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A908208 - A9082a8


JUL-DEC. 1977

4908208. DistaDce chanqe in foreign policy: a coaparative analysis of relations between heqeaoDS and meabers of their subsystems. By Jon Eric Quistqard. BicrofilB. Jon Eric Quistqard: )l|Oct77; A908208.

4908209. Era of anxiety; an historical account of riqht »inq forces affectinq education durinq the years 1949 to 19511. By Robert Christian aorris. Hicrofila. Add. ti: Era of anxiety: an historical account of the effects of and reactions to riqht ninq forces affectinq education durinq the years 19t9 to 195U. Bobert Christian Morris; 1»Oct77: 4908209.

4908210. Conversion disorder as a general adaptation syndroae. By Zelaa Jean Lyles BarrickloM. Microfila. O Zelaa Jean Lyles BarricKlow; 1UOct77; 4908210.

4908211. The Electric pouer systea of Guaa: a reflection of socio-econoaic pressures. By Bobert Bruce Half. Bicrofila. e Robert Bruce Bolf; 1i»0ct77: 4908211.

4908212. 4 Coaparison of three techniques for reducinq scholastic aptitude test anxiety. By Harlan Carolyn Schuchaan. Hicrofila. Harlan Carolyn Schuchaan; 1»oct77; 4908212.

4908213. Packrats, plants and the pleistocene in the lower Grand Canyon. By Arthur Horton Phillips 3rd. Hicrofila. 4rthur Horton Phillips 3rd; moct77; 4908213.

A906211I. The Perception of crowdinq and its effect on task performance. By Alan Stuart Flicker. Hicrofila. C Alan Stuart Flicker: iaoct77: A908211.

A908215. The Effect of attitude siailarity and need qratif ication on romantic attraction toward aales in feaales. By Harold David Sieqel. Hicrofila. Harold David Sieqel; 1l»0ct77; 4908215.

4908216. Biofeedback and desensitization: an assessment of their functions in reducinq test anxiety. By Sren Harrinqton Bridqes. Hicrofila. C Uren Harrinqton Bridqes; 1»Oct77; 4908216.

4908217. The Hole of diazepam as coapared to r non-printable datal-aainobutyric acid (G4BAI in the cuneate nucleus and cerebellar cortex of the cat. By Bobert Lawrence Polzin. Hicrofila. Bobert Lawrence Polzin; 140ct77; 4908217.

490821B. 4n Interactive computer-assisted instruction siaulation aodel for use by play callers in learninq strateqies in football. By Balph Bradford Blsland, Jr. Hicrofila. C Balph Bradford Bisland. Jr.; 1llOct77: 4908218.

A908219. Techniques used in confiraation education: the Aaecican Lutheran Church froa 1880 to 1976. By John Peter Schmelinq. Hicrofilm. John Peter Scamelinq: iaoct77: 4908219.

4906220. Deposition of evaporatinq spray droplets on a three-dimensional body with rectangular boundaries. By Gary Lynn Barker. Hicrofilm. Gary Lynn Barker; 1itOct77; A908220.

4908221. An Investiqation of the relationship between resident assistant effectiveness at Hississippi State University and personal characteristics as measured by the California psychological inventory. By yilliaa David Ball. Hicrofilm. Billiaa David Ball; 140ct77; 4908221.

A908222. Hixed-wind chamber music in Aaerican universities. By Balph Victor Hahl. Hicrofila. Balph Victor Uahl; moct77; 4908222.

4908223. The Polymetamorphic sequence in the Paleozoic rocks of northern Vermont: a new approach using metamorphic veins as petroloqic and structural markers. By James Bodney 4nderson. Hicrofila. O James Bodney 4nderson; 1'IOct77 (in notice: 1976); 4908223.

4908224. Oxindoles from ketenimines. By Usiu-sun Sunq. Hicrofila. Usiu-sun Sung; 140ct77; A908224.

A908225. An Evaluation of the effects of nonresponse in mail questionnaire survey sampling using a Bayesian model. By Billie Albert Steqali. Hicrofila. O Uillie Albert Stegall; 140ct77; 4908225.

A908226. Feeding behavior of aeliothis spp. larvae as affected by changing fruit load of cotton. By Sawarng Charoenying. Hicrofilm. O Sawarng Charoenying: 1«0ct77; A908226.

A908227. The Effects of a career guidance mini-course on attitudes toward self and career. By Alva Jo curran. Hicrofila. O Alva Jo Curran; 140ct77; A908227.

A908228. The Interaction between some ecological, physioloqical and behavioral components of water metabolism in the cotton rat, Sigaodon hispidus. By Hichael Patrick Farrell. Hicrofila. sichael Patrick Farrell; 140ct77: 4908228.

A908229. Deterainants of risk preaium on country bonds in the external capital aarkets and implications for financing economic development. By Bamakrishnan S. Koundinya. Hicrofilm. O Bamakrishnan S. Koundinya; 140ct77; A908229.

A908230. Effect of the nectariiess character of cotton on the population dynamics of certain phytophagous and natural enemy insects. By Hario Calderon-Corral. Hicrofilm. Hario Calderon-Corral; 140ct77; A908230.

A908231. AlamXarasastra and medieval rhetoric: a comparative study. By Susan Jane Tripp. Hicrofila. O Susan Jane Tripp; 140ct77; 4908231.

4908232. 4 Hatheaatical proqraaainq approach for sales incentives to expand the export market. By Jakob aeiss. Hicrofila. Jakob Weiss; 140ct77; 4908232.

A908233. Forecastinq synthetic fiber prices. By Molodar H. Lysko. Hicrofila. Holodar H. Lysko; 140ct77; A908233.

iaplications. By Hilliam Francis Heotzer. Hicrofila. yilliaa Francis Hentzer; 1»0ct77; A908234.

A908235. 0. S. foreign trade in aanufactured goods in 1966 — 1970 and the structure of the doaestic labor aarket. By Elizabeth Scafuro Webbink. BicrofilB. O Elizabeth Scafuro Sebbink; 140ct77; A908235.

A9a8236. The Integration of trade credit policy with pricing and production-inventory decisions. By Jacob Feldman. Hicrofilm- Jacob Feldman; 140ct77; A908236.

A908237. Predicting enterprise earning power: replaceoent value accounting versus historical cost accounting — a case study. By Anthony Bonald Kucic. Hicrofilm. Anthony Bonald Kucic; 1it0ct77; A908237.

A908238. Perceptions of the secondary teacher preparation program of the University of Arizona. fly Sally Newbert Clark. Hicrofilm. O Sally Newbert Clark; 1<(0ct77; A908238.

A908239. Generation of multiple visual images. By Barbara Lynn Bessey. Hicrofilm. O Barbara Lynn Bessey; 140ct77; A908239.

A908240. 4 Study of consumer satisfaction: some theoretical and managerial propositions. By Albert Aiello, Jr. Hicrofilm. O Albert Aiello, Jr.; 140ct77; 4908240.

4908241. Stochastic Ito-Volterra equations. By Hare Aron Berger. Hicrofila. Hare Aron Berger; 140ct77; 4908241.

4908242. Criainal attempts: a philosophical analysis. By Barbara 4rlene Baum Levenbook. Hicrofilm. Barbara Arlene Baum Levenbook; 140ct77; A908242.

A9a8243. The Latent power of faculty associations and administrative decision making at community colleges. By Richard Hall Bugen. Hicrofilm. O Richard Hall Rugen; 140ct77; A906243.

A9a8244. A Study in CBTE program development from the conflict perspective. By David John Bostetter. Hicrofilm. David John Bostetter; 140ct77; A908244.

A908245. Vertical integration in the nuclear fuel cycle. By Jack Teraan Hoaasen. Hicrofila. O Jack Teraan Hoaasen; 140ct77; 4908245.

4908246. The Relationship between counselors receiving a structured orientation concerning the personnel needs of business and industry versus counselors not receiving the orientation. By Louie Edwards Kemp. Hicrofilm. O Louie Edwards Kemp: 140ct77: 4908246.

A908247. Nutrient status of field grown soybeans in Hississippi. By Hilliaa Fred Jones. Hicrofilm. O Rilliam Fred Jones; 140ct77; 4908247.

4908248. Decision- maker perceptions of tke diocesan board of education role in relation to the conceptualized total

education board. By Robert George


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