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A907968 - A908003


JUL-DEC. 1977

A907967 (con.) Inc , enployer for hire. Batthex Beader and co.pany. Inc.: 70ct77: »907967.

A907968. Field quidc to the grasses, sedqes and rushes of the United states. By Ediiard Knobel. revised by Mildred E. Faust. 83 p idd. ti: Field guide to the grasses, sedqes and rushes of the U.S. US: updated scientific £ co«»on no«enclature, ne«  pref. £ index. Do»er Publications, Inc.: 12oct77: »907968.

4907969. iBC of poultry raising: a complete guide for the beginner or expert. By J. H. Florea. 2nd re». ed. 1U2 p. Prev. pub. in 1941. Dover Publications, Inc. ; 280ct77: »907969.

4907970. Isla»ic patterns; an infinite design coloring book. By J. Bourgoin. 1 ». Slightly adapted for coloring froa Arabic geoaetrical pattern and design. Appl- au: Dover, editorial staff, eaployer for hire. NH: editorial selection 6 publisher's note. Dover Publications, Inc.; 120ct77: 4907970.

A907971. Circus stencils. By Theodore Benten. 1 V. Dover publications. Inc.: 31Dec76; A907971.

4907972. aeady-to-use dollhoose wallpaper. 1 v. Appl. au: Katzenbach and larren. Inc. Dover Publications, Inc.; 130ct77; 4907972.

4907973. Cut and assemble an early Hen England village; 12 authentic, full-color buildings in H-0 scale. By Ednund V. Gillon, Jr. 1 V. O Dover Publications, Inc.; 130ct77; 4907973.

4907974. Aierican literary autographs fro«  Sashington Irving to Henry Jaaes. By Herbert Cahoon, Thoias V. Lange £ Charles Byskaip. 208 p. Nil: all text £ illus. not prev. put. The Pierpont Borgan Library; i»Oct77; 4907974.

4907975. Fruit and vegetable iron-on transfer patterns. By Barbara Christopher. 1 v. Dover Publications, Inc.; 280ct77; 4907975.

4907976. Civil Bar uniforns; coloring book. By Peter F. Copeland. 1 v. Dover Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; 4907976.

4907977. Horizons. By Noraan Bel Geddes, new introd. by Edith Lutyens Bel Geddes. 292 p. SB: new introd., selection of photos. e photos, not prev. pub. Edith Lutyens Bel Geddes; 280ct77: 4907977.

4907978. Caruso's Caricatures. By Enrico Caruso. 2111 p. 4ppl. au: Michael sisca. Portions prev. pub. in Caricatures by Enrico Caruso, 1922, 1939, 1965. BB: new selection of pictures, picture arr. , captions 6 other textual revisions £ several prev. unpub. pictures. Bichael Sisca: 280ct77: 4907978.

4907979. Bovie-star portraits of the forties; 163 glaaor photos. Edited by John Kobal. 162 p. NB: editorial selection £ text. John Kobal: 2Bov77; 4907979.

BOOKS £ P4BPHLETS songbook; 92 unabridged selections froa all It operas, collected by Balcola Binney fi Peter Lavender, selected £ with plot suaaaries by Jaaes Spero. 399 p. BB: editorial selection of songs, selection of illus. £ plot suaaaries. O Dover Publications, Inc.; 310ct77; 4907980.

4907981. cooking for one or two or aore. By Baaie G. Ireson £ Shirley 4. Lipscoab. Sheets. C Houghton Bifflin Coapany: 264ug77: 4907981.

4907982. Eaergency drug aanual. pharaacy reference aanual. 1 v. Bronson Bethodist Hospital; 2Jul77: 4907982.

4907983. 4dios, aaor aio. By Terry C. Thoaas, traductor: Sara Bautista. 202 p. HB: translation. Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.); 24ug77; 4907983.

490798H. Sus alaas engrandecieron al Senor. By Catherine Gonsalus Gonzalez 6 Justo Luis Gonzalez. 112 p. O Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.) ; 15Jul77; 4907981.

4907985. La Bota biblica en la literatura castellana. By Luis D. Salea. 186 p. Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.) ; 23Bay77; 4907985.

4907986. 4 partir del Eden. By Kathryn Lindskoog, traductor: Julio C. Orozco. 135 p. Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publi- cations, Inc.); 194uq77: 4907986.

4907987. El Dios de nuestros libertadores. Por Luis D. Salea. 172 p. O Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.) ; 194ug77; 4907987.

4907988. Escoge la vida; diez teaas para encuentros biblicos. Por Barilyn Kunz £ Catherine Schell, tranductor: Julio C. orozco. 18 p. BB: translation. Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.); 23Bay77; 4907988.

4907989. Creo en la resurreccion de Jesus. By George Eldon Ladd, traductor: Biquel Blanch. 200 p. NS: translation. Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin Aaerica Bission Publications, Inc.); 24ug77; A907989.

A907990. Creo en el Espiritu Santo. By flichael Green, traductor: Ernesto Suarez vilela. 267 p. BB: Spanish translation. O Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin Aaerica Bission Publications, Inc.) ; 2Aug77; 4907990.

4907991. Naci de nuevo. By Charles H. Colson, traductora: Shode Hard. 119 p. BB: Spanish translation. O Editorial Caribe (Spanish trade naae for Latin 4aerica Bission Publications, Inc.); 15Jul77; 4907991.

4907992. Eevised statutes of Bebraska. 1977 suppl. Edited 6 annotated by Bruce A. Cutshall. 1180 p. Add. ti: Bevised statutes of Nebraska, 1913, 1977 suppleaent. 4ppl. au: State of Bebraska, eaployer for hire. Larry D. Donelson, state librarian for the benefit of the State of Nebraska; 294ug77; 4907992.

A907993. A Systea of tonal convergence for iaprovisors, coaposers and arrangers. By Earl Theodore Dunbar, Jr. 70 p. BB: p. 8-9. Ted Dunbar (Earl Theodore Dunbar, Jr.); 50ct77; A907993.

A907991. Vol. 2: Successful scientific tennis, jazz, and real life. Vol. 1: Successful scientific tennis. By Hugh Clarence George Townsend. 175 p. Vol. 1: Successful scientific tennis prev. pub. Oct. 1971. BB: additional text. Hugh Clarence George "Larry" Townsend; 80ct77; 4907991.

4907995. Third suppleaent to the 1977 edition of the Electronic aarketing directory, Boveaber 1977. 1 v. 4ppl. au: National Credit office — division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 2NOV77; 4907995.

4907996. second suppleaent to the Septeaber 1977 edition of the NCO survey, October 1977. 13 p. 4ppl- au: National Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 270ct77; 4907996.

4907997. BCO credit and aarketing guide of the leather goods aanuf acturets, October 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Bational Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 210ct77: A907997.

A907998. NCO credit guide of high fidelity and sound specialists, October 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Bational credit office, division. Duo and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 260ct77; A907998.

A907999. The Credit guide on the aobile hoae and recreational vehicle dealers, October 1977. Issued by Autoaotive Credit Service. Sheets (91 p.) Add. ti: A/C/S, the credit guide on the aobile hoae and recreational vehicle dealers, October 1977. Appl. au: Bational Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 270ct77; A907999.

A908000. The First suppleaent to the August 1977 issue of the BCO credit and aarketing guide to wholesale and retail aarkets, Septeaber 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: Bational Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Bun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 270ct77: 4908000.

A908001. The Second suppleaent to the August 1977 issue of the BCO credit and aarketing guide to wholesale and retail aarkets, October 1977. 1 v. Appl. au: National credit office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 180ct77; 4908001.

4908002. The High fidelity and sound specialist geographic listing, 1977. 101 p. 4dd. ti: The High fidelity and sound spe- cialists, 1977. 4ppi. au: Bational Credit Office, division. Dun and Bradstreet, Inc. O Dun and Bradstreet, Inc.; 270ct77;



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