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JUL-DEC. 1977

A871089. Le»el 2 of the Child-centered reading program; teacher's guide. By Bath Jackson. 11 p. *dd. ti: Teacher's guide to level 2 of the Child- centered reading program. O Walter S. Jackson, executor of the last Hill 6 testament of Euth Jackson (in notice: Ruth Jackson) : 30Dec76: A871089.

A871090. Alpha heat ritual. By Oscar Ichazo. 31 p. Prey. pub. Nov. 1973. NB: retision. Arica Institute, Inc.; 16No»76; A871090.

4871091. Anticoagulant (blood thinner) education. Folder. Appl. au: Hunterdon nedical center. 6 Patient/Community Health Education Departient, Pharmacy Services Department 6 Hunterdon County Heart Association; 15Apr77: A87it091.

A87I1092. A Countdown to kickoff smoking. By Stephen Graf. 1 v. Appl. au: Eastern Ohio Lung Association. 6 Stephen Graf 6 Eastern Ohio Lung Association: 20Jan76: A871t092.

A871t093. Trust computerized accounting system. Kit. e Third National Bank and Trust Company of Scranton: 21Apr76: A87I4093.

A87it09il. The Bight in the attic. By G. C. Skipper, illustrated by Bichard Hahl. 16 p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.. employer for hire of Richard Wahl. 6 Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.: 150ct76: »87ii09il.

A871I095. The Mystery of the rolltop desk. By Evelyn Hitter, illustrated by Lois Axeman. 28 p. Appl. au: Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of Lois Axeman. Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Hat77; A87U095.

A87«096. The Story of the U.S.S. Arizona. By R. Conrad Stein, illustrated by Tom Dunnington. 31 p. Appl. au: Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of Tom Dunnington. O Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Bar77; A87U096.

A871t097. Senegal. By John Allan Carpenter 6 Thomas 0" Toole. 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) e on text: Begensteiner publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77 (in notice: 1976) : A87U097.

A87U098. Libya. By John Allan Carpenter 6 James Wilfred Hughes. 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) e on text; Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77; A87U098.

A8711099. Ivory Coast. By John Allan Carpenter £ James Wilfred Hughes. 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) C on text; Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.: 15Bar77; Ae71l099.

A87U100. Ghana. By John Allan Carpenter 6 James Wilfred Hughes. 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) C on text: Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.: 15Har77: A8714100.

A87U101. Gabon. By John Allan Carpenter 6 James w. Hughes, 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) O on text; Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77 (in notice: 1976) : A87U101.

A874102. Pictures and pollution. By Barbara Slavin Kataoka. 38 p. O on text; Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Har77: A87H102.

A87«103. Shell hunter. By Carl Geren, illus. by John Baggard. 17 p. Appl. au: Regen- steiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of John Baggard. O Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77: A87i(103.

Ae7it10Q. Call me clown. By Harriette Sheffer Abels, illustrated by Jim Lamb. HI p. Appl. au: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc., employer for hire of Jim Lamb. O Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises. Inc.; 15Mar77; A87iH0it.

A87it105. Jay and the marigold. By Harriette G. Robinet, illustrated by Trudy Scott. i»8 p. Appl. au; Regensteiner Publishing Enterprises. Inc.. employer for hire of Trudy Scott. C Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 150ct76; A87it105.

A87U106. The True book of spinoffs from space. By Leila Boyle Gemme. 4U p. e on text; Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises, Inc.; 15Mar77: A87«106.

A87m07. Sudan. By John Allan Carpenter 6 Janis Fortman. 96 p. (Enchantment of Africa) on text: Begensteiner Publishing Enterprises. Inc.; 150ct76; Ae7it107.

A87l(108. Print collector's quarterly: an anthology of essays on eminent printmakets of the world. Vol. 1-10. Edited by Lauris Bason 6 Joan Ludman. on introductory material 6 index; Lauris Bason 6 Joan Ludman; 23Bay77; A87ii108.

A8711109. Successful proiected environmental photography; a handbook. By Henry J. Oles. 2nd ed. 163 p. 6 «0 slides. Henry J. Oles; 20Bay77; A87m09.

Ae71|110. An Advanced approach to the design of citizen group messages. By James A. Burray. Sheets (212 p.) James A. Murray; 19Bar77; A874110.

A871tni. Qualification standard for welding and brazing procedures, welders, brazers, and welding and brazing operators. ANSI/ASBE BPV-9. Issued by The American Society of Bechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittee on Welding. 1977 ed. Sheets. (ASBE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 9) Add. ti: Welding and brazing qualifications. Appl. au: The American Society of Bechanical Engineers. O The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 29Jun77; »87it111.

A874112. Rules for construction of nuclear power plant components, division 1 — subsection NB, class 1 components. ANSI/ASBE BPV-3-NB. Issued by The American Society of Bechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittee on Nuclear Power. 1977 ed. 21I3 p. (ASBE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 2tJun77; A874112.

A8711113. Rules for construction of heating boilers. ANSI/ASBE BPV-H. Issued by The American Society of Bechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittee on Heating Boilers. 1977 ed. Sheets (217 p.) (ASHE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 14) Appl. au: The American Society of Bechanical Engineers. The American Society of Bechanical Engineers: 2BJun77; A8714113.

A87it1iu. Rules for construction of power boilers. ANSI/ASBE BPV-1. Issued by The American society of Mechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee Subcommittee on Power Boilers. 1977 ed. 251 p. (ASBE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 1) Appl. au: The American society of Mechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 29Jun77; A871I111.

A87U115. Code cases, nuclear components. 1977. Sheets (609 p.) (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code) The American Society of Mechanical Engineers: 29Jun77; A87it115.

A87U116. Rules for construction of nuclear power plant components, division 2. code for concrete reactor vessels and containments. ANSI/ASME apV3-2 (ACI standard 359-7<i) Issued by The American Society of Bechanical Engineers Boiler and Pressure Vessel Committee. Subcommittee on Nuclear Power. ACI-American Society of Mechanical Engineers Joint Technical Committee. 1977 ed. Sheets (289 p.) (ASBE boiler and pressure vessel code, section 3) Appl. au: The American Society of Bechanical Engineers. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 29Jun77; A87U116.

A87it117. Code cases, boilers and pressure vessels, 1977. Sheets (255 p.) (ASME boiler and pressure vessel code) C The American Society of Mechanical Engineers; 29Jun77; A87IH17.

A871I 118. Faint echo. By Edith Hurley. 59 p. NM: compilation 6 additional poems, 6 Edith Hurley; l«May77; A3711118.

A87U119, O.S. computer chess championship, 1975. By David Levy, 86 p. Computer Science Press, Inc.; lBar76; A87«119.

A87U120, Landmarks: a collection of essays on the Russian intelligentsia, 1909, Edited by Boris Shragin 6 Albert Todd, translated by Marian Schwartz. 210 p. Translation of Vehki. pub. abroad in 1909. NB: translation 6 introd. 6 Karz Howard, publishers; 30Jun77; A87U120.

A87ltl21. Szabo Dezso es a magyar miniszterel- nokok. Szerkesztette es a bevezetest irta Gombos Gyula. 167 p, NB: compilation 6 introd. e Occidental Press; 2May77 (in notice: 1975) ; A87«121.

A87U122. The American economy, 1929-1970: resources, production, income distribution, and use of product, an intro- duction. Author 6 tr.: Karl W. Roskamp. 177 p. Translation of Die Amerikanische Wirtschaft, 1929-1970. on translation; Wayne State Oniversity Press; 1Apr77; A8711122,


The English teacher: basic traditions and successful innovations. By Joseph E. Bersand. 290 p. Portions prev. pub. in


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