 p. Appl. au: Forrest D. Pernkopf. NH: compilation, editorial revision, additional text E pictorial matter- C Forrest D. Fernkopf; 8Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 1971); A909664.
A909665. Revised teacher's quide to Pernkopf Handwritinq. , 15 p. Appl. au: Forrest D. Fernkopf. US: compilation, editorial revision, additional text € pictorial matter. C Forrest D. Fernkopf; 8Auq77; A909665.
A909666. Cursive handwritinq practice sheets. 28 p. Appl. au: Forrest D. Fernkopf. SB: compilation, editorial revision, additional text & pictorial matter. Forrest D. Fernkopf; 8Auq77 (in notice: 1976. 1971); A909666.
A909667. Manuscript handwritinq 1 practice sheets. 28 p. Appl. au: Forrest D. Fernkopf. NH: compilation, editorial revision, additional text fi pictorial matter. 6 Forrest D. Fernkopf; 8Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 1971); A909667.
A909668. Dress from three centuries: Uadsworth Atheneum. Compiled i with an introd. by John Herbert Callister. 86 p. e Sadsworth Atheneum; 6Sep77 (in notice: 1976): A909668.
A9D9669. Society for Neuroscience abstracts. Vol. 3. 631 p. Appl. au: Sariorie S. uilson E Geraldine Gurvitch. O Society for Neuroscience: 15Sep77: A909669.
A909670. Laboratory studies: animal bioloqy, zooloqy. By Uilliam Bukovsan. 135 p. O William Bukovsan; 26Auq77; A909670.
A909671. Architectural draftinq quide. By Bichard A. Bohn, Jr. 56 p. South County Community colleqe District; 19Sep77; A909671.
A909672. The Gemstones of the Bible. By Percy H. Perkins. Jr. 79 p. Percy H. Perkins, Jr.; 27Sep77: A909672.
A909673. A Jewish answer for the Christian missionary. By Heather Hulen Raddad. 76 p. O Heather Hulen Haddad; 26Sep77; A909673.
A90967*. Focus "77 Chicaqo; 2'tth International Technical Communication Conference proceedinqs, Chicaqo, May 11-1<t, 1977. Editor: Norm Linsell. 334 p. Appl. au: Kenneth J. Cook. Society for Technical Communication, Inc.; 1Har77; A909674.
A909675. Literature and fine arts, part 1; the student study quide. By Bichard Hostetler. 1 v. Add. ti: Literature and the arts, part 1. Appl. au: East Central Colleqe Consortium. O East Central Colleqe Consortium; 170ct77; A909675.
A909676. People approach: nine new strateqies for citizen volunteer involveinent. By Ivan H. Scheier. 116 p. O National Information Center on Volunteerisa; 17Auq77; A909676.
A909677. Stories my qrandfather should have told me. Edited by Deborah Brodie. illustrated by Carmela Tal Baron. 113 p. Accompanied by drawinqs, req. K126869. e on introductory matter; Deborah Brodie; 15Apr77; A909677.
A909678. No, no. not Uaman. By Lilly S. Bouttenberq. Accompanied by drawinqs. req. K126869. (In Stories my qrandfather should have told me, p. 87-97) Lilly s. Bouttenberq; 15Apr77; A909678.
A909679. The Sticky surprise. By David A. Adler. Accompanied by drawinqs, req. K126869. (In Stories my qrandfather should have told me, p. 99-107) S David A. Adler; 15Apr77; A909679.
A909680. Intern, a medical board qaoe. By Clifford G. Andrew £ Louise B. Andrew. 1 V. Accompanied by game board, req. K126a6e. 6 Clifford G. Andrew E Louise B. Andrew; 29Sep77; A909680.
A909681. Fundamentals of music and ear training. By Michael E. Tausiq. 88 p. Michael B. Tausiq; 5Sep77; A909681.
A909682. Personal recollections, 1861-1865. By John A. Porter, edited by James A. Chisman with assistance from William S. Broc- kinqton. Jr. 172 p. O James A. Chisman; 20Sep77; A909682.
A909683. School and philosophy profile: self-study and evaluation quide, and other titles. Multiple volumes. (National review and field test draft, 1977) Add. ti: Self-study and evaluation quide (1977 national review draft) O National Accreditation Council for Aqencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped, Inc.; 1Sep77; A909583.
A909681t. First piano book. By Donald C. Sanders £ Buth B. Shuqeraan. Sheets. Donald C. Sanders E Buth B. Shuqeraan (in notice: Sanders £ Shuqeraan): 12Sep77: 4909684.
A909b85. The Aqency aanual. 1 v. Appl. au: Thomas S. Bedford d.b.a. The Bedford Aqency. O Thomas S. Bedford d.b.a. The Bedford Agency (in notice: Thoaas S. Bedford) ; 25Auq77; 1909685.
A909686. Boating skills and seaaanship; instructor's lesson plan. 69 p. Appl. au: O.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. O Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board. Inc.; 6JU177; A909686.
A909687. Boating skills and seaaanship; answers to student hoaework questions. 52 p. Appl. au: U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc.; 6Jul77; A909687.
A909688. Boating skills and seaaanship; student hoaework questions. 54 p. Appl. au: D.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary. O Coast Guard Auxiliary National Board, Inc.; 6Jul77; A9a9688.
A909689. A Study of Central Park. Conducted by the Center for Governaent Studies. Graduate School of Business. Columbia Oniversity, directed by Emanuel S. Savas. 1 V. NM: compilation, editing, abrid- gement £ additions. E. S. Savas; 15Jaq77 (in notice: 1976) ; A909689.
A909690. Instruction and operating manual for model 626A SBF signal generator, serial 76 and above. Sheets. O Hewlett-Packard Company; 1Sep57; A909690.
A909691. Instrumental music guide. By A. Harold Goodaan. 240 p. Brighaa Young Oniversity Press; 12Jul77; A909691.
A909692. A Guide to quality control practices for waste and potable water analysts. By Hilliam Carson, pseud, of Terry S. Epstein. 2nd ed. 20 p. Add. ti: A Guide to guality control practices of waste and potable water analysts. Environmental Besource Associates. Inc.; 25May77; A909692.
A909693. Birth reports from Childbirth Hithout Pain Education League, Inc. Edited by Bosemary Coqan. 72 p. Add. ti: Birti day. e Bosemary Cogau £ C.U.P.E.L. (Childbirth without Pain Education League, Inc.) (in notice: Bosemary Cogan for C.H.P.E.L.); 150ct76; A909693.
A909694. China journey. By Milton Caniff. 1 v. (Terry and the pirates) Appl. au: Nostalgia Press. Inc., employer for hire. NM: additions. O Nostalgia Press. Inc. £ Chicago Tribune Syndicate a.a.d.o. Chicago Tribune-New york News Syndicate, Inc.; 15Apr77; A909694.
A909695. The Normandie affair. By Hilton Caniff. 1 V. (Terry and the pirates) Appl. au: Nostalgia Press, Inc. NM: additions. Nostalgia Press. Inc. fi Chicago Tribune Syndicate a.a.d.o. Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate, Inc.; 15Apr77; A909695.
A909696. Humpback whales (Meqaptera nov .ngliae) in the western North Atlantic: a catalog of identified individuals. Editor: Scott Kraus, consulting editor: Steven K. Katona. 26 p. Scott Kraus £ Ste< Katona; 31May77; A909696.
A909697. Reese method for teaching keno. By Dan C Ann Beese. Sheets. O Ann Beese fi Dan
Beese; 21Jun77; A909697.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.