4908168 - 4908207
JUL-DEC. 1977
4908167 (con.) BaleHsIci Hiqgins. Microfiln. 6 Johanna Hoienski Hiqqins; 140ct77; 4908167.
4908168. Hiddleman minorities: a conparative study. By David Kennard BcElroy. MicrofilB. e Da»id Kennard HcBlroy; 140ct77: 4908168.
4908169. The Origin and persistence of a transit reqion: eastern Bojave Desert of California. By Harold Frederick Giloan. Microfila. 6 Harold Frederick Gillian; 1l*Oct77: 4908169.
4908170. Shakespeare's comedies of renascence. By Ethel Helen Deese. Hicrofila. 6 Ethel Helen Deese; 1i»0ct77: 4908170.
4908171. Intellectual origins of the French neii left: Sartre, Lefeb»re and Castoriadis. By 4rthur Eli Hirsh. Hicrofilo. 6 4rthur Eli Hirsh: 1UOct77: 4908171.
4908172. The Effects of C, P and T on the quantized, self-interactinq lanq-aills field. By Charles 4ndreii Crummer. Microfilm. 6 Charles 4ndrew crammer: 1<tOct77: 4908172.
4908173. Studies of cellular tumoriqenicity in nude mice. By Victoria Hashmall Freedman. Microfilm. Victoria Hashmall Freedman; 1U0ct77: 4908173.
4908174. Charles Dickens: artist of the grotesque. By Harie Jeannette Koeuiq (Marie Jeannette Koenig- Brenner) Microfilm. 6 Marie Jeannette Koenig; 1itOct77: 4908174.
4908175. 4 Follo»-up study of recipients of the master's degree from The center for Teacher Education, Federal City College: 1971-1975. By ailliam Dudley Tounq. Microfilm. 6 William Dudley Younq; 140ct77; 4908175.
4908176. The Evolution of goals and priorities in the thought of Fidel Castro Euz. By Joel Calvin Edelstein. Microfilm. 6 Joel Calvin Edelstein: 140ct77 (in notice: 1975); 4908176.
4908177. The Hindu concept of pure consciousness in the poetry of Juan Bamon Jimenez, Eabindranath Tagore and 8. B. Yeats: a comparative study. By Gail 4iine B. Hirza. Microfilm. 6 Gail 4nQe B. Mirza; 140ct77: 4908177.
4908178. The Polygonal chapter house: archi- tecture and society in Gothic Britain. By John Sobert Zukovsky. Microfilm. John Robert Zukonsky; 140ct77: 4908178.
4908179. The Relationship of soil and plant vater status to phytophthora root rot of avocado. By Eickie Edward Sterne. Microfilm. Rickie Edward Sterne; 140ct77: 4908179.
4908180. The Preservation of agricultural land: an examination of related land use controls and a geographical analysis of the California land conservation act of 1965. By Stephen Howard Sandlin. Microfilm. 6 Stephen Howard Sandlin; 140ct77: 4908180.
4908181. Comparing the performance between high school students with esteem needs and those with security needs in solving a problem through insight in a verbal learning situation. By Darrell Frank Clukey. Microfilm. 9 Darrell Frank Clukey; 140ct77; 4908131.
4908182. Impact of a human sexuality course on university students' knowledge, attitudes and acceptability of sexual behaviors. By Vicki Flagan Schmall. Microfilm. S Vicki Flagan Schmall; 140ct77; 4908182.
4908183. 4 Career education competency-based instructional model. By Gary Lee Kramer. Microfilm. Gary Lee Kramer; iaoct77; 4908183.
4908184. Quality of life survey among a severely handicapped population. By Eosie Marie Bostick. Microfilm, e Bosie Marie Bostick; 140ct77; 4908184.
4908185. 4 Descriptive study of the procedures involved in developing literacy materials for the Sama Bangingi: a preliterate society in the Republic of the Philip- pines. By Ronald Carl aorren. Microfilm. O Ronald carl Morren; 140ct77; 4908185.
4908186. The Impact of environmental controls and taxes on mining. By Gordon Larquier Bennett. Microfilm. S Gordon Larguier Bennett; 140ct77; 4908186.
4908187. Pharmacological manipulations of the septal irritability syndrome: role of dopaminergic mechanisms in recovery of function. By Eocco Francis Marotta. Microfilm, e fiocco Francis Marotta; 140ct77; 4908187.
4908188. 4 Comparative study of perceptions of leadership behavior. By Salem Marzook 41-Tuhaih. Microfilm, e Salem Marzook 41-Tuhaih: 140ct77; 4908188.
4908189. Some relationships between supervisory conflict management behaviors, situational factors and subordinate perceptions of conflict in organizational settinqs. By Samuel Gilbert Ryan, Jr. Microfilm, e Samuel Gilbert Ryan, Jr.; 140ct77: 4908189.
4908190. 4n 4nalysis of the terms used for God in Korea in the context of indiqenization. By lounq Bok Rha. Microfilm. Younq Bok Eha; 140ct77; 4908190.
4908191. The Effect of performinq a helpful action with supportive reinforcement upon hopelessness and affective state of depressed psychiatric patients. By Elaine S. Schwaqer. Microfilm. Elaine S. Schwaqer; 140ct77; 4908191.
4908192. Comparison of rat kidney and liver ornithine f non-printable data] aminot- ransferases. By Jules Kerman. Microfilm. 9 Jules Kerman; 140ct77 (in notice: 1976) ; 4908192.
4908193. Peak work load periods and time frame preferences of Texas school superin- tendents as factors in maximizinq mail questionnaire returns. By Kent Noel Steele. Microfilm. O Kent Noel Steele; 140ct77; 4908193.
4908194. Killiam Howard Taft: diplomatic trouble-shooter. By Joseph Milton Rowe, Jr. Microfilm. Joseph Milton Rowe, Jr.; 140ct77; 4908194.
4908195. The Variation and taxonomy of Cicindela formosa Say (Coleoptera: Cicindelidae) By Grant Chester Gaumer. Microfilm. Grant Chester Gaumer; 140ct77; 4908195.
4906196. 4 Multilingual high-level language computer architecture. By Phillip Lee Crews. Microfilm. Phillip Lee Crews; 140ct77; 4908196.
4908197. El Poema en prosa en la iniciacion modernista hispanoamericana. By Jesse Fernandez. Microfilm. Jesse Fernandez; 140ct77; 4908197.
4908198. 4n In-depth inquiry into current practices in accounting for business combinations. By Calvin Engler. Microfilm. O Calvin Engler; 140ct77; 4908198.
4908199. The Poetry of Octavio Paz: 1957 to the present. By Roberta Seabrook. Microfilm. e Roberta Seabrook; 140ct77; 4908199.
4908200. 4 Clinical inquiry into the therapy experience of individuals seen for therapy by clinical psychology students at City University: a follow-up of twelve adult patients. By Jo-4nn Townsend. Microfilm. O Jo-4nn Townsend; iaoct77; 4908200.
4908201. 4ssessing receptive language skills of five to seven year old deaf children. By Sister Rosemary Helen Gaftney, 0.8. Microfilm, e Sister Rosemary Helen Gaffney, D. 8. ; 140ct77; 4908201.
4908202. Multilinguals and successful language learners: cognitive strategies and styles of approach to language learning in adults. By Ruth Marion Graeme Ramsay. Microfilm. O Ruth Marion Graeme Ramsay; 140ct77; 4908202.
4908203. 4 Social-cognitive analysis of the causal attributions made by children and adults as a function of outcome and actor-observer status. By Harriet Sandra Mosatche. Microfilm. Harriet Sandra Mosatche; 140ct77; 4908203.
4908 20 4. 4n Empirical model for the opposed shaped charge compaction of powdered metals. By Donald Richard Garrett. Microfilm. 6 Donald Richard Garrett; 140ct77; 4908204.
490820 5. Mechanisms underlying steroid action on erythropoiesis. By Eileen Daly Chusid. Microfilm. © Eileen Daly Chusid; 140ct77; 4908205.
4908206. Energy flux in a tidal creek draining an irregularly flooded juncus marsh. By Courtney Thomas Hackney. Microfilm, e Courtney Thomas Hackney; 140ct77; 4908206.
4908207. Distribution of volatiles in the glassy rims of submarine pillow basalts. By John Rutledqe Delaney. Microfilm. O John
Hutledqe Delaney; 140ct77; 4908207.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.