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A908871 - A908912


JUL-DEC. 1977

A90887a, Califoruia achievement tests; individual test record. Forms c 6 D. 2 p. Appl. au: CIB/HcGraH-Hill. NM: updated revision. HcGran-Hill, Inc.; 1Aug77; A908874.

A908875. California achievement tests; ansuer sheets for reference and reading skills, mathematics G spelling and language. Level 1t« forms C & D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/McGraw-Hill. NH; updated revision. O HcGran-aill, Inc.: 1iug77: A908e75.

A908876. California achievement tests; complete battery. Levels 11-19, forms C 6 D. 2 folders. Appl. au: CTB/llcGra«-Hill. NM: updated revision. HcGran-Hill, Inc.; 27Sep77: A908876.

A908877. California achievement tests; locator tests 1-2 iiith directions 6 answer sheet, forms c 6 D. 3 v., 6 1 p. Appl. au: CTB/UcGraw-Hill. HH: updated revision. e HcGraii-Hill, Inc.; 210ct77; A908877.

A908878. California achievement tests; ansver sheets for reading and reference skills, mathematics £ spelling and language. Level 19, forms C G D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/ScGran-Hill. BM: updated revision, e HcGra«-Hill, Inc.; 1Auq77; A908878.

A908879. California achievement tests; ansver sheets for reading and reference skills, mathematics & spelling and language. Level 15. forms C G D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/HcGra«-Hill. NM: updated revision. O McGran-Hill. Inc.; 1Aug77: 4908879.

A908880. California achievement tests; ansver sheets for reading and reference skills, mathematics and spelling and language. Level 16, forms C 6 D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/UcGrav-Hill. NH: updated revision. HcGrav-Hill, Inc.; 1Auq77; A908880.

A908881. California achievement tests; answer sheets for reading and reference skills, mathematics £ spelling and language. Level 17, forms C G D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/McGrav-Bill. NH: updated revision. a HcSraw-Hill, Inc.; 1Aug77; A908881.

A908882. California achievement tests; answer sheets for reading and reference skills, mathematics G spelling and language. Level 18, forms c G D. Sheets. Appl. au: CTB/HcGrav-Hill. NH: updated revision. HcGrav-Bill, Inc.; 1Auq77; A908882.

A908883. California achievement tests; hand scoring stencils, mathematics, reference skills 6 spelling and language. Level 19, form C. Transparencies in envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/HcGrav-Hill. NH: updated revision. S HcGrav-Hill, Inc.; 29Sep77; A908883.

A908881I. California achievement tests; hand scoring stencils, mathematics, reference skills G spelling and language. Level 15, form C. Transparencies in envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. HH: updated revision. 6 HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 29Sep77; A90888I4.

A908885. California achievement tests; hand scoring stencils, mathematics, reference skills G spelling and language. Level 17, form C. Transparencies in envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. NH: updated

A908886. California achievement tests; hand scoring stencils, mathematics, reference skills £ spelling and language. Level 16, form C. Transparencies in envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. NH: updated revision, e HcGraw-Bill, Inc.; 29Sep77; A908886.

A908887. California achievement tests; hand scoring stencils, mathematics, reference skills G spelling and language. Level 18, form C. Transparencies in envelopes. Appl. au: CTB/flcGraw-aill. NH: updated revision. 8 HcGraw-Hill, Inc. ; 29Sep77; A908887.

A9a8888. California achievement tests; test coordinator's handbook, prelim, ed. Levels 10-19, forms C G D. 95 p. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. NH: updated revision. HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; lasepT?; A908888.

A908889. Diagnostic mathematics inventory technical report. By John Gessel. 93 p. Add. ti: DHI — diagnostic mathematics inventory technical report. © HcGraw- Hill, Inc.; 110ct77; A908889.

A908890. California achievement tests; examiner's manual. Level 13-19, forms C G D. Scoring keys. Levels 13-19, form C. 2 v. G 2 folders. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. NH: updated revision. S HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 30ct77; A908890.

A908891. California achievement tests; norms tables, prelim, ed. Level 10-19, form C. 10 V. Appl. au: CIB/HcGraw-Hill. NH: updated revision, e HcGraw-Hiii, Inc. ; 310ct77: A908891.

A908892. California achievement tests; examiner's manual G scoring key. Level 10-12, form C. 3 V. G 3 folders. Appl. au: CTB/HcGraw-Hill. HH: updated revision. 9 HcGraw-Hill, Inc.; 30ct77; A908892.

4908893. HetroVievs maintenance of skills center. By Douglas P. Barnard, Carol Taylor G Daisy H. Jones. 61 p. G sheets in box. S Benziger. Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 30Dec76; A908893.

Agossgi. HetroVoices maintenance of skills center. By Douglas P. Barnard, Carolyn £. Olsgard £ Daisy H. Jones. Kit. 3 Benziger, Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. ; 30Dec76; A9088911.

A908895. HetroVisions maintenance of skills center. By Douglas P. Barnard, Carol Taylor £ Daisy H. Jones. 62 p., cards G sheets in box. @ Benziger, Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.; 30Dec76; 4908895.

A908896. Ellison's Italian menu reader. By Al Ellison (Alan Guy Ellison) 124 p. O 41 Ellison; 250ct77; A908896.

A908897. California's top ten restaurants and 266 other great places to eat that don't rip you off! By Baye Herzbrun £ Bob Berzbrun. 128 p. 6 Armstrong Publishing Company; 170ct77; 4908897.

4908898. Directory of nevs media in southeastern Hichigan. 30 p. 6 Greater Detroit 4rea Hospital Council, Inc.; 28Sep77: 4908898.

4908899. 4nita, lA, telephone directory, 1977-78. e iest lova Telephone Company: 120ct77; 4908899.

4908900. Hooper, Nickerson, Oehling, Hinslov, N£, telephone directory, November 1977. Q Hooper Telephone Company; 180ct77; 4908900.

4908901. ihitney, Crawford, Glen Bose, TX, and others, October 1977. iS Continental Telephone Company of Texas; 50ct77 ; 4908901.

4908902. Bloomfield, Ash Grove, Belknap, lA, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. Citizens Hutual Telephone Company; 130ct77; A908902.

A908903. The Ideals junior chef cookbook. By Sophie Kay (Sophie Kay Petros) , illus. by Hilliam H. Sanders. 64 p. NH: com- pilation, additional text £ pictorial matter. 6 Ideals Publishing Corporation; 170ct77; A908903.

A908904. Country quilt patterns. By Hary Elizabeth Johnson. 80 p. 6 Oxmoor House, Inc. , book division of the Progressive Farmer Company; 190ct77; A908904.

490890 5. Hestern Hichigan Oniversity orientation English proficiency: English language skills test. 5 p. 4pFl. au: Bemadine P. Carlson. S Bernadine P. Carlson; 15Sep77; 4908905.

4908906. A Bird in hand. An original screen play by Bick Pontes (Beglnald Allan Pontes) 39 p. Appl. au: James Norris. S Bick Pontes; 15Apr73; A908906.

A908907. Executive and ownership section: financial and operating statistics, class 1 and 2 motor carriers of property, 1977. Editor: Kazuko S. Varner. 118 p. Add. ti: P and OS executive and ovnership section, 1977. Appl. au: American Trucking Associations, Inc., employer for hire. 6 American Trucking Associations, Inc. ; 50ct77; 4908907.

4908908. Sweater Cat nevs. Vol. 1, Sept. 1977. Editors: Buck Buchanan £ Chris Kent. Polder. 4ppl. au: Judith 4. Simmons £ Horna Brodie. S Sweater Cat Club of 4merica, Inc.; 224ug77; 4908908.

4908909. Benefit exhibits. 28 p. Add. ti: Benefits exhibits. Appl. au: C. Victor Johnson. Vasa International Hanagement Company; 200ct77; A908909.

A908910. 4 Benefits guide. 36 p. 4ppl. au: C. Victor Johnson. C Vasa International Hanagement Company: 200ct77; 4908910.

4908911. Compensation exhibits. 80 p. 4ppl. au: c. Victor Johnson. O Vasa International Hanagement company; 200ct77: A908911.

A908912. Everybody's money; a family financial guide. Special issue 5. 31 p. Credit Onion National Association; 17oct77;



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