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JUL-DEC. 1977

A906II16 (coo.) Salads and cassecoles, by Lou Seibert Pappas. illustrated by Kike Nelson. 2 ». in 1. 6 Nitty Gritty Productions; 15Sep77; 119061116.

1906»n. Trolls, the Hhippinq-boy of Norireqian folklore. By Arthur C. Stavig« illus- trated by Inqer S. Svendsen. 32 p. Arthur C. Staviq i Inqer S. Svendsen (in notice: Arthur (Grandpa) Staviq £ Inqer S. Syendsen) ; 180ct77; A906"117.

A906U18. Occupational illness or iniury report-analysis. Porn 125. Folder. Na: revisions & additions. V. H. Einicke Associates, Inc.; 190ct77; A906111B.

A906m9. Set your priorities, nake sure you accooplish tliem! Folder. Add. ti: Laurel proaotion piece for 781 proaotion. V. U. EiBicke Associates, Inc.; 2l»Oct77; A906lt19.

A9061t20. iBprove selection with application foras to fit your every need! Folder. Add. ti: Eimicke promotion piece for 781 proaotion. Q V. H. Eimicke Associates, Inc. ; 21IOct77; A906lt20.

A906U21. Teachinq Enqlish to Japanese. By Suaako Kiiizuka. 146 p. Prev. req. 23Jan68, A980307. NH: editorial revision. 6 Bodqer Lee Darbonne d. b. a. Tail Feather: 8Auq77; A906421.

A906422. The Art of inner seeinq. By George K. Lovqren. 137 p. C Georqe K. Lovqren; 160ct77: A9061t22.

A906423. Check your panoply, the whole armor of God. By Heraan H. Bocke. 240 p. Concordant Publishinq Concern; 70ct77; A905423.

A906424. Put your house in order. 38 p. Appl. au: Hillie E. Reaver. Hillie E. Reaver; 270ct77; A906424.

A906425. Air qun diqest. By Robert Beeaan, edited by Jack Levis. 256 p. O DBI Books, Inc.; 29JU177; A906425.

A906426. Career education; research report, 1977-3. 49 p. C National School Boards Association; 200ct77; A9C6426.

A906427. The strateqic plan summary, Georqe Hason Oniversity. 1977. Vol. 1, no. 2. 96 p. Appl. au: Georqe Hason Oniversity faculty and administration (Sheppard B. Koainars) Georqe Hason Oniversity; 30Sep77; A906427.

A906428. Goinq whacko! and other short science fiction stories. By Ron Lamar Barthet, illus. by Cliff Madison, pseud, of lion Lamar Barthet. 41 p. Bon Barthet; 20Oct77: A906428.

A906429. aome Planners 250 hoBes--one story desiqns under 2,000 square feet. Desiqn cateqory vol. 3, book no. 85. By Bichard B. Pollaan. 172 p. Appl. au: Home Planners, Inc. on neii illustrative material; Bome Planners, Inc.; 1Sep77: A906429.

A906430. Uords--and Hords are all I have. By A906431. Lance Construction Supplies, Inc., tall 1977; pamphlet. 20 p. Lance con- struction Supplies, Inc.; 23Sep77; A906431.

A906432. Lance Construction Supplies, Inc.; estiaatinq reference price list, September 15, 1977. 36 p. 6 Lance Construction Supplies, Inc.; 23Sep77; A906432.

A906433. Four-string harmony for the jazz guitar. By Boqer H. Boykin. 35 p. 6 fioqer H. Boykin d.b.a. Soultex Publishinq Company; 290ct77; A906433.

A906434. Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc. product catalog. 82 p. Appl. au: Thomas U. coniqiio. Portions prev. reg. A819424. NH: front side of cover. O Superior Concrete Accessories, Inc.; 15Jul77; A906434.

A906435. Laboratory experiences in college botany. By Bonald K. Dinchak. 125 p. Organpipe Publishers; 22Auq77; A906435.

A906436. Happy Santa and Lucky Leprechaun. This is an original crochet design by Constance White. Folder. Constance Rhite; 260ct77: A906436.

A906437. Little Brave and Pedro Siesta: crocheted character banks. This is an original crochet design by Constance Hhite. Folder, e Constance Rhite; 260ct77; A906437.

A906438. Jolly Boqer. This is an original crochet design by Constance Rhite. Folder. O Constance Rhite; 260ct77; A906438.

A906439. Suburban Bank. Prepared by fiobert L. Taylor. 16 p. 6 Bobert L. Taylor; 10ct77; A906439.

A906440. Christmas 1977; letter. By Daya Hata. 1 p. Appl. au: Self-Bealization Fellowship. Self-Bealization Fel- lowship; 14Sep77; A906440.

A906441. Self-Bealization Fellowship voluntary leaque appeal. Folder. Self- Eealization Fellowship; 140ct77; A906441.

A906442. Teacher's aanual and answer key. Level D. By Jane Ervin. 76 p. Add. ti: Phonics workbook, level D: teacher's manual with answer key, level D. Hodern Curriculum Press, Inc.; 270ct77; A906442.

A906443. Acquirinq, merqing, or selling a business. Folder (4 p.) Appl. au: Sheldon B. Christenson. O Sheldon B. Christenson; 180ct77; A906443.

A906444. Burpee 1978 red list. 32 p. O R. Atlee Burpee Company; 10Oct77; A906444.

A906445. AIS facilitator manual. Rritten 6 compiled by Sue 0. Johnson Davidson K cheryll S. Hccarty. 1 ». Add. ti: Academic improvement group (AIG) facilitator manual. Sue D. Johnson (Davidson) a.k.a. Sue 0. Johnson; 1Sep77; A9a6445.

A9Q6446. Onifotm management services in United States overseas missions operation. By c. Cary Barton. 72 p. O C. Cary Barton; 250ct77; A906446.

A9064U7. Flash Gordon escapes to Arbor ia. Vol. 3. Editor: David Kaler. 1 v. Appl. au: Nostalgia Press, Inc. & King Features Syndicate, Inc. NH: compilation & additional text. O Nostalgia Press, Inc. e King Features Syndicate, Inc.; 1Nov77; A906 447.

A906448. Airframe and powerplant mechanics exam guide: powerplant theory and maintenance. 1 V. Add. ti: Airfraae powerplant mechanics exam guide: condensed study and questionnaire. Appl. au: 6. I. Schauble. B. I. Schauble: 190ct77; A906448.

A906449. Bible truths for Christian schools, K; student ed. Developed by the faculty of Bob Jones Elementary School with the participation of the faculty of the School of fieligion. Bob Jones Oniversity, illus. within the text are by Douglas Chaffee, Bob Hartiu t, Bruce Ink. 1 v. Add. ti: Bible truths for Christian schools, kindergarten. Appl. au; Bob Jones University Press, Inc. Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc.; 29Aug77: A906449.

A906450. Bible truths for Christian schools; student ed. Grade 1. Developed by tJie faculty of Bob Jones Elementary School with the participation of the faculty of the School of fieliqion. Bob Jones Oniversity, illus. within the text are by Jouglas Chaffee & others. 2 v. Appl. au: Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc. O Bob Jones Oniversity Press, Inc.; 29Aug77; A906450.

A906451. Spiritual security card. Appl. au: H. L. Smith, Jr. O Academy of Personal Achievement: 250ct77; A906451.

A906452. Key name letter program; teaching manual. By Dan Emmons e H. J. Zwisler. 25 p. O Dan Emmons & H. J. Zwisler; 170ct77; A906452.

A906453. The cat that came to the Greenbrier. story by Phyllis Erwin Brown, pictures by C. Pealer. 1 v. Saaantha Brown; 15Aug77: A906453.

A906454. Bace track trifecta dream book. 19 p. Appl. au: Bobert D. HcDowell. O Bobert D. HcDowell; 200ct77; A906454.

A906455. People dealing with people. By Linda Delaney. 1 v. O Linda Delaney; 30Sep77; A906455.

A906456. qnigue full service precision production of parts made on screw machines. Polder (3 p.) Appl. au: David A. Tellerico. O Jay Sons Screw Bachine Products, Inc.; 260ct77; A906456.

A906457. How to sell water/energy conservation products for plumbing contractors. 29 p. O Plumbing Manufacturers Institute;

17Jun77; A906457.


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