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A874124 - A874162


JUL-DEC. 1977

A874123 (con.) •rlio Principal, Oct. /Nov. 1973 6 othors. NH: coBpll.1t ion, rorlsions E torvuocU. O Kttnnlkat press Ccrporatlon; 9Jun77; A37it123.

A874124. Safor VayiKra, uin hanishah liunsho Torah. Ibl p. A>ia. ti: Chunlsl Vaylkl-u. Hobrow: ronanixod titlo. Appl. au; JosopU Hoimlich. NM: conpHation. O J. Hoislicli; 8Har77: »87<t12it.

A874125. Th« Cuaulatod indoles to tlio public papora of tho rrosidonts ot tho linitod States: John K. Konnody, l^ti-HtJ. 156 p. Add. ti; tndoxos to tho public papers of the Prosldonts: Konnodv. NM: prof. S cunulation ot indi'xos. KTO Press; 18Mav77; A87412S.

A874126. Hhat Thev Said in li7b. Conpilod 6 oditad by Alan F. Pator 6 Jason R. Pator. 8th annual ed. 610 p. C Monitor Book Coapany, Inc.; 15Jun77; A87U126.

A874127. Ohio: its people and culture; teaching resource and guidebook- By George c. Crout S H. E. Rosenfelt. 1 ». To acconpany text ot the sane title. C T. S. Ddnlson and Company, Inc.,; J7Jun77; A87'n27,

A874128. Hosqulte reflections: school naaios; Bicentennial proiect. Conplled by Mesquite Texas Branch, Aiurican Asso- ciation of University Ho«en. 15 1 p. O Mesquite Texas Branch, Ao**rican Association ot University Uoaen: 7Pec7fc (in notice: 1i77|; A37i4 128.

A874129. A Diary of ny roots. 1 v. Appl. au: Carolyn F. Pryor. O Carolyn F. Pryor; 27May77: A87tH29.

A874130. A Psychological study of the aged in the last stages of terminal illness. By Susan Marqarst Brace. 99 p. Susan H. Brace; 20NaY77: A8711130.

A874131. Fall River County pioneer histories. 358 p. Appl. au: Fall Fiver County Historical Society Book Committee. Fall River County Historical Society; 10Dec7t; A87m31,

A8714132. Alpine country of the West. By Don Love, text by David Sumner. 128 p. Charles H. Belding d.b.a. Graphic Arts Center publishing Company: 23May77; A871132.

A874133. Hasicala card games (in musical notes) By Udo w. Klein. Kit. Add. ti: Husicala for cultural development in music: card flames in musical notes. Originated for use with series The Language of music by Udo «. Klein. NM: additions. Udo «. Klein; 3Jun77: A87qi3J..

A874134. I can read about trucks and cars. Written by Norman Olson, illustrated by Steven Smith. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 15May73; A87U13lt.

A874135. 1 can read about ghosts. Written by Brica Frost, illustrated by Frank Brugos.. 1 V. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates: 31Dec7i4 (in notice; 1975) ; A87I1135.

A874136. I can lead about witchos. Written by Robyn Supraner, illustrated by Frank Bruges. 1 V. Appl. au: Troll Associates- O Troll Associates; 31Dcc7i| (in notice: 1975); Ae7itUe.

A874137. I can read about trees and plants. Written by Elizabeth Warren, illustrated by William Krasnoborski. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 31Dec7it (in notice: 1975); A874137.

A874138. I can read about earthguakes and volcanoes. Written by Deborah Herrians, illustrated by Norman Nodel. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates; 31Dec7it (in notice: 1975); A87it138.

A874139. I can read about seasons- Written by Robyn supraner, illustrated by Gloria McKeown. 1 v. Appl. au; Troll Asso- ciates. O Troll Associates; 31Dec7« (in notice: 1975); A87it139.

A874140. I can read about bats. Written by Elizabeth Warren, illustrated by Norman Nodel. 1 V, Appl. au: Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 31Dec7l (in notice; 1975) ; A87l»n0.

A87I4141., I can read about baseball. Written by Robyn supraner, illustrated by John Milligan. 1 v. Appl. au; Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 31Dec7«  (in notice; 1975); A871I11I1.

A874142- I can read about ballet. Written by Brica Frost, illustrated by Diane Martin. 1 V. Appl. au: Troll Associates. C Troll Associates; 31Dec7U (in notice: 1975); A87itm2.

A874143. I can read about Indians. Written by Elizabeth Warren, illustrated by Virginia Mcwilliams. 1 v. Appl. au; Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 31Dec7U (in notice: 1975) ; A87"(143.

A874144. I can read about baby animals. Written by Elizabeth Warren, illustrated by M.. Morris. 1 v. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates; 31Dec7<t (in notice; 1975) ; A87il1it«.

A874145. I can read about iiood manners. Written by Erica Frost, illustrated by William Krasnoborski. 1 v. Appl. au; Troll Associates. Troll Associates; 31Dec71 (in notice: 1975); A87it1i45.

A874146. I can read about weather. Written by Robyn Supraner, illustrated by Herbert Mott. 1 V. Appl. au: Troll Associates. O Troll Associates; 31Dec7U (in notice: 1975); A87mn6.

A874147. An Unorthodox approach of presentinjj Spanish grammar. By Gentil Da Rosa. 187 p. Gentil Da Rosa; 1SFeb77; A87UHI7.

A874148. Reading instruction; a set of systems. By E. Max Paris, pseud, of Max Polisar. 157 p. o E. Max Paris (Max polisar): 2Jun77; A8741U8.

A871149. Middlesex County, NJ, street address directory. May 1977. National Telephone Directory Corporation; 31nay77; Ae7iH«9.

A874150. Union County-West and Somerset County, with portions of Middlesex County, NJ, street address directory, April 1977, O National Telephone Directory Corpo- ration; 29Apr77; A871t150.

A874151. The National Film Board of Canada: the development ot its documentary achie- vement. By David Barker Jones. Microfilm. O David Barker Jones; 15Jun77; A871(151.

A874152. The Coming of Antichrist; an apocalyptic tradition in medieval literature- By Richard Kenneth Emmerson. Microfilm. Richard Kenneth Emmerson; 15Jun77; A87II152.

A874153. Categories, types and ontological commitment; a logico-histor ical inquiry. By Robert Brian Hanson. Microfilm. O Robert Brian Hanson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87it153.

A874154. Locus of control and risk-taking propensity as entrepreneurial charac- teristics — a comparative study- By Robert Herold Brockhaus- Microfilm. Robert Herold Brockhaus; 15Jun77 (in notice; 1976); A87IJ1514.

A874155. Part 1: The Repulsive part of the interatomic pair potential for liquid metals. Part 2; A Theory of the chain melting transition in one and two component phospholipid dispersions.. By Russell Edward Jacobs. Microfilm. O Russell Edward Jacobs; 15Jun77; A87it155.

A874156. Hedging and the theory of forward exchange. By Mark Robbe Eaker.. Microfilm. Mark Robbe Eaker; 15Jun77; A871H56.

A874157. An Analysis of the effects of various lengths of incarceration on various types of offenders as measured by anxiety, hypomania, and criminality scales. By Richard J. Billak. Microfilm. C Richard J. Billak; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87it157.

A874158. Dimensions of structure in human service organizations which affect interventive technologies. By Charles Adolph Glisson. Microfilm. Charles Adolph Glisson; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A87'(158.

A874159. The Marian paintings of Jan Van Eyck. Vol. 1: text and appendix 6 vol. 2; illustrations. By Carol Jean Purtle. Microfilm, O Carol Jean Purtle; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976) ; A87U159.

A874160. Diagnostic labels, sex-stereotypes and selected counselor characteristics as predictors in mental illness assessment. By Cynthia Jean Desmond. Microfilm. O Cynthia Jean Desmond; 15Jun77 (in notice: 1976); Ae7i4l60.

A874161. Utilization of certain tame birds in the New World in pre-Columbian times. By Glenn Ross Whitley. Microfilm- O Glenn ROSS Whitley; 15Jun77; A87U161.

A874162. A Protocol and procedure for assessing multiattribute preference functions. By

Thomas William Keelin 3rd- Microfilm.


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