A908«65 - A908503
JUL-DEC. 1977
A908465. Apparel Trades Book Credit Clearing House, a division of Dun and Bcadstceet, August 19 77. 987 p. e Dun and Brad- street, Inc. : 15JU177: A908465.
A908'I66. Dun and Bradstreet principal inter- national businesses, 1978: the vorld marketinq directory. 4334 p. 6 Dun and Bradstreet International, Ltd.; 29Sep77; A9084e6.
A9084e7. Dun and Bradstreet Middle Market Directorr. 1978. 4067 p. & Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.: 26Jul77; A908467.
A908468. Tales of BTStery and Belodrasa. Edited, vith an introd. by Leonard fi. N. Ashley. 343 p. HH: additional text, editing S coBpilation. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 9Sep77; A908468.
A908469. Latin Aaerica in vocld affairs: the politics of inequality. By Jack H. Hopkins. 226 p. G Barron's Educational Series. Inc.; 10Oct77; A908469.
A908470. Spanish now! Teacher's aanual Hith ansiier key. By Buth J. Silverstein, Allen Pofflerantz & Heyuood Maid, general editori HatUan Quinones. 2nd rev. ed. 37 p. Add. ti: El Espanol actual! 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc. ; 29Sep77; A908470.
A9a8471. Saint Laurence Dniversity. 32 p. (Barron's Profiles of Aserican colleges, an in— depth study) NM: revisions. O Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 30Sep77: A908471.
A908472. The Midwest; regional ed. 259 p. (Barron's Profiles of Aierican colleges) UMi editorial revision. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 9Sep77: A908472.
A908473. Barron's Hon to prepare for the law school adaission test (LSAT) ; Canadian ed. By Elliott M. Epstein, Jerone Shostak, Laurence M. Troy & Nicholas A. Horvath. 1 V. Appl. au: Barron's Educational Series, Inc. KM: additional text £ illus. 6 Barron's Educational Series, Inc.; 23Sep77: A908473.
A908474. Spanish no«! a level-one aorktest; teacher's aanual vith answer key. By Buth J. Silverstein, Allen Poaerantz 6 Heywood Raid, general editor: Nathan Quinones. 2nd rev. ed. 449 p. Add. ti: El Espanol actual! priaer prograaa. C Barron's Educational Series, Inc. ; 29Sep77; A908474.
A908475. Historic country inns of California. By Jia Crain. 205 p. e Jia Crain; 14Apr77: A908475.
A908476. The Coyote: defiant songdog of the Hest. By Francois Leydet, illus. by Lewis E- Jones. 222 p. Francois Leydet; 4Apr77: A908476.
A908477. Brother Hhale: a Pacific whalewatcher' s log. By Boy Nickerson. 155 p. Boy Nickersou; 11Apr77: A908477.
A90847e. iashinqton court rules annotated: with foras. Pt. 4 (continued) S pt. 5. 1 v. NM: text, annotations, forms, tables, index 8 supplementation. Q fiancroft- Bhitney Company; 23Sep77; A908478.
A908479. California forms of pleading and practice. Vol. 9, 9A, release no. 32, Sept. 1977. 2 V. e Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 23Sep77; A908479.
A908480. Texas litigation guide. Vol. 4. By Hilliam V. Dorsaneo 3rd. 1 v. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and company. Inc.; 210ct77; A908480.
A908481. Bender's Forss of pleading of the state of New york. Vol. 10, release no. 20, Sept. 1977. By Oscar LeBoy Warren £ Gloria c. Markuson, 1977 revision by Buth C. Tachna, managing editor: D. Barry Denkensohn & other editors. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. 3 Matthew Bender and Coapany, Inc.; 24Sep77; A908481.
A903482. Lawyers' guide to medical proof. Oct. 1977 suppl. £ revision, release no. 9. By Marshall Bouts. 3 v. £ sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. Q Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 190ct77; A908482.
A908483. Babkin and Johnson: Federal income, gift and estate taxation report. Beport no. 423, Oct. 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 140ct77; A908483.
A908484. Horld patent law and practice. Oct. 1977 revision, release no. 31- By J. H. Baxter. Sheets. Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. Q Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 170ct77; A908484.
A908485. Callaghan's Michigan civil jurisp- rudence. 1977 cumulative suppl, 26 v. Callaghau and company; 30ct77; A908485.
A908486. The Law of Federal incoae taxation. 1977 revision of vol. 9. By Jacob Mertens, Jr., revised by Janes J. Doheny, editor-in-chief, £ other editors. Sheets, e Callaghan and company; 190ct77; A908486.
A908487. Callaghan's Illinois legal forms. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Soger D. Klaus £ the Callaghan and Company editorial staff. 4 V. Callaghan and Company; 29Sep77; A908487.
A908488. Fletcher corporation foras, annotated. 1977 cumulative suppl. By Jerold H. Schneider £ the Callaghan and Company editorial staff. 4th ed. 10 v. Callaghan and Company; 23Aug77; A908488.
A908489. FEES newsletter. Issue no. 9, Sept. 1, 1977. 8 p. Add. ti: Federal regulation of employment service newsletter. Appl. states copyright not claimed in any material secured from official D.S. Govt, sources. O The Lawyer's Co-operative Publishing Company £ Bancrof t-Ihitney Company; 2Sep77; A9Q8489.
A908490. Connecticut digest; seventeenth cumulative suppl., addendum, 1977. Beporter of judicial decisions: Donald H. Bowling. 333 p. Gloria Schaffer, secretary of the state. State of Connecticut; 180ct77; A908490.
A908491. Uniform commercial code; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By Lester E. Denonn. 2 v. (test's McKinney's forms, vol. 5-6) iest Publishing Coapany; 120ct77; A908491.
A908492. Business corporation law: BCL; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By Martin Fogelaan. 2 v. (Best's McKinney's Forms, vol. 7-8) O iest Publishing Company; 120ct77; A903492.
A9a8493. Criminal procedure law: CPL; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By Frederick J. Ludwig. 350 p. (Best's McKinney's Forms, vol. 18) S Nest Publishing Company; 120ct77; A908493.
A908494. Sot-for-prof it corporation law: H-PCL; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By Martin Fogelman. 2 v. (Best's McKinney's Forms, vol. 19-20) e Hest Publishing Company; 120ct77; A908494.
A908495. Civil practice law and rules; CPLB; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By Samuel Spindel. 6 v. (Best's McKinney's Forms, vol. 1-4A) e Best Publishing Company; 120ct77: A9Q8495.
A90e496. Beal property practice: BPP; cumulative annual pocket part for use in 1977-1978. By John J. Heehan. 3 v. (Best's McKinney's Forms, vol. U-13) Best Publishing Company; 120ct77; A908496.
A908497. Indiana penal code. Title 35: criminal law and procedure, articles 41-50. 190 p. Q Hest Publishing Company; 27Sep77; A908497.
A908498. Vernon's Missouri legislative service, 1977; laws of the 79th General Assembly, first regular session. No. 3. p. 679-697. Appl. au: Best Publishing Coapany, employer for hire. Q Best Publishing Company; 13Sep77; A908498.
A908 499. New Jersey statutes annotated; Sept. 1977 pamphlet, supplementing pocket parts for use in 1977-1978. 267 p. e Best Publishing Company; 26Sep77; A908499.
A908500. Probate law and practice; 1977 pocket parts. By Almon H. Maus. 3 v. (Missouri practice, vol. 3-5) Hest Publishing Company; 13Sep77; A908500.
A908501. Hest's Louisiana session law service, 1977. No. 5. p. 1097-1804. 6 Best publishing Company; 15Sep77; A908501.
A908502. Iowa code annotated; Aug. 1977 pamphlet, supplementing I.e. A. pocket parts for use in 1977-1978, Iowa rules of civil procedure £ Iowa rules of appellate procedure. 171 p. 6 Hest Publishing Company; 15Aug77; A908502.
A908503. Hest's Southern digest, October 1977;
directly supplementing 1977 pocket parts.
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