JUL-DEC. 1977
490903U (con.) national oil; an examination of proposed 0- S. Govecnnent intervention in the international petroleum industry. By Frank R. Wyant. Hicrofilm. Frank B. Hyant; 11(Oct77: 4909034.
A909035. Strategies of concept attainment in normal and brain inlured boys. By Sally Graham. Microfilm. 9 Sally Graham; 1itOct77; A909035.
4909036. comparative effects of peer tutoring strategies, individual study, and teacher instruction on the reading achievement and interpersonal relationships of secondary school students. By Carol Louise Eosenbloom. Hicrofilm. Carol Louise Bosenbloom; moct77; 4909036.
4909037. 4n Investigation of the relationship of specifically stated behavioral objectives to mathematics achievement vithin teacher-paced and self-paced instructional modes. By 41oysius Hoff Farrah. Microfilm. C Aloysius Hoff Farrah; H10ct77; 4909037.
4909038. Design and experimental evaluation of a method employing Fast ealsh-Hadamard transformation for real-time computation of EMG power density spectra by digital minicomputers. By Caiman Gold. Microfilm. Caiman Gold; 1itOct77; 4909038.
4909039. Selective punishment of fixed-ratio responding: suppressive and paradoxical effects of punishment. By Marilda Movaes Lipp. Hicrofilm. 6 Harilda Novaes Lipp; 140ct77; 4909039.
4909040. The Liber manualis of Dhuoda: advice of a ninth-century mother for her sons; edited with an introduction and tran- slation. By Hyra Ellen Bowers. Hicrofilm. e Hyra Ellen Bowers; 140ct77; 4909040.
4909041. Concept comprehension of normal kindergarten children with deviant syntactic development. By Cecile Cyrul Spector. Microfilm. S Cecile Cyrul Spector; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4909041.
4909042. 4 Christian ministry to the bereaved. By James Frederick Talbot. Microfilm, e James Frederick Talbot; 140ct77; 4909042.
4909043. 4n 4nalysi5 of television commercials as a vehicle to improved comprehension and performance of writing: an alternative means of teaching freshman composition. By Peter J. Bergmann. Microfilm. Peter J. Bergmann: 140ct77; 4909043.
4909044. Quatre fabulistes: Phedre, 4vianus, Marie De France et La Fontaine. By Madeleine Marie Guyot Soudee. Hicrofilm. Madeleine Marie Guyot Soodee; 140ct77; 4909044.
4909045. The Relation between self-actualization and the baccalaureate nursing student's response to stress as evidenced by level of state-trait anxiety. By Evelyn G. Sobol. Microfilm, fl Evelyn G. Sobol: 140ct77: 4909045.
4909046. The Relationships between slowness of response, state anxiety, social isolation and self-esteem and preferred personal space in the elderly. By Evelynn Clark Gioiella. Hicrofilm. 8 Evelynn Clark Gioiella; 140ct77; 4909046.
4909047. The Criteria for choosing and the design for training lay pastoral associates. By Richard Randolph Streeter. Microfilm. e Richard Randolph streeter; 140ct77; 4909047.
4909048. Development of a rational, practical method for the determination of the fundamental period of vibration of high-rise buildings for seismic and wind design of structures. By Ante Vukov. Microfilm. e Ante Vukov; 140ct77; A909048.
4909049. A Psycholinquistic analysis of miscues generated by a selected group of Israeli non-native speakers of English during the oral reading of an unadapted American story — a descriptive study. By Shoshana Folman. Hicrofilm. O shoshana Folman; 140ct77: 4909049.
4909050. The In vitro development of the post-blastocyst mouse embryo. Ft. 1: The Influence of serum supplemented media. Pt. 2: The Influence of hormones in chemically defined media. By Jeffrey 4nton DuBois. Microfilm. 6 Jeffrey Anton DuBois; 140ct77; 4909050.
4909051. A constructivist concept of space: three original works using light as sculpture. By Irene Victoria Rousseau. Microfilm. e Irene victoria Rousseau; 140ct77; A909051.
A909052. Oitrastructure of body-wall muscles of Macracanthorhynchus hirudinaceus. By Jean Thornton DeBell. Hicrofilm. 6 Jean Thornton DeBell; 140ct77; A909052.
A909053. Relationships of selected variables of locus of control, self-concept, school morale and achievement determined from students and teachers. By Alfonso Gallegos Salazar. Hicrofilm. 6 41fonso GalleqoE Salazar; 140ct77; 4909053.
A909054. Deans of students and their knowledge of student rights law: a study of the public colleges and universities in New York State. By Nancy Jacobs Grossman. Hicrofilm. 6 Nancy Jacobs Grossman; 140ct77; A909054.
A909055. 4 Small animal model for myocardial infarction. By Robert James Staab. Hicrofilm. 8 Robert James Staab; 140ct77; A909055.
A909056. An Investigation to determine the effects of teaching styles which vary in feedback/response elicitation ratios on achievement and retention by secondary school biology students in a New lork City high school. By Elliot J. Levitch. Hicrofilm. @ Elliot J. Levitch; 140ct77; 4909056.
A909057. The Effect of integrative complexity and task environment complexity on information search behavior. By Terry 4nn Schwartz. Microfilm. Terry Ann Schwartz; 14Oct77; 4909057.
4909058. The Relation between academic search committee members' role position and belief system and their satisfaction with their participation in the search process. By Eileen 4nn McQuaid. Microfilm. Eileen 4nn McCuaid; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4909058.
4909059. The Dramatic criticism of Ludwig Lewisohn: a critical study. By Leslie Okin. Microfilm. 6 Leslie okin; 140ct77; 4909059.
4909060. The Effect of prostaglandins on serum gonadotrophin levels and spermatogenesis in the Sprague-Dawley rat. By Irenaeus Rilliam Daly. Microfilm. Irenaeus William Daly; 140ct77; A909060.
A909061. An Examination of the maieutic approach in relation to alienation between adults and adolescents. By Hilliam Thorpe Iverson. Microfilm. 6 Hilliam Thorpe Iverson; 140ct77; 4909061.
4909062. The Development of a workbook with charts for reviewing and identifying the essentials of New Testament Greek. By Dwight Fullerton Zeller. Microfilm, e Dwight Fullerton Zeller; iaoct77; A909062.
A909063. Predominately black colleges: a correlational study of faculty and administrator perceptions of selected dimensions of institutional functioning and their preferred institutional goals. By Curtis Eugene Bryan. Microfilm. e Curtis Eugene Bryan; 140ct77; A909063.
4909064. 4n Investigation of the relationship between girls' perception of specific parental behavior and girls' general tearfulness. By Mary I. Y. Cost. Hicrofilm. © Mary I. Y. Cost; 140ct77; 4909064.
4909065. A Comparison of the uses of media by English teachers in high schools with exemplary and ordinary library media programs. By Emmett Corry. Microfilm, e Emmett Corry; 140ct77; 4909065.
4909066. 4n 4nalysis of the relationship between behavioral objectives and behaviorism. By Jo 4nna ientling. Hicrofilm. S Jo Anna lentling; 140ct77; 4909066.
A909067. The structural importance of the first gaatrain in the sequence sonnets of Hichael Drayton: a study of the 4-10 sonnet. By Kevin HcConnell Sweeney. Hicrofilm. 6 Kevin HcConnell Sweeney; 140ct77; 4909067.
4909068. A Trained laity: a key to the renewal of preaching. By Thomas Richard lentworth. Hicrofilm. Thomas Richard Hentworth; 140ct77; A909068.
A909069. The Quasi-judicial power of the New Jersey State Commissioner of Education, 1950-1975. By Eileen Shelly. Microfilm. e Eileen Shelly; 140ct77; 4909069.
4909070. Zoosporogenesis in Lagenidium giganteum: a fungal parasite of mosguito larvae, in response to nutritional supplements. By
John Smith Boswell, Jr. Hicrofilm.
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