JUL-DEC. 1977
A908127. TechDoloqical decisions aad deaocracy: Eucopeao ezpecinents in public parti- cipation. By Dorothy Nelkin. 110 p. e Saqe Publications, Inc.; 200ct77: 4908127.
1908 126. The Nude beach. By Jack D. Douqlas e Paul K. fiasmussen. with Carol Aon Flanaqan. 2UU p. (SocioloqicaX observat ions« vol. 11 O Saqe Publi- cations, Inc.; 20Oct77: A90ei28.
A908129. Conflict in perspective. By fi. J. Bumaei. 197 p. (Dnderstandioq conflict and war, vol. 3) € Saqe Publications, Inc.: 30ct77; A908129.
A908130. Atlas of veterinary ophthalmic surqecy. By Stephen I. Bistnec, Gustavo Aquirre G Georqe Batik. 302 p. H. B. Saunders company: 70ct77: A908130.
A908131. An Introduction to veterinary immu- noloqy. By Ian B. Tizard. 367 p. H. B. Saunders Company: 170ct77; A908131.
A908132. Manual of surqical intensive care. By the Committee on Pre and Postoperative Care, American Colleqe of Surqeons, editorial subcommittee: John H. Kinney, Heorik B. Bendixen & Samuel B. Powers, Jr. 335 p. Appl. au: American Colleqe of Surqeons. O H. B. Saunders company: Iil0ct77; A908132.
A90ei33. The Eosinophil. By Paul B. Beesou 6 David A. Bass. 269 p. (naior problems in internal medicine, vol. 14) NH: additions & illus. i. B. Saunders Company; 260ct77; A90B133.
A908 134. The New open highways: exploring afar. Authors: Ida flae Johnson, Alfonso B. Bamirez. Bildred Beatty Smith, John c. Hanninq, Joseph H. Uepman, Lorraine H. Sullivan, uilliam A. Jenkins, Ira E. Aaron. Helen H. Bobinson. A. sterl Artley 6 Harion Honroe, photoqraphy C qraphics: James L. Ballard, Elaine C. Haqner C Free Chin. 480 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and Company. MH: 5X new text 6 illus. Scott, Foresman and Company: 1Jul77; A90813II.
A90813S. Shepard*s Florida citations; cases. <4th ed. 1123 p. shepard's. Inc., of Colorado Sprinqs; 60ct77; A908135.
A908136. I have come here to be alone. By Inqrid Benqis. 268 p. C Inqrid Bengis; 31Dec76: A908136.
A908137. Dyinq of the liqht. By George B. B. Bartin. 365 p. Georqe B. B. Martin; 16Sep77: A908137.
A908138. The Art of living treasure chest. By Bilferd Arlan Peterson. 159 p. Add. ti: The Art--living treasure chest. NH: compilation. ailfred A. Peterson (in notice: wilferd A. Peterson): 8Sep77; A90ei38.
A908139. Helping your child learn right from wrong: a guide to values clarification. By Sidney B. Simon 6 Sally Bendkos olds. 223 p. Sidney B. Simon S, Sally Rendkos olds: 23Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A908139.
A9081II0. The Rich are different. By Susan Howatch. 800 p. O Susan Howatch; 12llar77: A908140.
A9081U1. Bodypower! By Harylou HcKenua, photos, by Sheldon Sequnda. 221 p. Harylou acKenna; 24Jun76: A908141.
A90811t2. The Story of offshore oil. By Harry Edward Neal. 64 p. NH: text, compilation of drawings, charts & photos. Harry Edward Heal; 16Sep77: A908142.
A908143. Dickens studies annual. Vol. 6. Edited by Bobert B. Partlow, Jr. & others. 210 p. Southern Illinois Jniversity Press; 20Oct77; A908143.
A908144. Bilingual selections from Sophocles' Antigone: an introduction to the text for the Greekless reader. By Joan V. O'Brien. 100 p. Greek C English. NH: pref., introd., English translation C notes. O Southern Illinois Oniversity Press; 29Sep77; A908144.
A908145. Cast to shape: a history of the steel castings industry in the United States. By Hillian P. Conway, Jr. 179 p. Appl. au; Steel Founders' Society of America. Steel Founders' Society of America; 18Sep77; A908145.
A90814e. Localization and recovery of function in the central nervous system. By Scott Laurence, Hicrofilm. O Scott Laurence; 140ct77; A908146.
A908147. The Environmental chemistry of selenium in the San Bernard fiiver. By Billiam George Heiss, Jr. Hicrofilm. Billiam Georqe Beiss, Jr.; 140ct77; A908147.
A908148. Some aspects of the development of music perception. By Joel David Funk. Hicrofilm. Joel David Funk; 140ct77; A908148.
A908149. The Function of myth in Sean O'Cascy's Bithin the gates. The Bishop's bonfire and The Drums of Father Ned. By Freda Knoblett Yeager. Hicrofilm. Freda Knoblett Yeager; 140ct77; A908149.
A908150. Differential cue attentiveness and placebo responsivity. By Joan Best Duncan. Hicrofilm. O Joan Best Dancan; 140ct77; A908150.
A908151. Human development and capabilities as criteria for better functioning arc- hitecture. By Bodney Hervyn Barmington. Hicrofilm, 6 Bodney Hervyn Barminqton; 1«0ct77: A908151,
A908152. A Neuropsychological study of imaginal and verbal encoding in memory. By Peter John Bhitehouse. Hicrofilm. Peter John Bhitehouse: 140ct77: 1908152.
A908153. A Theor y of wage dynamics wii th a heterogen laboi
- force.
By Si I1S< Vroman. Hicrofilm. e Susar L B. »ri 140ct77; A908153.
A908154. A Historical legal study of the vulnerability of educational officials to the press. By Terrance Edward Horrigan.
A9081SS. Present and future aspects of the disparity between work expectations and work realities. By Hlchael Hugo Gaschler. Hicrofilm. Hichael Hugo Gaschler; 140ct77; A908155.
A908 156. Kinship, color and ethnicity: integ- rative ideologies in Aruba, Netherlands Antilles. By John Harvey Phalen. Hicrofilm. O John Harvey Phalen; 140ct77; A9aei56.
A908157. Natural products from the Hawaiian marine alqae Laurencia nidifica and Dictyota acutiloba. By Hao Howard Sun. Hicrofilm. Hao Howard Sun; 140ct77; A908157.
A908158. Deaf and hearing children's play. By Louis Langley Aynard, Jr. Hicrofilm. Louis Langley Aymard, Jr.; 140ct77; A9081S8.
A908159. Irrational attributions of respon- sibility: who, what, when, where and why. By Dolly Cohen Sauberman. Hicrofiin. O Dolly Cohen Sauberman; 140ct77; A908159.
A908 160. "Invisible immigrants" the pre-famine Irish community in Borcester, Hassac- husetts, from 1826 to 1860. By Vincent Edward Powers. Hicrofilm. O Vincent Edward Powers; 140ct77; A908160.
A908161. Laminar and turbulent incompressible boundary layers on bodies of revolution in axial flow (with application to ocean vehicles) By John Hichael Niedzwecki. Hicrofilm. O John Hichael Niedzwecki; 140ct77; A908161.
A908 162. The Perceptions of leader behavior of male and female administrators in the Archdiocese of Bashington, D. C, secondary schools. By Katberine Bitherspoon Cole. Hicrofilm. O Katherine Bitherspoon Cole; 140ct77; A908162.
A908 163, Industrial training and productivity: case study of a firm in the rubber industry. By Joachim Billiam Froehlich. Hicrofilm. O Joachim Billiam Froehlich; 140ct77; A908163.
A908164. A Canonical study of the leadership conference of women religious (LCUB) of the Onited States of America. Canon law studies no. 493. By Sister Hargaret Hary Hodde, O.S.F. Hicrofilm, Sister Hargaret Hary Hodde, 0.S,F,; 140ct77; A908164.
A908165. Sheaf representations and first order conditions. By Carl Scotius Ledbetter, Jr, Hicrofilm. O Carl Scotius Ledbetter, Jr.; 140ct77; A908165.
A908166. Energy in an oasis: geothermal resource development in the Imperial Valley of California. By Hartin Joseph Pasqualetti. Hicrofilm, Hartin Joseph Pasgualetti; 140ct77: A908166.
A908167. Heta-naturalism in selected twentieth
century American novels. By Johanna
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.