JUL-DEC. 1977
4909401 (con.) Confereoce Board report no. 723. By Bobert I. Lazer € Halter S. Rikstroc. 122 p. Appi. au: The conference Board, Inc. The Conference Board. Inc.; 30Sep77; i909"101.
A909402. Camden, TN, Biq Sandy, telephone directory. Bo»e«ber 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 2So»77; A909H02.
A909"t03. Tuskeqee. AL* telephone directory. November 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company; 9Nov77; A909H03.
A909lt01|. Monroe county. HS, telephone directory, November 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company: 9No»77: A909i«0i».
i909ll05. Grenada. HS. Charleston. Oakland, telephone directory. November 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 180ct77: A909I405.
A9091(06. Cleveland. I3S, Drew. Gunnison, and others, telephone directory. October 1977. e South central Bell Telephone Company: 130ct77: A909«06.
A909lt07. Tazoo City. HS, including Benton and Bentonia, telephone directory. November 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company; l4Nov77; A909407.
4909108. Bardstoun. KT. Chaplin, Bloomfield, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. 6 South Central Bell Telephone Company: 8liov77: 4909408.
4909409. aiddlesboro, Pineville. KY. Fork Ridqe, TN, and others, telephone directory. November 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone Company; 7Nov77; 4909409.
A909410. Greater Meridian. HS. area telephone directory. October 1977. South Central Bell Telephone Company: 180ct77: 4909410.
4909411. Shelby. Lattimore, including Boilinq Sprlnqs. NC, and others, telephone directory. November 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 260ct77; 4909411.
4909412. Seneca. Central, Clemson, SC. and others, telephone directory. October 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 170ct77; A909412.
4909413. Uilliamston, Pelzer. Piedmont, SC, and others, telephone directory. October 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 170ct77; 4909413.
4909414. Belton. Honea Path, followinq the yellov paqes 4nderson. SC. telephone directory. October 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company: 140ct77; 4909414.
4909415. 4nderson« following the yellow paqes Belton. Honea Patha, SC. telephone directory, October 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 180ct77; 4909415.
4909416. Sparta, G4, telephone directory, October 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 12Sep77; 4909416.
4909417. Boyston. including Elberton. GA. telephone directory. September 1977. Q Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company: 12Sep77; 4909417.
4909418. Elberton including Boyston, GA. telephone directory. September 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 12Sep77; 4909418.
4909419. Sandersville, Tennille. including Davisboro. GA, telephone directory. October 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 21Sep77: 4909419.
A909420. Cherryville and Waco, also listings of Liucolnton, Shelby, NC, telephone directory, November 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 240ct77; A909420.
4909421. Salisbury, with listinqs of Spencer and East Spencer. NC. telephone directory, October 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 210ct77; A909421.
A909422. Maiden, also listings of Catawba. Clacemont, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 240ct77; A909422.
A909423. Lumpkin, Richland, GA. telephone directory, October 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 23Sep77; A909423.
A909424. Belmont and Mount Holly, also listinqs of Gastonia, GA. and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company; 240ct77; A909424.
A90942S. Laurinburg. with listings of Gibson, Laurel Hill, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 270ct77: A909425.
A909426. Kings Mountain, Grover, also listings of Shelby, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph company; 240ct77; 4909426.
A909427. Lincolnton, Denver, also listings of Cherryville, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company; 260ct77; 4909427.
4909428. Gastonia. with listings of Bessemer City, Gastonia, MC. and others, telephone directory, November 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Telegraph Company: 260ct77; A909428.
A909429. Newton and Conover. Catawba, NC, and others, telephone directory, November 1977. O Southern Bell Telephone and Teleqraph Company: 240ct77: A909429.
4909430. David and Max. By Peter Simonds. 265 p. Based on a bizarre and tragic incident of the Second Uorld Bar. 4urora Publishers, Inc.; 6Jul77: A909430. A909431.
A Story of peace and other war stories. By Harry Fornari. 115 p. Aurora Publishers, Inc.; 25Apr77: A909431.
A909432. Moon of the red strawberry. By Ann Irwin & Bernice fieida. 105 p. O Aurora Publishers. Inc.; 9May77; 4909432.
A909 433. Swamp angel. By Kerry Shaw. 113 p. Aurora Publishers, Inc.; 9Hay77; A909433.
A909434. Critical mass: nuclear power, the alternative to energy famine. By Jacgue Srouji. 409 p. Aurora Publishers, Inc.; 26Jan77: 4909434.
4909435. Legacy of the wolf. By Jean Baynes. 188 p. Jean Baynes; 4Nov77; A909435.
A909436. Death by bequest. By Mary McHullen, pseud, of Hary Beilly Nilson. 181 p. O Doubleday and Company. Inc.; 4Nov77; A909436.
4909437. Villa's rifles. By Levis B. Patten. 183 p. O Lewis B. Patten: 4Nov77: A909437.
A909438. Hartina Navratilova. By Edward P. Dolan, Jr. 6 Bichard B. lyttle. 81 p. Edward F. Dolan, Jr. S Bichard B. Lyttle; 4Nov77; A909438.
A909439. Bobby Clarke. By Edward P. Dolan, Jr. 6 Bichard B. Lyttle. 94 p. e Edward F. Dolan, Jr. £ Bichard B. Lyttle; 4Nov77; A909439.
A909440. Grow a plant pet. By Virginie Fowler Elbert, illus. by the author. 158 p. O Virginie Fowler Elbert; 4Nov77; 4909440.
4909441. Robert Frost country. By Betsy 6 Tom Melvin. foreword by villiam Meredith. 1 V. e on illus.; Betsy Helvin Tom Melvin; 210ct77: 490944 1.
4909442. Bobert Frost country. By Betsy 6 Tom Melvin, foreword by Uilliam Meredith. 1 V. 6 on foreword: Rilliam Meredith; 210ct77; A909442.
A909443. The Road to Bollywood; my 40-year love affair with the movies. By Bob Hope 6 Bob Thomas. 271 p. C Bob Hope; 8Jul77: A909443.
A909444. Mars and its satellites: a detailed commentary on the nomenclature. By Juergen Blunck. 200 p. O Juergen Blunck; 10Oct77; A909444.
A909445. A Minute to live! By Lajos Draviczki. 125 p. O Lajos Draviczki: 120ct77: A909445.
A909446. The President's gold mine. By Albert C. Harding. 190 p. O Albert C. Harding: 240ct77: A909446.
A909447. Potpourri of thirty-odd years; or, A Pilgrim's passage. By Bobert B. Hentz. 246 p. O Bobert B. Hentz; 10Sep77;
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.