49077140 - A907780
JUL-DEC. 1977
4907739 (con-l Octobec 2 1, 1977. O Howard U. Sacs and Coapany, Inc.: 210ct77; i907739.
A9077II0. CODPUtopricec H-Z, October 16, 1977. Microfiche- Add. tii Counter facts pricinq service, coaputopricer, H-z, October 16. 1977. Uoaard H. Sajas and Company, Inc.; 160ct77: A9O77U0.
A9077lt1. Coiputopricer. A-l, October t, 1977. aicrofiche. Add. ti: Counter facts pricing service, conputopricer , A-L, October 1, 1977. 6 Hoiiard y. Sams and Company. Inc.; «0ct77: A907741.
A9077i42. Saqa of the vacuum tube. By Gerald F. J. Tyne. edited by Diana D. HenXes, editorial coordinator: Elliot N. Sivouitch. H9t p. e Gerald F. J. Tyne; 50ct77: A9077it2.
A90771I3. Genesis Electronics; catalog. 208 p. NH: revisions. Roiiard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30Sep77: A907743.
A9077«lt. Uarren fiadio industrial catalog. 372 p. NH: revisions. C UaHacd i. Sams and Company. Inc.; 2aoct77: A9077I41.
A9077H5. Graham Electronics industrial buyers guide. 8<4B p. NB: revisions. Bovard w. Sams and Company, Inc.; 2«Oct77; A907745.
A907746. Counter Facts replacement data service. Sheets £, 3 microfiche. BH: revisions 6 additions. Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.: 270ct77; A9077lt6.
A9077lt7. Sams Photofact CB radio series. »ol. UU, Oct. 1977. By the Howard i. Sams and Company. Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. <Q Howard u. Sams and Company. Inc.; 30ct77: A9077I17.
A907748. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 113, Oct. 1977. By the Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc. engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77: A9077lt8.
A907749. The History of the Norman conquest of England, its causes and its results. Vol. 1-6. By Edward Augustus Freeman, with a new introd. by Prank Barlow. 3rd ed. , rev. Appl. au: AHS Press, Inc. O on iotrod. : AHS Press, Inc.; 18Jul77; A90771t9.
A907750. An Introduction to linear control systems. By Thomas E. Fortaann 6 Konrad L. Hitz. 7ilt p. e Harcel Dekker, Inc.; 270ct77; A907750.
A907751. Prevention and detection of cancer. Pt. 1: prevention, vol. 1: etiology. Edited by Herbert E. Hieburgs. 1193 p. Harcel Dekker. Inc.; 270ct77; A907751.
A907752. American art: 1750-1800 towards independence. General editors: Charles F. Hontgomery G Patricia E. Kane. 320 p. e Yale University Art Gallery; 5Apr76; A907752.
A907753. The Only proper style: Gothic arc- hitecture in Aaerica. By Calder Loth & Julius Trousdale Sadler. Jr. 164 p. sdaie Sadler,
A9077514. Pattern: a historical panorama. By Uilliam Justema. 201 p. d uilliam Justema; 25Jun76; 4907754.
A907755. Evidence in negligence cases. By Charles Kramer. 6tb ed. 159 p. e Practising Law Institute; 18Apr77: A907755.
A907756. Estate and gift tax after tai reform. Edited by Michael J. Heinberger. 313 p. Appl. au: Practising Law Institute. Practising Law Institute; 27Jun77: A907756.
A907757. Eighth annual institute on securities regulation. Edited by Robert H. Hundheim. Arthur Fleischer. Jr. & Benjamin n. Vandegrift. 591 p. Held in New York City. Appl. au: Practising Law Institute. Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 170ct77; A907757.
A907758. Uork stoppages and union responsibility. By Baiter B. Connolly, Jr. 6 Hichael J. Connolly. 499 p. 6 Practising Law Institute; 23May77: A907758.
A907759. Agropolitics in the European community; interest groups and the common agri- cultural policy. By uiliiam F. Averyt, Jr. 128 p. 6 Praeger Publishers: 150ct77; A907759.
A907760. Public broadcasting: the role of the Federal Government, 1912-96. By George H. Gibson. 236 p. e Praeger Publishers; 150ct77; A907760.
A907761. 400 group games and activities for teaching math. By Edward F. DeBoche e Erika Gierl Bogenschild. 223 p. Parker Publishing Company, Inc.; 13Sep77; A907761.
A907762. Program validation. Editor: fiaymond Tzau-yau Teh. 322 p. (Current trends in programming methodology, vol. 2) NH: compilation, editor's introd. 6 notes. Prentice-Ball, Inc.; 140ct77; A907762.
A907763. California real estate appraisal: residential properties. By George H. Hiiler, H. Glenn Uercer £ Kenneth H. Gilbeau. 2nd ed. 246 p. Prentice- Hall, Inc.; 26JU177; 4907763.
A907764. The Lila Nachtigall report. By Lila Nachtigall with Joan Sattner Heilman. 245 p. Lila Nachtigall £ Joan Heilman; 270ct77; 4907764.
A907765. Guilty until proven innocent. By Donald S. Connery. 377 p. BH: tent 6 com- pilation of photos. S Donald S. Connery; 250ct77; A907765.
4907766. The Impossible Major Rogers. By Patricia Lee Gauch, drawings by Robert Andrew Parker. 6 1 p. on text; Patricia Lee Gauch; 210ct77: A907766.
A907767. The Impossible Hajor Rogers. By Patricia Lee Gauch, drawings by Robert
4907768. Colloquium on renal lithiasis. Editors: Birdwell Finlayson & Villiam c. Thomas, Jr. 370 p. Proceedings of an International Colloquium on Renal Lithiasis. Gaioesville, FL, Jan. 1975. The Board of Regents of the State of Florida; 30Dec76; A907768.
A907769. Government organization and employees. 2 V. (United states code annotated, title 5) NH: compilation, revisions 6 additions. best Publishing Company; 13Sep77; 4907769.
4907770. North western reporter, second series, vol. 253. 1 V. NH: compilation, revisions C additions. West Publishing Coapany; 13Sep77; A907770.
A907771. Federal reporter, second series. Vol. 552. 1 V. NH: compilation, revisions e additions. Hest Publishing Company; 15Sep77; A907771.
4907772. North western reporter, second series. Vol. 254. 1 V. NH: compilation with revisions £ additions. O Vest Publishing Company: 10Oct77; A907772.
A907773. Federal supplement. Vol. 431. 1 v. NH: compilation, key number classifi- cations, tables 6 index digest with revisions G additions. West Publishing Coapany; 120ct77; A907773.
4907774. North eastern reporter, second series. Vol. 363. 1 V. NH: compilation of prev. pub. case reports, key number classi- fications, tables G index digest, with revisions G additions. Hest Publishing Coapany: 10Oct77; 4907774.
4907775. Tort doctrine. By Ferdinand F. stone. 666 p. (Louisiana civil law treatise, vol. 12) O Hest Publishing Coapany; 110ct77; 4907775.
4907776. Best's Federal forms. Vol. 7: admiralty. By H. Bayard Crutcher. 3rd ed. 1 V. Q West Publishing Company; 26Sep77; 4907776.
4907777. Indiana code. 1977 suppl. Edited under the direction of the Indiana Legislative council. 1 V. Appl. au: Best Publishing Company, employer for hire. O on section headings G index; Hest Publishing Company; 27Sep77; A907777.
A907776. Indiana code. 1977 suppl. Edited under the direction of the Indiana Legislative Council. 1118 p. Appl. au: State of Indiana. O on disposition table; State of Indiana; 27Sep77; A907778.
A907779. Sources of contemporary radicalism. Contributors: Seweryn Bialer G others, pref. by Zbigniew Brzezinski. 396 p. (Radicalism in the contemporary age. Editor: Seweryn Bialer, associate editor: Sophia Sluzar) (Studies of the Research Institute on International Change, Columbia Dniversity)) Research Institute on International Change, Columbia Dniversity; 15Sep77; 4907779.
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