JUL-DEC. 1977
A908995. & Fault tree approach to an inter- natioDal educatioD proqrao: California State Oniwersitv and colleges. By Bobert G. Knudsen. aicrofil*. Bobect G. Knudsen; moct??; A908995.
4908996. Ad Analysis of the creation and implecaentation o£ career development programs ia selected higher educational institutions. Bv Bayne Eugene yallace. Hicrofilm. C Wayne Eugene Hallace; 1ltOct77: A908996.
A908997. Purification and charactecizatioD of an amylase inhibitor from red kidney bean fPhaseolus vulgaris) By Joseph Bobert Powers. Hicrofilm. 6 Joseph Bobert Povers; ItOct??: A908997.
A908998. Belatlon between computer-assisted instruction and reading achievement among fourth, fifth, and sixth grade students. By George Howard Litman. Hicrofilm. O George Howard Litman: 1i|Oct77: A908998.
A908999. Prison labor and convict competition with free workers in industrializing America, 1810-1890. By Glen Albert Glldemeister. Hicrofilm. O Glen Albert Gildemeister; 1i(Oct77; A908999.
A909000. The Authority of Illinois vocational directors in staff positions as perceived by vocational directors and selected reference groups. By Bobert Charles Schneider, Jr. Hicrofilm. Robert Charles Schneider, Jr.; 1iiOct77; A909000.
4909001. Family and community in fifteenth century Brunswick, Germany. By fiaymond Sanford Bright, 3rd. Hicrofilm. e Raymond Sanford Bright, 3rd; 1«Oct77; A909001.
A909002. Temporary monetary eguilibrium theory: a dif f erentiable approach. By Kuanpin Lin. Hicrofilm. C Kuanpin Lin; 1<IOct77; A909002.
A9090a3. Aging and wealth transmission: inheritance and disinheritance in three social settings. By Jeffrey Philip aosenfeld. Hicrofilm. Jeffrey Philip Rosenfeld; 1UOct77; A909003.
A909004. Studies of the ceinforcinq properties of intravenously self-administered compounds in rhesus monkeys. By Thomas Gale Aigner. Hicrofilm. Thomas Gale Aigner; 1tOct77; A909004.
A909005. History and analysis of economic policy in OeGaulle's Fifth Bepoblic. By Emanuel Arthur Frenkel. Hicrofilm. Emanuel Arthur Frenkel: 1«0ct77: A90900S.
A90900e. chemical characteristics and properties solubilized Rbo(D) antigen. By Jerry Soger Culpepper. Hicrofilm. Jerry Roger Culpepper; 1i(Oct77: A909006.
A909007. The Perceptions of administrators and elementary teachers as to the approp- riateness of current teacher certification standards in Ohio. By Hary Elizabeth Holt. Hicrofilm. Hary Elizabeth Holt; 11tOct77; A909007.
A909008. A Recommended model program of orientation and inservice education for beginning high school teachers. By Roger Steven Compton. Hicrofilm. Roger Steven compton; 1i»Oct77; A909008.
A909a09. Principals" perceptions of faculty involvement in decision making in public elementary schools of Illinois. By Robert Uilliam Healey. Hicrofilm. C Robert Billiam Healey; H*Oct77; A909009.
A909010. Early British mathematical economics, 1822-1850. By James Perry Henderson. Hicrofilm. James Perry Henderson; 1i»Oct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A909010.
A909011. Sources of selected modern scientific terms with a typology of English lexical processes. By Arthur Lewis Caso. Hicrofilm. C Arthur Lewis Caso; 1UOct77: A909011.
A909012. Aesthetische Normen und historisches Bewusstsein. By Elfriede Anneaarie Heyer. Hicrofilm. Q Elfriede Annemarie Heyer; 11|Gct77: A909012.
A909013. Rousard and Biblical tradition. By Joyce Hain Hanks. Hicrofilm. Joyce Hain Hanks; 140ct77; A909013.
A9090m. Antibacterial activity of some sulfonamides as evaluated by bacterial generation kinetics and effects on dihydropteroate synthetase activity in resistant and sensitive strains of E. coli. By Bobert Gregg Harris. Hicrofilm. O Bobert Gregg Harris; 1«)ct77; A9090ia.
A909015. The Influence of collegiate football coaches on their players' personalities. By Louie Joseph Long. Hicrofilm. Louie Joseph Long; HlOct77; A909015.
A909016. Constraints on the composition and chemical evolution of the Earth's Hoon. By John Barren Delano. Hicrofilm. John Barren Delano; 14Oct77; A909016.
A909017. Geneva, New lork: a community study 1786-1860. By George David Brumberg. Hicrofilm. George David Brumberg; 14Oct77: A909017.
A909018. The "Bight to die" and the language of Christian personalist ethics. By James Patrick Logan. Hicrofilm. O James Patrick Logan; 140ct77; A909018.
A909019. Women's studies in social work education: the impact of a social movement on curriculum. By Nancy Alice Kester Neale. Hicrofilm. 6 Nancy Alice Kester Neale; 1i»Oct77; A909019.
4909020. Sex differences among elementary teachers in attitudes toward pursuing school administration careers. By Jennetta A. Nykaza Beck. Hicrofilm. Jennetta A. Nykaza Beck; 140ct77; A909020.
A909021. Yankees in the Queen City: the social and intellectual contributions of New Englanders in Cincinnati, 1820-1850. By cole Patrick Dawson. Hicrofilm. C cole Patrick Dawson; 140ct77; A909021.
A9a9022. The Hetrical theory of continued fractions to the nearer integer. By Andrew Hansfield Rockett. Hicrofilm. e Andrew Hansfield Rockett; 1itOct77; A909022.
A90902J. A Synthesis of the aloneness/loneliness phenomenon: a counseling perspective. By Thomas Hatthew Kubistant. Hicrofilm. O Thomas Hatthew Kubistant; 1llOct77; A909023.
A909024. The Influence of reproductive cycles on mammary nodules in the aging beagle bitch. By Raphael Cruz Guzman. Hicrofilm. O Raphael Cruz Guzman; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; A909024.
A909025. The Effects of a health activation program on selected junior high school students in otah. By Gordon Bramwell James. Hicrofilm. O Gordon Bramwell James; 140ct77; A909025.
A909026. Building the country home: the black county agent system, 1906-1940. By Earl Billiam Crosby. Hicrofilm. O Earl Billiam Crosby; 140ct77; A909G26.
A909027. Chlorinated aromatic compounds: synthesis of the heptachlorodibenzo- p-dioxics and novel route to chlorinated napbtbyl and biphenyl glyoxylic acids. By Robert Alan Lunsford. Hicrofilm. O Robert Alan Lunsford; 140ct77: A909027.
A909028. A Comparative content analysis of selected family life and sex education curricula designed for Protestant denominations and published from 1964 through 1973. By Lewis Penhall Bird. Hicrofilm. Lewis Penhall Bird; 140ct77; A909028.
A909029. A Study of the expectations and understandings of church members and their effect on church participation. By Calvin Edward Ozelmeier, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Calvin Edward Ozelmeier, Jr.; 140ct77; A909029.
A909030. The Effect of socioeconomic group composition on small group interactions and linguistic elaboration in problem solving discussions. By litzchak Sabban. Hicrofilm. O litzchak Sabban; 140ct77; A909030.
A909031. The Relationship of perceived par- ticipatory decisionmaking to job involvement among central and branch academic librarians. By Floyd Collins Hardy. Hicrofilm. Floyd Collins Hardy; 140ct77; A909031.
A909032. Encounter, projection, and discourse: an epistemological framework for the philosophy of logic and formal semantics. By Evan Balbert conyers. Hicrofilm. O Evan Balbert Conyers; 140ct77; A909032.
A909033. The Good neighbor policy: United states economic expansion and "great-power" rivalry in Paraguay. By Hichael Robert Grow. Hicrofilm. Hichael Robert Grow; 140ct77; A909033.
The Onited States, OPEC, and multi-
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