A907437 - A907471
JUL-DEC. 1977
A907437. Foras in your future. By Maciorie Goltry. 109 p. NH: cevisions 6 updating. Learninq Trends, a division of Globe Book COBpany. Inc.; 1Jul77: A907«37.
»907lt38. sazaesan, a coaic strip of post-war Japan. By Biaa Bobbins Greeoberq. 224 p. Appi. states all new except prev. pub. coaic strips. O Rina fi. Greenberq; 20Aaq70; A907438.
A907 439. The Dreaa Cyclops and other visions; a collection: dceaas by children, poeas by a listener, 6 quotations. By Joan M. Aaron fieynolds, with drawings by Francis Coelho. 92 p. NH: additional teit 6 illus. Joan H. Beynolds (in notice: Joan Aaron Reynolds) ; 18Sep77; A907439.
A90744a. tale industrial trucks: product orientation aanual. 1 v. Eaton Corporation, Industrial Truck Division; 21Sep77; A907440.
A907441. Huaan "iudqaent and decision processes in applied settings. Edited by Martin F. Kaplan 6 Steven Schwartz. 281 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 15Sep77; A907441.
A907442. Revolution at work; aobilization caapaiqns in China. By Charles Preston Cell. 221 p. 6 Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 2Sep77; A907442.
A907443. Alqorithas for the coaputation of aatheaatical functions. By ludell L. Luke. 284 p. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 24Auq77; A907443.
A907444. Postwar fertility trends and diffe- rentials in the Onited States. By Ronald a. Sindfuss e Jaaes A. Sweet. 225 p. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 2«Aaq77: A907444.
A907445. Applications of bifurcation theory: proceedinqs of an advanced seainar conducted by the Hatheaatics Besearch Center, the Oniversity of Hisconsin at nadison, Oct. 27-29, 1976. Edited by Paul H. Rabinowitz. 389 p. Proceedinqs of the Advanced Seaioar on Applications of Bifurcation Theory. O Acadeaic Press, Inc.: 24Aug77; A907445.
A907446. Progress in ape research. Edited by Geoffrey B. Bourne. 300 p. e Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 1«Sep77; A907446.
A907447. aethods in virology. Vol. 6. Edited by Karl Haraaorosch 6 Hilary Koprowski. 542 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc. ; 14Sep77; A907447.
A907448. Cheaical and biocheaical applications of lasers. Vol. 3. Edited by Charles Bradley Hoore. 325 p. Acadeaic Press, Inc.; 14Sep77; A907448.
A907449. Reports of cases deteraioed in the Supreae Court of the State of California, Septeaber 7, 1976 to February 8, 1977. Reporter of decisions: Robert E, Foraichi. 941 p. (California reports, vol. 18, 3d ser. I Appl. au: Bancrof t-Rhitney Coapany. Baacroft-ahitney Coapany: 5Aug77; A907449.
A907450. Current law of California real estate. Vol. 3, rev. By Harry D. Hiller 6 Karvin B. Starr. 655 p. Appl. au: Bancroft- Hhitney Coapapy. NH: revisions & additions. 6 Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 23Sep77: A907450.
A907451. Elections code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 1. Annotated 6 indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. 626 p. (Deering*s California codes) MH: foras, annotations, notes 6 index. Bancroft- Hhitney Coapany; 22Jul77; A907451.
A907452. Elections code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 2. Annotated £ indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Company. 757 p. (Deering's California codes) NB: foras, annotations, notes 6 index. O Bancroft- Hhitney Coapany; 22Jul77: A907452.
A907453. Hater code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 3. Annotated e indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. 705 p. (Deering's California codes) Nj); foras, annotations, notes & index. O Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 30Sep77; A907453.
A907454. Hater code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 2. Annotated £ indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. 664 p. (Deering's California codes) NH: foras, a¬ations, notes £ index. © Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 26Aug77; A907454.
A907455. Hater code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 1. Annotated £ indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. 555 p. (Deering's California codes) NH: foras, annotations, notes £ index. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 26Aug77; A907455.
A907456. Hater code, annotated, of the State of California. Vol. 4. Annotated £ indexed by the editorial staff of Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. 680 p. (Deering's California codes) NH: foras, annotations, notes £ index. C Bancroft-Hhitney coapany; 30Sep77; A907456.
A907457. Reports of cases deterained in the Courts of Appeal of the state of California. Vol. 60: July 13, 1976 to Aug. 13, 1976. Reporter of decisions: Robert E. Foraichi. 1001 p. Add. ti: California appellate reports, 3d series. Appl. au; Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 25Aug77; A907457.
A907458. Cal 1ur 3. Vol. 35. Hanaginq editor: Gene A. Noland £ other editors. 3rd ed. 909 p. Appl. au: Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. O Bancroft-Hhitney coapany; 15JU177; A907458.
A907459. cal practice, 19. Pt. 1. 675 p. NH: editorial revisions £ additions. O Bancroft-Hhitney coapany; 23Sep77; A907459.
A907460. Texas faaily law with foras. Vol. 5: text of faaily code with explanatory coaaents. By Loy H. Siapkins. Speer's 5th ed. 756 p. C Bancroft-Whitney Coapany; 15Jul77; A907460.
A907461. Cal jur 3. Vol. 37. Hanaginq editor: Gene A. Noland £ other editors. 3rd ed. 695 p. Appl. au: Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 9Sep77; A907461.
A907462. Cal jur 3. Vol. 36. Hanaginq editor: Gene A. Noland £ other editors. 3rd ed. 493 p. Appl. au: Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 5Aug77: A907462.
A907463. Current law of California real estate. Vol. 2. By Harry D. Hiller E Harvin B. Starr. 658 p. NH: editorial revisions 6 additions. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 12Aug77; A907463.
A907464. Reports of cases deterained in the Courts of Appeal of the State of California. Vol. 59: June 11, 1976 to July 13, 1976. Reporter of decisions: Robert E. Foraichi. 1022 p. Add. ti: California appellate reports, 3d series. Appl. au: Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany. Bancroft-Hhitney Coapany; 12Jul77: A907464.
A907465. The Intelligence coaaunity: history, organization, and issues. Coapiled £ edited by Tyrus G. Fain in collaboration with Katharine C. Plant £ Boss Hilloy, with an introd. by Frank Church. 1036 p. NH: additions. Xerox Corporation; 24Jun77; A907465.
A907466. Bowker's Hedical books in print, 1977. Prepared by B. B. Bowker Coapany's Departaent of Bibliography in colla- boration with its Publications Systeas Departaent. 1012 p. Appl. au: R. R. Bowker Coapany. Xerox Corporation; 14Jun77; A907466.
A907467. Aaerican aen and woaen of science: biology, 1977. Edited by the Jagues Cattell Press. 1134 p. Add. ti; AHHS: biology, 1977. Appl. au: B. B. Bowker Coapany. Xerox Corporation; 25Hay77; A907467.
A907468. Aaerican aen and woaen of science: physics, astronoay, aatheaatics, statistics, and coaputer science, 1977. Edited by the Jaques Cattell Press. 1294 p. Add. ti: AHHS: physics, astronomy, aatheaatics, statistics and coaputer science, 1977. Appl. au; R. B. Bowker Coapany. Xerox corporation; 25Hay77; A907458.
A907469. Business books and serials in print, 1977. Prepared by the R. B. Bowker Coapany's Departaent of Bibliography in collaboration with the Serials Bibliog- raphy Departaent £ the Publications Systeas Departaent. 1232 p. Appi. au: R. B. Bowker Coapany. Prev pub. as Business books in print, 1974. O Xerox Corpo- ration; 25JU177: A907469.
A907470. Aaerican aen and woaen of science: aedical and health sciences, 1977. Edited by the Jaques Cattell Press. 1720 p. Add. ti: AHHS: aedical and health sciences, 1977. Appl. au: B. R. Bowker Coapany. Xerox Corporation; 24Jun77; A907470.
A907471. Books in print suppleaent, 1974-1975. Prepared by R. R. Bowker coapany's
Departaent of Bibliography in colla-
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