JUL-DEC. 1977
A907898 (con.) The DOH Cheiical Coapany; 22Jul77: 1907898.
1907899. 6000 secies Stycon polystyreae cesins. 12 p. O The Don Chenlcal Coapany; 1Jul77: A907899.
1907900. Special instcuctions foe usinq rotary-tabe processors for process E-6. Z-1191, lalor revision, luq. 1977. 7 p. (Hachine processinq data release) Eastaao Kodak Coapany; 7Sep77; 1907900.
1907901. Color balancinq Kodak color spot aonitoc, aodels P and VCB. 6<t p. (Kodak self-instructiOD packaqed proqraa* Z-319) Eastman Kodak Coapany: 23Sep77; 1907901.
1907902. Eastaan reaqeot ICS solvents. 38 p. Eastaan Kodak Coapany; 30ct77 ; 1907902.
1907903. Eastaan spectrophotoaetric solvents. 51 p. O Eastaan Kodak Coapany: 27Sep77; 1907903.
19079011. aaintaininq the Kodak Theraospeed 2635-1 splicer. Operatinq the Kodak Theraospeed 2635-1 splicer. 2 v. Idd. ti: Bain- taininq and operatinq the Kodak Ther- aospeed 2635-1 splicer. Eastaan Kodak Coapany: 23Sep77; 190790a.
1907905. Hidden fiqures test — 5- 1 v. Educational Testinq Service; 15Dec62: 1907905.
1907906. Testinq and the public interest: pcoceedinqs of the 1976 ETS Invitational Conference. 75 p. The 37tii ETS Invitational Conference held in New York, Oct. 30, 1976. NH: coapllatiOQ, revisions 6 additions. O Educational Testinq Service: 23Sep77: 1907906.
1907907. Kit of reference tests for cognitive factors. O Educational Testinq Service: 15Dec62; 1907907.
1907908. laprovinq coaposition throuqh a sentence study of qraaaar and usage. fiy Carol Coaptoo. 185 p. Educators Publishinq Service, lac; 120ct77: 1907908.
1907909. The Story of the O.S.I. Book 1: explorers and settlers. By Franklin Escher, Jr. 90 p. Educators Publishing Service, Inc.; 28Sep77; 1907909.
1907910. Optional attacfaaents for above-the-f loor cleaninq with the Electroluz upriqht vacuua cleaner. Folder. Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corporation: 311uq77; 1907910.
1907911. The Horld* s aost aodern upriqht vacuua cleaner, brand new! an Electrolax upriqht vacuua cleaner. 10 p. O Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corporation: 30Jun77; 1907911.
1907912. Electrolux heavy duty coaaercial vacuua cleaner, aodel CB — in stainless steel. Folder. NH: revisions S additional text. Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corpo- ration; 31Hay77; 1907912.
1907913. Hou to use your neu Electrolux super J aodel deluxe vacuua cleaner rug saver power nozzle attachaent and power hose. 10 p. NH: revisions 6 updating. Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corpo- ration; 31llay77; 1907913.
190791a. Helping hints on the use and care of your Electrolux aodel B-8 Deluxe Floor Polisher and Carpet Beautifier shaapooer. 10 p. NM: revisions £ updatinq. Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corpo- ration; 31llay77: 190791a.
1907915. How to do a lot less work and get a lot aore cleaning done. 2 p. ua: additions £ updating. O Electrolux a.a.d. for Electrolux, division of Consolidated Foods Corporation; 30Nov76: 1907915.
1907916. Livinq with laws; response book. 1 v. Coronet Instructional Hedla, a division of Esquire, Inc.; 29aar77; 1907916.
1907917. Writing with a purpose; teacher's aanual £ response book. 2 v. O Coronet Instructional Hedia, a division of Esgulre, Inc.; 8[)ec76: 1907917.
1907918. Parent-child cooaunication. By Donald P. Biley, Kathryn Apgar £ John Eaton. 15a p. (iorksbop aodels for faaily life education) Faaily Service Issociation of laerica; 190ct77: 1907918.
1907919. Bow to conduct a client follow-up study: soae recoaaeaded procedures for local faaily service agencies; enl. ed. By Dorothy Fahs Beck £ Hary Inn Jones. lOa p. UN: additional text. Faaily Service Issociation of laerica; 231ug77; A907919.
1907920. Public strongly against aandatory retlreaent; favor allowing people to work as lonq as they are able. By Hervln D. Field. 2 p. (The California poll, release no. 9a8) ippl. au: The Field Institute. The Field Institute; aOct77; 1907920.
1907921. Instructor's aanual to accoapany In Introduction to literature, sixth edition. Edited by Sylvan Barnet, Borton Beraan £ eilllaa Burto. 110 p. NH: revisions £ additions. Little, Brown and Coapany (Inc.); 3Jan77; 1907921.
1907922. Politics in Uest Geraany. By Lewis J. Edlnqer. 2nd ed. 375 p. Prev. pub. as Politics in Geraany. Little Brown and Coapany (Inc.); 29Jul77; 1907922.
1907923. Barnet and stubbs's Practical quide to wrltinq. By Sylvan Barnet £ Harcia Stubbs. 576 p. NH: reorqanizatlon, revision, 30% new aaterlal £ coapllatlon. Little, Brown and Coapany (Inc.); 2aHar77; 1907923.
190792a. Blttker and Stone's Federal Incoae, estate and gift taxation, fourth edition. 1977 suppl. By Boris I. Blttker, Lawrence B. Stone £ llvln C. Harren, Jr. 351 p. Idd. ti: 1977 suppleaent to Federal incoae, estate and gift taxation, fourth edition. O Boris I. Blttker, Lawrence a. Stone £ llvln C. Barren, Jr.; 22Sep77; 190792a.
1907925. Criainal law and its processes: cases and aaterials, third edition. 1977 suppl. By Sanford H. Kadlsh £ Honrad G. Paulsen. 267 p. Idd. ti: 1977 suppleaent to crxDlnal law and its processes: cases and aaterials, tiiird edition. Sanford H. Kadlsh £ Bonrad G. Paulsen; 26Sep77: 1907925.
1907926. Brest's Processes of constitutiooal decislonaaklng: cases and aaterials. 1977 suppl. 393 p. Paul Brest; 26Sep77; 1907926.
1907927. Estate planning, third edition. 1977 suppl. to student ed. By 1. Jaaes Casner. 823 p. Idd. ti: 1977 suppleaent to Estate planning, third edition, student edition. 1. Jaaes Casner: iasep77; 1907927.
1907928. Probleas and aaterials on future interests. By Edward C. Ualbach, Jr. £ Eugene F. Scoles. 3a9 p. O Edward C. Halbacb, Jr. £ Eugene F. Scoles; 221ug77: 1907928.
1907929. Beyond basic photography; a technical aanual. By Henry Horenstein with photos, by the author £ drawings by Henry Isaacs. 2a2 p. Henry Horenstein; 10Jun77: 1907929.
1907930. The aagic book; a conjurer's collection of dazzling effects for parlor and platfora. By Karl Fulves, illustrated by Joseph K. Schaidt. 195 p. O Karl Fulves; 7JU177: 1907930.
1907931. Probleas in contract law. Pt. 1. By Charles L. Knapp. 5a3 p. O Charles L. Knapp; 2Sep75; 1907931.
1907932. Television Factbook. No. aS: services voluae £ stations voluae. Editor: llbert Uarren £ other editors. 1976 ed. 2 v. Ippl. au: Television Digest, Inc. Television Digest, Inc.; 13Jan76; 1907932.
1907933. Television Factbook. No. aa: services voluae £ stations voluae. Editor: llbert Barren £ other editors. 197a-1975 ed. 2 V. Ippl. au: Television Digest, Inc. O Television Digest, Inc. ; 5Dec7a; 1907933.
190793a. Television Factbook. No. a6: services voluae £ stations voluae. Editor: llbert Barren £ other editors. 1977 ed. 2 v. Ippl. au: Television Digest, Inc. Television Digest, Inc.: 161pr77; 190793a.
1907935. The Tiae-Llfe international cookbook. By the editors of Tiae-Llfe Books. a63 p. Ippl. au: Tiae, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: coapllatlon of prev. pub. aaterlal. Tiae, Inc.; 11pr77; 1907935.
1907936. Nature/science annual. Editor: Jane D. llexander. 1978 ed. 192 p. Ippl. au: Tlae-Life Books, Inc., eaployer for hire. NH: original text with soae prev. pub. aaterlal. Tlae-Life Books, Inc.;
23Sep77; 1907936.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.