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JUL-DEC. 1977

A909111 (con.) strategies in a localist educational task qroup: a description and analysis. By Carolyn Jane liood. Microfiln. S Carolyn Jane »ood; 1llOct77; A909111.

i909112. Migration and health in Ghana; health behavior experiences of migrants in Pokoase. By Constance Kay Phelps. Microfiln. © Constance Kay Phelps; 1itOct77: 4909112.

4909113. The Econosics of DHF television: effects of qovernflient policy. By Nichael Alan Stollec. Bicrofiln. 8 Michael Alan Stoller; 1itOct77; A909113.

A90911U. A Study of coamunity participation in the Saint Louis sodel city comuonity school proiect: a perspective froo a community of poverty. By Council L. Smith, Jr. Hicrofilm. Council Li Smith, Jr.: litoct77: A9091KI.

A909115. Saint John of the Cross: an essay tonard a mystical aesthetic and a translation of his maior poems- By James Bruce Anderson. Hicrofilm. 6 James Bruce Anderson; 11tOct77: A909115.

A909116. Innovation and tradition in Lutheran religious education. By Frederick August Meyer. Microfilm. 6 Frederick August Meyer; 140ct77; 4909116.

A909117. Ethnicity in defense of class. By Timothy Francis o'Leary. Microfilm. e Timothy Francis O'Leary; 1itOct77; 4909117.

4909118. Talking hard luck blues. n Boody Guthrie. (In 101 Boody Guthrie songs, including all the songs from Bound for glory, p. 171) 6 Ludlow Music, Inc.; 6Apr77; 4909118.

A909119. Bhat causes unwanted hair? Folder. Appl. au: Gordon Blackwell. 6 Gordon Blackwell: 15Jun77; A909119.

A909120. Bho are the Saints? An introduction to the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Editor: L. D. Harsin. 32 p. e Herald Publishing House; 21Sep77: A909120.

A909121. The Touch of evil. By Lydia Colby, pseud. 190. e Playboy a.k.a. Playboy Enterprises. Inc.; 20Sep77: A909121.

A909122. The Deferred payment gift annuity. By Conrad Teitell. 11 p. NM: additions 6 revisions. 6 Conrad Teitell; 25May77; A909122.

A909123. You can be a philanthropist: ten painless ways. By Conrad Teitell- 15 p. NM: additions B revisions. Conrad Teitell: 1Jun77: A909123.

A90912it. The Joys of giving while increasing your life income. By Conrad Teitell. 13 p. NH: additions 6 revisions- O Conrad Teitell: 1Jun77; A90912lt.

A909125. The Charitable gift annuity. By Conrad Teitell. 15 p. SM: additions £ revisions. 6 Conrad Teitell; 16May77; A909125.

A909126. The Deferred payment gift annuity for professionals. By Conrad Teitell. lip. NM: additions fi revisions. Conrad Teitell: 25May77; A909126.

A909127. 4 Record of the personal affairs of. 31 p. Appl. au: Conrad Teitell. NM: additions 6 revisions. 9 Conrad Teitell; 26JU177; A909127-

4909128- Makinq your will. By Conrad Teitell. 22 p. NM: additions 6 revisions, e Conrad Teitell; 10Jun77: A909128.

A909129. 3100 manual de campo 600P81855, mayo de 1977. Preparado por Service Education, National Service and Distribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation, traducido por Service Documentation, Service Support Operations, Xerox Latinamerican Group. Sheets. Appl. au: Xerox Corporation. 6 Xerox Cor- poration: 20Jun77: 4909129.

4909130. CAM 2: guia para avaliar a gualidade de copia. Folder. NM: additions. Xerox Corporation; 30ct77; A909130.

A909131. Introduction to 800ETS advanced card transport and B-2 carriage. sheets (8 p.) in envelope. NM: additions. 6 Xerox corporation; 1Aug77; A9 09131.

4909132. Financial network manager. Magnetic tape 6 printout. Burroughs Corporation; 21Jun77: A909132.

4909133. Don't change, and other titles. 2 p. (Beauty on a back street) 4ppl. au: Daryl Hohl (Daryl Hall) , John Oates S Sara 411en. Dnichappell Music. Inc. 6 Hot-Cha Music Company; 174ug77; 4909133.

A909134. Write! By Lars Mellgren £ Michael Balker- 1 v. (Exploring English for speakers of other languages) 6 Addison- Besley Publishing Company, Inc.; 15Jan76; 4909134.

A909135. New Horizons in English picture show, staring Lars Mellgren 6 Michael Balker, illus. by Akihito Shirakawa. Cards- e Addison-Besley Publishing Company, Inc.; 1Dec75: 4909135.

4909136. Saint Ives. 13 p. (Pressbook) Harner 3JU176: 4909136.

4909137. The Outlaw Josey Bales. 1 (Pressbook) Barner Brothe 1tJun76; 4909137.

4909138. The Song remains the same. (Pressbook) 8 Bar 260ct76; 4909138. r Brothers, Inc.;

4909139. One on one. 1 1 p. 6 insert. (Pressbook) 8 Barner Brothers, Inc.; 22JU177; 4909139.

4909140. Greased lightning. 7 p. 6 insert. (Pressbook) e Barner Brothers, Inc.; 25JU177; 4909140.

4909141. Oh, God! 25 p. 6 insert. (Pressbook) 4909 142. 4 Piece of the action. 9 p. (Pressbook) Barner Brothers, Inc.; 26Sep77; 4909142.

4909143. California's uncommon markets; the story of the consumers cooperatives, 1935-1976. By Eobert Neptune. 197 p. Prey. pub. 1971. NM: addition of 2 chapters, additional pictures S up-dating. Eobert Neptune; 270ct77; 4909143.

4909 144. Criminal law outline, 1977. By Billiaa A. Grimes. 91 p. National College of the State Judiciary (an activity of the Judicial Administration Division of the American Bar Association) ; 23Sep77; 4909144.

A909145. The Christmas story. Folder. Appl- au: Halter J. Peterson, e Baiter J. Peterson; 150ct77; A909145.

4909146. Paper assembly pattern and instructions for mobile kit of "seven synonyms." 3 p. 4ppl. au: Sheila M. Bowley. Sheila M. Bowley d.b. a. Harmony Designs; 30ct77; 4909146.

A909147. A Tribute to the king. 1 p. Appl. au: Pam H. Gill. e Pam H. Gill; 20Sep77; A909147.

A909148. Sears employe attitude research survey: retail version (supervisory) 20 p. e Sears, Roebuck and Company; 19Sep77: 4909148.

4909149. Sears employe attitude research survey: retail version (non-supervisory) 20 p. e sears. Roebuck and Company; 21Sep77; 4909149.

A909150. Bayboro, New Bern. Oriental, NC, and others phone book, 1977. S Carolina Telephone and Telegraph company; 16Sep77; 4909150.

4909151. Santa Fe. Drawings by Dean Graves, text by Giuny Graves. 1 v. 6 Dean 8 Ginny Graves; 220ct77; A909151.

A909152. Italic calligraphy folio for formal and informal cursive writing. Sheets in folder. Appl. au: Juana silcox 6 Cynthia Kantner. 9 Juana Silcox £ Cynthia Kantner; 130ct77; 4909152.

4909153. Bood stove safety. Folder. S Insurance Information Institute; 180ct77; 4909153.

A909154. Basic fiscal management. By Steven DeAlmeida, prepared for Alcohol Education and Training Program, College of Health Belated Professions. Bichita State Dniversity. 157 p. Add. ti: Fiscal management: budgeting, cost accounting. Appl. au: Midwestern 4rea Alcohol Education and Training Program, Inc. Midwestern Area Alcohol Education and Training Program, Inc.; 31Jan77; A909154.

A909155. Mathematics review for electronics. By Charles V. Feeley, Jr. 19 p. 6 Charles

V. Feeley, Jr.; 310ct77; A909155.


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