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490821)9 - A90e287


JUL-DEC. 1977

1908248 (con.) Cofenas. Hiccofiln. Bobert George cofenas; 1»oct77: »908248.

11908249. The Effectiveness of clergy referral to South Bergen Mental Health Center. By Norman Eduard Smith, nicrofilm. Norman Ediiard Smith; 140ct77: 4908249.

4908250. Hotive to avoid success, sex cole, parental role model, academic ability and academic classification: predictors of coed college aaior. By Ann Fondren Jones, nicrofilm. Ann Fondren Jones: 140ct77; A908250.

A90e251. The Christian and the continuing problems of human life: ways in which beliefs in the power of God help the people of First Baptist to cope with death, suffering and in-justice. By Bobert Kelvin Bennie. Microfilm. Bobert Melvin Bennie; 140ct77; A90B251.

A908252. The Synthesis of heterocycles by the cycloaddition of heteroaromatic N-imines to triarylketenimines. By Hilllam Earl McBenry. Microfilm. iilliam Earl McHenry; 140ct77: A908252.

A908253. Doing local church history as a pastoral concern. By Lowell Berthen Johnson. Microfilm. C Lowell Berthen Johnson; 140ct77; A908253.

A9a8254. The Effect of human relations training on the interpersonal orientation of selected male college students as measured by the Alcorn interpersonal orientation scale. By Hollis Ingle Marshall. Microfilm. C Hollis Ingle Marshall; 140ct77; 4908254.

A908255. The Innervation of the feline kidney: a histochemical and ultrastructucal study. By James Marion Robertson. Microfilm. 6 James Marion Bobertson; 140ct77; A908255.

A90e256. Numerical simulation of viscous flow about submerged arbitrary hydrofoils using noD-orthogonal, curvilinear coordinates. By Samuel Perva Shanks. Microfilm. e Samuel Ferva Shanks; 140ct77: A9082S6.

A908257. Level of moral reasoning as affected by cognitive frustration. By Bobert Michael Serino. Microfilm. Q Bobert Michael Serino; 140ct77: A908257.

A908258. The Ose of metaphors in responding to situations experienced as unjust and some implications for Christian ministry and theology. By James Andrew Farrell. Microfilm. James Andrew Farrell; 140ct77: A908258.

A908259. The Bole of the imagination in vitalizing personal and corporate Christian experience through local church ministry. By Edward Uallington Castner. Microfilm. Edward Hallington Castner; 140ct77; A908259.

A908260. The Relevancy of Abraham Joshua Heschel for Christian self-understanding: an essay with exhibits. By Bichard Hilliam Banach. Microfilm. C Bichard Hilliam Banach; 140ct77; A908260.

A908261. Edmund Flantagenet (1245-1296) By Lura Lee scales. Microfilm. Lura Lee Scales; 140ct77: A908261.

A908262. The Qse of antioxidants as a means of retarding deterioration in high lysine corn and soybean seeds. By Joseph Eghianruva okundaye. Microfilm. 6 Joseph Eghianruwa okundaye; 140ct77; A908262.

A908263. The Belative effects of academic skills therapy and values clarification on selected personality variables. By Gary Laclair Musgrave. Microfilm. 6 Gary Laclair Musgrave; 140ct77; A908263.

A908264. Selected aspects of the financial management of private, nonprofit colleges and universities. By Hilliam Henry Kistler. Microfilm. 6 Hilliam Henry Kistler; 140ct77; 4908264.

A908265. A New technigue for evaluating consumer preferences with application to calculator product characteristics. By Bichard Haig Tashjian. Microfilm. Q Bichard Haig Tashjian; 140ct77; A90B265.

A908266. 4 Quantitative approach to mutual perceptions in negotiations. By Marek Piotr Hessel. Microfilm. Marek Piotr Hessel; 140ct77; A908266.

A908267. The Health belief model and prediction of dietary compliance: a field experiment employing a fear-arousal intervention. By Lois Ann Haiman. Microfilm. Q Lois Ann Maiman; 140ct77; A908267.

4908268. The Effects of caudate nucleus stimulation upon jaw movements. By Paul Martin Heinhold. Microfilm. Paul Martin Helnhold; 140ct77; A908268.

A9082e9. The Yeshiva and traditional education in the literature of the Hebrew Enlightenment period. By Moshe Avital. Microfilm, e Moshe Avital; 140ct77; A908269.

A908270. Teaching Hebrew to immigrant children in Israel. By Alan Anselm Manheim. Microfilm. Alan Anselm Manheim: 140ct77; A908270.

A908271. Method, reversal and way in Heidegger. By Layla Pierre Nayfal. Microfilm. O Layla Pierre Sayfal; 140ct77; A908271.

A908272. School Volunteers for Boston, Inc.: a documentation of the need for its existence, its organizational structure and its role and functions in the education of the academically disad- vantaged children in the Boston public schools. By Abraham Puthiserimepreth Mathew. Microfilm. O Abraham Puthi- serimepreth Mathew; 140ct77; 4908272.

A908273. 4 Study of the job satisfaction and job perception of organized and non-organized public school principals. By George Andrew Aune. Microfilm. George Andrew Aune; 140ct77; A908273.

4908274. Socio-cultural barriers to acceptance of family limitation in India: an examination of these barriers and the extent to which Indian family planning motivational programs are dealing with them. By Constance Jane Freeman. Microfilm. Constance Jane Freeman; 140ct77; A908274.

A90B275. Analysis of an escarpment landform for land-use planning. Mountain Creek Basin, Dallas-Ellis Counties, Texas. By Peter Martin Allen. Microfilm. 3 Peter Martin Allen; 140ct77; A908275.

A908276. In behalf of a just and durable peace — the attitudes of American Protestantism toward war and military- related affairs involving the Onited States, 1945-1953. By Jerrold Lee Brooks. Microfilm. 6 Jerrold Lee Bi:x>oks; 140ct77; A908276.

A908277. A Study of Japanese criticism of Hilliam Blake's poetry. By So Hoong Ko. Microfilm. So Hoong Ko; 1 40ct77 ; A908277.

4908278. 4n Electrophoretic analysis of the Lucke renal adenocarcinoma. By Bobert Owen McCue. Microfilm. 6 Bobert Owen McCue; 140ct77; 4908278.

A908279. Faulkner's early heroines. By Philip Oubuisson Castille. Microfilm. 6 Philip Dubuisson Castille; 140ct77; A908279.

A908280. The Indian worker in s factory. By Dilip Kapur. Microfilm 6 Dilip Kapur; 140ct77; A908280.

4908281. Eio De Janeiro: the rise of late colonial Brazil's dominant emporium, 1777-1808. By Budolph Hilliam Bauss. Microfilm. 6 Budolph Hilliam Bauss; 140ct77; A908281.

A9a8282. The Development of a process to assess the needs of teachers in creating learner-oriented environments. By Margaret Loretta Cassidy. Microfilm. Margaret Loretta Cassidy; 150ct77 (in notice: 1976); A908282.

4908 28 3. Text-music relationships in the large choral works of Bernard Sogers. By Dominic Joseph Intili. Microfilm. Dominic Joseph Intili; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976); 4906283.

4908284. The Historia Augusta, Septimius Severus and Boman Britain: a select commentary of the ¥ita Severi. By Budolph Paul Hock. Microfilm. 6 Budolph Paul Hock; 140ct77; A908284.

A908285. Class, ethnic, and age effects on the sensitivity to facial and vocal cues. By John M. HcGrew. Microfilm. John M. McGrew; 140ct77; A908285.

A908286. The Neglected synthesis: Alfred Adler in sociological perspective. By Margreta Mary Helen Bathbauer. Microfilm. e Margreta Mary Helen Bathbauer; 140ct77; A908286.

A908287. A Field and laboratory investigation of the salinity and temperature tolerance of an estuarine calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa Dana. By David Earl Lesley. Microfilm. O David Earl Lesley; 140ct77;



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