JUL-DEC. 1977
A908750. RelocarnatioD; circulatinq file (purchase copy) Pt. 2. 43 p. Prev. req. C25826. as: editorial eicerpting & coDpllatioa. Edgar Ca free Foundation; 6Jun77: 1908750.
4908751. Beincarnation and planetary cycles; circulatinq file (purchase copy) i»0 p. Prey. req. C25826. NO: editorial excerptinq 6 coapilation. 9 Edqar Cayce Foundation: 6Jun77; 4908751.
4908752. Self; circulatinq file (purchase copy) Pt. 1. 58 p. Prev. req. C25826. NH: editorial excerptinq & coapilation. Edqar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77; 4908752.
4908753. Beincarnation; circulatinq file (purchase copy) Pt. 3. 41 p. Prev. req. C25826. »H: editorial excerptinq 6 compilation. Edqar Cayce Foundation; 6Jun77: 4908753.
49087511. Boil to aake your parish adult reliqious education program work. By Laurence n. Gibbs. 2 V. O Laurence H. Gibbs; 21Apr77; 4908754.
A908755. Piano for the young beginner. Level 1. By Cheryl 4. Bedmond. 46 p. Bedaond Enterprises; 254ug77; A908755.
A908756. Theory for the young beqinner. Level 1. By Cheryl A. Bedmond. 36 p. Bedaond Enterprises; 25Auq77; A908756.
A908757. Solos for the younq beginner. Level 2. By Cheryl A. Bedmond. 30 p. Bedmond Enterprises; 254ug77; 4908757.
4908758. Piano for the younq beginner. Level 2. By Cheryl A. Bedmond. 40 p. Bedmond Enterprises; 25Aug77; A908758.
A908759. Bhythm for the young beginner. Level 1. By Cheryl A. Bedaond. 34 p. Bedmond Enterprises; 25Auq77; 4908759.
A908760. Harmony for the younq beqinner. Level 2. By Cheryl A. Bedaond. 44 p. e Bedaond Enterprises; 25Auq77; A9Q8760.
A908761. Aging and sexuality: a physiological approach. 8 p. Accompanied by slides in box. req. JP20841. Appl. au: B. (Martha) Diane Estes, maiden name 4bercroabie. Prev. pub. as Physical aging and sex, req. 4841974, 27Jan77 S 22llar77. BH: revisions e additions. Martha Diane Estes, aaiden name: 4bercroBbie; 30Sep77; 4908761.
4908762. The Trinity iaplosion. By Bobin Hoore 6 Louis Perdue. 291 p. Literary Property (in notice: Literary Property Associated) ; 28Dec76; 4908762.
4908763. The Establishaent. By Bobin Hoore G Sarold Shuaate. 246 p. Literary Property (in notice: Literary Property 4ssociated) ; 15Dec76; A908763.
4908764. The Deadly massaqe. By Hark Cruz, pseud, of Daniel streib. 189 p. (Kill squad) Hanor Books, Inc.; 27Sep76; 4908764.
A908765. Hell on Leqg's Hill. By Bobert Trianell. 208 p. (Loner, no. 4) Hanor Books, Inc.; 27Aug7e: 4908765.
A908766. Dead end. By Mark Cruz, pseud, of Daniel Streib. 181 p. (Kill squad) Hanor Books, Inc.; 27Dec75; A908766.
A908767. The Tail dies at sundovn. By Al Cody. 176 p. 41 Cody; 270ec76; 4908767.
4908768. Two Saturday Yankees. 41i in T.V. land. By Bobin Hoore 6 Boberto Foreman. 287 p. (2 juvenile adventures) Jaaes J. Harks; 29Dec76; A908768.
A908769. Caribbean caper. By Bobin Hoore. 309 p. Q combat Pay Properties, Inc.; 15Dec76; A908769.
A908770. Bape Squad. By Simon yolf. pseud, of Horris Harshmao. 187 p. Hanor Books, Inc.; 27HOV75; 4908770.
4908771. It doesn't happen every day. By fiobin Hoore £ Peter Dane. 300 p. O Combat Pay Properties, Inc.; 21Dec76; A908771.
A908772. Aloha. By Bobin Hoore. 313 p. Bobin Hoore; 15Dec76; A908772.
4908773. Honteqo. By Bobert Dupont, pseud, of Bussell Saith. 223 p. Hanor Books, Inc.; 27IIOV75; 4908773.
4908774. Pursue the wind. By Leslie Bichards, pseud, of Bichard E. Green. 234 p. Manor Books, Inc.; 271iov75; 4908774.
A908775. Cocaine kill. By Anthony Destefano. 234 p. (Hondo, no. 2) Anthony Destefano; 27Bar77; A908775.
A908776. The Shakedown Kid. No. 1. By Noraan Sinqer. 219 p. C Hanor Books, Inc.; 27BOV75; A908776.
A908777. A Technique for Bible/book study. By Bayaond V. Anderson. 6 p. Bayaond V. Anderson; 250ct77; A908777.
A908778. Especially prepared for Duncan new products seainar. 1 v. Add. ti: Duncan Enterprises new products seainar. Duncan Enterprises; 21Jul77; A908778.
A908779. fiadio marketinq program workbook. Chap. 1-6. 6 V. & 1 p. Appl. au: Ad Adventures International. O Ad Ventures Inter- national, a partnership of Harvey B. Borlauq G Bobert J. Asselin; 2Auq76; A908779.
A908780. Samaritan siqns. Cards. O Power and Liqht Products; 1Jun77; A908780.
A908781. HLA international biblioqraphy of books and articles on the modern lanquaqes and literatures, 1975. Vol. 3: linquistics. 167 p. o Modern Lanquaqe Association a.a.d.o. The Modern Language Association of America; 12Jul77; A903781.
A908782. Do coal and ash freeze when they should slide? Folder. BH: revisions & additions. O Midwest Industrial Supply; 31Aug77; A908782.
A908783. Sing a psalm of love for me. 6 p. Appl. au: Sarah E. Suydan. Sarah £. Suydan; 30ct77; A908783.
A90a784. Baiting for the 5:05: terminal, station and depot in America. Compiled by Lawrence Grow* introd. by clay Lancaster. 128 p. on coapilation; The Hain Street Press; 4Aug77: A908784.
4908785. Halting for the 5:05; terainal, station and depot in America. Compiled by Lawrence Grow, introd. by Clay Lancaster. 128 p. on introd. ; Clay Lancaster; 4Aug77; 4908785.
A9087a6. Vulcan vari-cycle. Bulletin VC-IO. Folder. BH: editorial revision £ additions. Vulcan Iron Horks, Inc.; 26Sep77; A908786.
A908787. lihat can I say? By E. Lewis Sinqer. 1 V. E. Lewis Singer; 26Apr77; 4908787.
4908788. Dynarama. By Neal Heathcote Seymour. 19 p. Portions prev. reg. 4679464 6 prev. pub. abroad 1970. BH: revisions £ additions. The Lancress Group; 10Aug77; A9a8788.
A908789. Besource materials: advanced placeaent English. Developed cooperatively by Case Bestern Beserve University, Cathedral Latin School £ Cleveland Public Schools. 120 p. Appl. au: Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District. BH: revision. O Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District; 22Aug77; A908789.
A908790. Study guide for use with Fundamentals of financial accounting. By Glenn A. Uelsch £ Bobert B. Anthony. 177 p. Add. ti: Study guide for use with Anthony and Uelsch: Fundamentals of financial accounting, revised edition. Appl. au; Corine T. Norgaard. BH: revisions £ updating. O Bichard 0. Irwin, Inc.; 74pr77; 4908790. (2nd print., July 1977, deposited)
490879 1. Small town: an interaction unit comparing romantic and realistic literature of the saall town. By David E. Yount £ Paul OeKock. 24 p. David E. Yount £ Paul DeKock d.b.a. Interact (in notice: Interact Coapany) ; 2Sep77; A908791.
A908792. Telephone engineer and aanageaent directory, July 15, 1977. Vol. 42. Editor: John G. Beynolds £ other editors. Appl. aur Bay U. Saith. Uarcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 254ug77: 4908792.
4908793. Beal Estate Conference, 1977; Oct. 25, 1977 — Los 4nqeles, Oct. 26, 1977— San Francisco. 1 v. Appl. states copyright is not claimed on aaterial written by O.S. Govt, employees as part of their official duties. O California Certified Public Accountants Foundation for Education and Besearch; 250ct77; A908793.
A908794. Partnership Tax Planning Conference, 1977; Aug. 22, 1977 — San Francisco, Aug. 23. 1977 — Los Angeles. 1 v. Appl. states
copyright is not claiaed on material
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.