JUL-DEC. 1977
»909245. Philadelphia, the city and the bell. B Barbara fiatnec GaDtshar. US p. Barbar Batner Gantshac; 120ct76; A9092it5.
A909246. EDecqy eoqlneeri iq. By Bobert L. Soqecs. 210 p. C Robert L. Sogers; 29Sep77; A909246.
4909247. Policies, operatioDS and philosophy naoual foe cecreatioo. By Tecry Feiolie. 1 V. Terry Ferolie; 30Jul77: i9092i»7.
909248. Hy God and I. By Florence Barth Kinney. 1 ». Florence Barth Kinney; 10ct77; »9092"t8.
4909249. Liqhtriua specification quide. Folder. UH: editorial revisions. Inteqrated Ceilings, Inc.; 15Jan77: A9092«9.
A909250. Skvlite specification quide. Folder, NH: editorial revisions. Integrated Ceilings, Inc.; 17Nov76: A909250.
A909251. Quadradone specification guide. Folder. Si: editorial revisions. Integrated Ceilinqs, Inc.; 17Nov76; 4909251.
4909252. Liqhtriua specification quide. 6 p. NH: editorial revisions. Integrated ceilinqs. Inc.; 50ec70; 4909252. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
4909253. Liqhtriua specification quide. 6 p. Na: additions C editorial revisions. O Integrated Ceilinqs, Inc.; 28Jun7ll; 4909253. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
490925U. Liqhtriua specification quide. 6 p. NH: editorial revisions. O Integrated ceilinqs. Inc.; 2ilFeb76; A90925U. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
4909255. Skylite specification guide. 4 p. Integrated Ceilings, Inc.; 23Sep7U; 4909255. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
4909256. Skylite specification guide. <t p. NH: editorial revisions. O Integrated Ceilinqs, Inc.; 22Har76; 4909256. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
4909257. Quadradoae specification guide. 4 p. Integrated Ceilings, Inc.; 23Sep7il: 4909257. (Photocopies deposited in lieu of copies as first published)
4909258. GE training systea user card. OC-1. 4dd. ti: General Electric training systea user card. 4ppl. au: General Electric Coapany. O General Electric Coapany, Ordnance Systeas Departaent (in notice; General Electric Coapany) ; 28Jun77; 4909258.
4909259. GE training systea, systea reference aanual. SBH-I. 1 v. 4dd. ti: General Electric training systea, systea reference aanual. 4ppl. au: General Electric Coapany. General Electric Coapany, Ordnance systeas Departaent (in ootice; General Electric Coapany) ; 28Jun77: 4909259.
4909260. GE training systea, lesson developaent quide. LDG-L 1 V. 4dd. ti: General Electric training systea, lesson developaent quide. Appl. au: General Electric coapany. O General Electric Coapany, Ordnance Systeas Departaent (in notice: General Electric Coapany) ; 28Jun77; 4909260.
4909261. GE training systea, 0L4S procedure guide. OPG-1. 1 v. 4dd. ti: General Electric training systea, 0L4S procedure guide. 4ppl. au: General Electric Coapany. General Electric Coapany, Ordnance Systeas Departaent (in notice: General Electric Coapany) ; 28Jun77: 4909261.
4909262. Bastard in the ragged suit. uritings of, with drawings by Heraan Specter, compiled, edited & with an introd. by Bud Johns I, Judith S. Clancy. 206 p. NH: introd., introd. to 3 sections of prev. unpub. aork & compilation by Clancy 6 Johns, drawings G text after p. 117 by Spector. O Synergistic Press, Inc.; 16Sep77: 4909262.
4909263. Because He lives. By Gloria Gaither. 202 p. NH: text. O Gloria Gaither; 27Sep77; 4909263.
4909264. The Keys to the golden age. By Hother Hary as given to the aessenqer Sylvia Clarice Paulus. 122 p. O Sol Center Foundation; 31Dec76; 4909251.
4909265. The Reaaining two and the caribou. By Eaily Harie G. Cooqan (Eaily C. Fatzler) 614 p. Eaily C. Fatzler: 15Jul77; 4909265.
4909266. Dealing with death and dying. By Sheila Lelly Blake £ others. 192 p. Appl. au: Interaed Coaaunications. NH: coapilation, additional text G pictorial matter. Interaed Coaaunications, Inc.; 30Sep7e: 4909266.
4909267. Pierre Riviere: La Nef des folz du aonde. Vol. 1 6 2. Critical ed. by Edelgard Else Renate DuBruck. NH: critical ed. with woodcuts. Edelgard Else Eenate DuBruck; 194ug77: 4909267.
A909268. Sufisa and huaan destiny and Sufi thought in Persian poetry (in one volume) By Behdi Khan Nakosteen. 238 p. NH: foreword, chap. 1-11, 16-18, 20-21, stateaent on p. 223-225, G bibliography. O Hehdi Nakosteen G Frances Nakosteen; 21Sep77: A909268.
A909269. Chicorel index to aeutal health book reviews; an annotated guide to books and book reviews in the behavioral sciences. 1976 annual. Editor: Harietta Chicorell. 256 p. Harietta Chicorel; 25aar77; A909259.
A909270. Chicorel abstracts to reading and learning disabilities. Co-editors: Eileen Sargent G Huriel Vogel. 1977 ed. 906 p. (Chicorel index series, vol. 19. Series editor: Harietta chicorel) Harietta Chicorel; 26Aug77: 4909270.
4909271. Chicorel xndex to short stories in anthologies and collections, 1975/76. Vol. 12 6 124. Edited by Harietta
28it9 Chicorel. NS: coapilation G additional text. Harietta Chicorel; 3Jun77; 4909271.
A909272. Jia Benson's Huppets figurine painting kit. No. 3816: Hiss Piggy. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Buppets. C Avalon Industries, Inc. ; lJul77; A909272.
4909273. Jia Benson's Huppets figurine painting kit. No. 3811: Kerait the Frog. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. Avalon Industries, Inc.; 1Jul77: A909273.
A909274. Jia Uenson's Huppets figuriae painting kit. No. 381'4: Scooter. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia uenson's Huppets. Avalon Industries, Inc. ; lJul77; 4909274.
4909275. Jia Benson's Huppets figurine painting kit. No. 3813: Animal. Appl. au: 4valon Industries, Inc. 4ppl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. O Avalon Industries, Inc.; 1Jul77; A909275.
A909276. Jia Benson's Huppets figurine painting kit. No. 3815: Doctor Teeth. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. O Avalon Industries, Inc.; 1Jal77: A909276.
A909277. Jia Benson's Huppets poster art. No. 672. Kit. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. Avalon Industries, Inc.; 15Apr77; A909277.
A909278. Jia Benson's Huppets figurine painting kit. Mo. 3812: Fozzie Bear. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except the representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. Avalon Industries, Inc.; 1JU177; A909278.
4909 279. Raggedy Ann and Andy Color *N' Becolor table cloth. No. 970. Kit. Appl. states all new except the representation of Raggedy Ann G Andy. Avalon Industries, Inc.; 204pr77; A90927S.
4909280. Edgar Bice Burroughs' Tarzan Color 'N' Becolor tablecloth. No. 969. Kit. 4ppl. au; Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except representation of Tarzan. Avalon Industries, Inc.; 18Feb77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4909280.
4909281. Bolly Bobbie Color 'N' Becolor gaae cloth. NO. 976. Kit. 4ppl. states all new except representation of Holly Bobbie. O Avalon Industries, Inc.; 11Jun77; A909281.
A909282. Jia Benson's Huppets Color 'N' Becolor gaae cloth. No. 975. Kit. Appl. au: Avalon Industries, Inc. Appl. states all new except representation of Jia Benson's Huppets. O Avalon Industries, Inc.; 11Jttn77; A909282.
A90928 3. Baggedy Aon and Andy Clay-By-Nuaber set.
No. 833. Kit. Appl. states all new
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