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4906702 - 4906740


JUL-DEC. 1977

4906702. Home sellers protection plan appli- cation. 1 p. NH; editorial revision with additions. @ Electronic Bealty asso- ciates. Inc.; 224uq77; 4906702.

4906703. Nanual for the interpretation of the Haferr inventory Qf mascullDe values. By 4nne G. steinnann & David J. Fox. 30 p. NH: additional compilation & interp- retation of data. 3 Haferr Foundation, Inc.: 11lar77 (in notice: 1973, 1976); 4906703.

4906701. fienken word association technique. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Bernard S. Uenken. @ Bernard S. Henken; 14aq77; 4906704.

4906705. Larqe corporations in 4merlca: the places and roles of very larqe corpo- rations in national development, 1929-1971. Chap. 1. 36 p. 4dd. ti: The 200 larqest nonfinancial corporations, 1929 and 1971, and the 559 larqest in 1971 as measured by assets by industry cateqory, exhibit 1. 4ppl. au: John Desmond Glover. @ John Desmond Glover: 264uq77: 4906705.

4906706. The Hodern corporation and private property. Chap. 2. 26 p. 4ppl. au: John Desmond Glover. Q John Desmond Glover; 264uq77: 4906706.

4906707. The Larqest nonfinancial corporations of 1929-1930: pattern and order in their occurrence and presence, chap. 3. 38 p, 4ppl. au: John Desmond Glover. 6 John Desmond Glover; 264uq77; 4906707.

4906708. The Larqest nonfinancial corporations of 1929-1930: the advancing Industrial Revolution in 4merica. Chap. 4. 43 p. 4ppl. an: John Desmond Glover. 3 John Desmond Glover; 264uq77: A906708.

4906709. The Larqest nonfinancial corporations of 1971: the rise of a new industrial order. Chap. 5. 57 p. 4ppl. au: John Desmond Glover. e John Desmond Glover; 264uq77; 4906709.

4906710. The Larqest corporations in their industrial settinqs: industry systems, concepts of "concentration" and "pre- sence." Chap. 6. 41 p. Appl. au: John Desmond Glover. @ John Desmond Glover; 264uq77: 4906710.

4906711. The "Modern corporation" in "modern 4nerica," the larqest corporations in their industry settinqs: occurrence and presence of larqe corporations, 1971. Chap. 7. 59 p. 4ppl. au: John Desmond Glover. e John Desmond Glover; 264uq77; 4906711.

4906712. The "Hodern corporation" in "modern America:" the association of occurrence, presence and scale. Chap. 8. 67 p. Appl. au: John Desmond Glover. 6 John Desmond Glover; 26Auq77; 49067 12.

4906713. Dynamic •externalities:" the environment of corporations. 47 p. (The Larqest corporations and 4merican development, 1929-1971, chap. 10, pt. 2) Appl. au: John Desmond Glover. 6 John Desmond Glover: 264uq77; 4906713.

4906714. The Dynamic demographics of American corporations. 54 p. (The Largest corporations and American development, 1929-1971, chap. 9, pt. 1) ippl. au: John Desmond Glover. 3 John Desmond Glover; 264uq77; A906714.

4906715. Women's circle Christmas book, 1977. Compiled 5 edited by aarjorie Pearl. 70 p. 4ppl. au: Tower Press, Inc. Q Tower Press, Inc.; 110ct77; A906715.

4906716. Good old days Christmas annual, 1977. Edited E compiled by Edward J. Kutlowski, editors: Stephen Zdanowicz S Evelyn Schoolcraft, illustrators: Francis Kaufman, Eon Dellicolli E Sid Couchey, director of photography; Bruce c. Bainaud. 94 p. 4ppl. au: Tower Press, Inc. e Tower Press, Inc.; 170ct77; A906716.

A906717. Good old days Christmas memories, 1977. Editors: Edward Kutlowski, associate editors: Paul Underwood E Evelyn G. Schoolcraft. 78 p. Appl. au: Tower Press, Inc. 9 lower Press, Inc. ; 170ct77; 4906717.

4906718. Stitch 'n sew Christmas bazaar, 1977. Editor: Barbara Hall Pedersen, art director: Carol Pedersen. 88 p. 4ppl. au: Tower Press, Inc. Q Tower Press, Inc.; 40ct77; 4906718.

4906719. Guide to cross country skiing, 1978. Editor: Michael Brady. 144 p. Add. ti: Ski magazine's 1978 Guide to cross-country skiing. 4ppl. au: Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. 3 Times Mirror Magazines, Inc. ; 15Sep77 (in notice: 1975); A906719.

4906720. Furloe chloro IPC 10-G. Folder. (Selective herbicide) PPG Industries, Inc., Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.); 9Sep77; 4906720.

4906721. Furloe chloro IPC 4EC. Folder. (Selective herbicide) © PPG Industries, Inc. chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 9Sep77: 4906721.

4906722. Part time lives. By George Binslow Plummer. 6 p. (Occult science, S. N. 161) e G. E. S. Plummer; 15Sep77; 4906722.

A906723. 3270 familiarization: installation and use instructions. 1 p. E printout. Add. ti: F4M3270. e Chicago Data Systems, Inc.; 5Jan77; 4906723.

4906724. Keysort: documentation. 1 v. E printout. Q Chicago Data Systems, Inc.; 5Jan77; A906724.

4906725. 4 Parents' guide to Biblical principles of discipline. 1 v. 4ppl. au: Betty N. Chase. 3 Betty N. Chase; 9Sep77; 4906725.

4906726. What every manager should know about programmable controllers and why. 1 v. 3 Modicon corporation; 25Jun77; 4906726.

4906727. coordination chemistry: its history through the time of Herner. By George B. Kauffman. 42 p. (History of chemistry series) 4ppl. au: The American Chemical Society. 3 The American Chemical Society; 1Aug77; A906727.

A906728. Development of the structural theory of organic chemistry. By Otto Theodor Benfey. 20 p. (History of chemistry series) Appl. au: The American chemical Society. 3 The American Chemical Society; 14ug77; 4906728.

4906729. 4 Brief history of chemical kinetics. By Sidney W- Benson. 21 p. (History of chemistry series) 4ppl. au: The American Chemical Society. The American Chemical Society; 14ug77; 4906729.

4906730. History of valency. By Colin A. Russell. 13 p. (History of chemistry series) Appl. au; The American Chemical Society. © The American Chemical Society; 14ug77; 4906730.

4906731. Railroad memories, 1923-'!969. By Fred D. Lemons. 51 p. 8 Mildred C. Lemons; 23JU177: 4906731.

A906732. Michigan parallax wedge 2. Folder. NM: editorial revision E abridgement E new material. © Charles E. Olson, Jr.; 140ct77; A906732.

4906733. Planning guide for financial goals. 1 p. 4ppl. au: Carroll H. Payne. 8 IE4 a.a.d.o. Independent Research 4gency for Life Insurance E OSPA a.a.d.o. Onited Services Planning Association, Inc. ; 30Apr77; A906733.

4906734. Helpful information. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Carroll B. Payne. © IR4 a.a.d.o. Independent Research Agency for Life Insurance E OSPA a.a.d.o. United Services planning Association, Inc. ; 29Apr77; A906734.

A906735. Transfer kit. Transfer kit. No. 135-T. © The McCall Pattern Company No. 135-T. 234ug77;

Transfer kit. No. 136-T. 8 The McCall Pattern Company; 234ug77; 4906736. 4906736.

A906737. Transfer kit. No. 137-T. 8 The McCall Pattern Company; 23Aug77; 4906737.

4906738. McCall's Iron-on color transfers: international dolls. Vol. 1. Editor: Magdalene Zilg, designer: Elsie McCorkell. 1 V. 4ppl. an: The McCall Pattern Company. 3 The McCall Pattern Company; 22Sep77; 4906738.

4906739. Binter warm-ups. By the editors of McCall's Needlework and crafts, editorial director: Rosemary McMurtry, knit E crochet editor: Gena Rhoades, senior editor; Betsy Emery, art director: Ray Tatro. 64 p. (McCall's stitchery series, vol. 8) Appl. au: The McCall Pattern Company. MM; editorial revision, additional text £ pictorial matter. 3 The McCall Pattern Company; 140ct77: 4906739.

4906740. McCall's Knit/crochet encyclopedia: a learn-by-doing book. By the editors of McCall's Needlework and crafts magazine. 223 p. 4ppl. au: The McCall Pattern Company. NM: editorial revision, additional text E pictorial matter. © The McCall Pattern Company; 22Sep77;



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