JUL-DEC. 1977
A908503 (con.l 752 p. Vest Publishinq CoapaDy: 1llOct77: A908503.
ASoesoi. RatriaoDial and faiilr lav, HFI.. Vol. 9, 9A e 10. Cuiulatlve anDDal pocket pact for use in 1977-1978. By Joseph I. aarino. 3 v. (iest*s HcKioDey's foras) iest Publishinq Coapany: 12oct77; A908S0<t.
A9O8505. Estates and surroqate practice, ESP. Vol. 111-17. Cuaulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By E. Lisk Hyckoff, Jr. 1 ». (iest's Hckinoey's foras) West Publishinq Coapany; 120ct77: t90850S.
A906 5O6. Tax practice and procedure* TPP. Vol. 21 e 22. cuaulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. 2 ». (Best's Hckinoey's forms) Vest Publishinq Coapany: 120ct77: A908506.
A908507. Indiana code. 35 p. NH: tables. State of Indiana: 27Sep77; A908507.
A908508. Hords and phrases: peraaoent ed. Vol. 1-46. 1977 cuaulative annual pocket part. Hultiple volumes. Rest Publishinq Coapany: 23Jun77: A908S08.
A908509. Texas digest: Hest key nuaber systea. Vol. 1-1(2, 1977 cuaulative annual pocket parts for use in 1977-1978. 12 v. in 91 6 1 p. Hest Publishinq Coapany: 30Jun77; A908509.
A908510. Haapshire, Huntley, Pinqree Grove, Plato Center, IL, telephone directory, October 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany: 15Sep77: A908510.
A908511. Hampshire, Burlinqton, Huntley, IL, and others classified telephone directory, October 1977. (Hith Hampshire, Huntley, Pinqree Grove, Plato Center, IL, telephone directory, October 1977) C The Eeuben H. Donnelley Corporation; 15Sep77: A908511.
A908512. Bristol, Osueqo, Piano, Torkvllle, IL, telephone directory, October 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Company; 13Sep77: A908512.
A908513. lorkville, Bristol, Osueqo, Piano, IL, classified telephone directory, October 1977. <Bith Bristol, Osweqo, Piano, lorkville, IL, telephone directory, October 1977) O The Benben H. Donnelley Corporation: 13Sep77; A908513.
A908514. Biq Bock, Kaneville, Suqar Grove, IL, telephone directory, October 1977- Illinois Bell Telephone Company: 14Sep77: A90851U.
A908515. Biq Bock, Kaneville, Suqar Grove, IL, classified telephone directory, October 1977. (Rith Biq Bock. Kaneville, Suqar Grove, IL, telephone directory, October 1977) The Beuben H. Donnelley Corporation: li»Sep77; A908515.
A908516. Sycamore, Belmore, DcCutchenville, OH, telephone directory, October 1977. Sycamore Telephone Company: 29Sep77: A908516.
A908517. Buckley. Copemish, Hoxeyville, HI, and others, September 1977. Hesick Telephone Company; 29Sep77: A908517.
A908518. Blanchard, Hillbrook, HI, OctoLer 1977. O Blanchard Telephone Association, Inc.; 19Sep77: A908518.
A908519. Byandotte, OK, October 1977. Hyandotte Telephone Company; 28Sep77; A908519.
A90e520. Bedford, Corninq, Lenox, Sharpsburg, lA, telephone directory, October 1977. central Telephone Company: 27Sep77: A908520.
A908521. Columbia City, and the communities of Areola, Etna, IN. and others, the phone book, October 1977. United Telephone Company of Indiana, Inc.; 28Sep77: A908521.
A908522. Cumberland. Barronett. Comstock, RI, and others, October 1977. O Cuaberland Telephone Company: 19Sep77: A908522.
A908523. Grafton, IL, October 1977. O Grafton Telephone Coapany; 26Sep77; A908523.
A90852lt. Canton, PA, and nearby coaaunities telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. O Canton Telephone coapany; 16Sep77; A90852it.
A908525. Towanda, PA, and nearby coaaunities, Septeaber 1977. O The Coamonvealth Telephone Company; 16Sep77; A908525.
A908526. Havana, Topeka, IL, telephone directory, October 1977. Central Telephone Company of Illinois; 28Sep77; A908526.
A908527. Beaver Island, Bois Blanc, HI, telephone directory, September 1977. Island Telephone Company; 6Sep77; A908527.
A908528. Thorp, RI, includioq Lublin listings, October 1977. Thorp Telephone Company; 23Sep77; A908528.
A908529. Buckner, Lake Lotavana, Oak Grove, Odessa, HO, the phone book, October T977. O Onited Telephone Company of Hissouri; 27Sep77: A908529.
A908530. Doans, Osborne, Portis, KS, the phone book, October 1977. Onited Telephone Company of Kansas, Inc.; 27Sep77; A908530.
A908531. Oskaloosa, Valley Falls, KS, the phone book, October 1977. Onited Telephone Coapany of Kansas, Inc.; 27Sep77; A908531.
A908532. flount Rashinqton. Shepherdsville, Zoneton, KY, telephone directory, October 1977. Echo Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 15Sep77: A908532.
A908533. Stony Bidge, Leaoyne, Luckey, OH, and others, the phone book, October 1977. O Onited Telephone Coapany of Ohio; 23Sep77; A908533.
A908534. Rayland, also includes separate alphabetical lists for: Dorr, Hopkins, HI, telephone directory, 1977-78. O Hichigan Bell Telephone Coapany; 13Sep77; A90853I4.
A908535. Reyerhaeuser, Couderay, Exeland, Badissop, RI, October 1977. O Preston Telephone Company, Inc.; 23Sep77; A908535.
A908S36. Hoisinqton, Claflin, KS, telephone directory, October 1977. O Restern Power Division of Central Telephone and Otilities Corporation; 21Sep77; A908536.
A908537. Princeton, Cynthiana, Port Branch, IH, and others, October 1977. Princeton Telephone Company; 19Sep77; A908537.
A9a8S38. Rebberville, HI, and vicinity, telephone directory, October 1977. O Hid-continent Telephone Corporation; 22Sep77: A908538.
A908539. Barnard, Bennington, Beverly, KS, and others, October 1977. T»in Valley Telephone Inc. ; 25Sep77; A908539.
A908 5U0. nelson, Harble Bill, Ball Ground, GA, and others telephone directory, Septeaber 1977. nelson-Ball Ground Telephone Company. Inc.; 26Sep77; A9a8S'tO.
A9085l(1. 570S-XI1. Printout. SB: additions 6 revisions. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Cor- poration; 23Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A908541.
A9085U2. 572S-E32. Printout. International Business Hachines Corporation a.a.d. IBH Corporation; 12Aug77; A9a85i(2.
A908SII3. John Day, Canyon City, followed by sections for Bates, OB, and others, 1977/78. O Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Company; 12Hay77; A908543.
A9085<tl(. Carlton, OB. 1977/78. Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Company; 17Hay77; A9085't4.
A908545. Prineville. followed by sections for Hadras, Rara Springs, OB, and others. 1977/78. Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Coapany; 19Jan77; A9085'lS.
A9085116. Seaside, Gearhart. followed by listings for Cannon Beach. OB, and others, 1977/78. O Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Coapany; 25Jan77; A90854e.
A908 5«7. Spokane, followed by sections for Deer Park. Edwali, and others, 1977/78. Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Coapany; 14Sep77; A908547.
A908S48. Tacoaa. Dupont, Port Lewis, and others, 1977/78. Pacific northwest Bell Telephone Coapany; 16Aug77: A908S4e.
A908549. Tacoaa street address telephone directory. Septeaber 1977. Pacific northwest Bell Telephone coapany;
26Aug77; A908549.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.