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JUL-DEC. 1977

A906252 (COD.) directory, iuqust 1977. (Bith Elimood Parle, Franklio Park, Norridqe, IL, and others teiephooe directory, Auqust 1977) The Beuben H. DoDoelley Corporation: 27JU177: A906252.

A906253. Burr Bidqe, Clarendon Hills, Oarieo. IL. and others telephone directory, Auqust 1977. O Illinois Bell Telephone Coapany; l4Aaq77: A906253.

A90625I4. Indianapolis and metropolitan area telephone directory, October 1977- O Indiana Bell Telephone Conpany, Inc.; 60ct77: A90625lt.

A906255. Indianapolis east suburban telephone directory. October 1977. Indiana Bell Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 60ct77; A906255.

A906256. Lebanon, Hechanicsburq. Elizarille, IN, and others telephone directory, October 1977. Indiana Bell Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 60ct77; A906256.

A906257. Fairmont, Trimont, Sherburn, HN, and others telephone directory, October 1977. O Central Telephone Company; 30Sep77; A906257.

A906258. Allensville, Belleville, East Baterford, PA, and others, the phone book, October 1977. Add. ti: Hifflintown, PA, October 1977. Onited Telephone Company of Pennsylvania: 23Sep77: A90625e.

A906259. Branford. Florida Sheriffs Boys Banch. Jasper, FL, and others telephone directory, Auqust 1977. O Hid Continent Telephone Corporation: 15Auq77: A906259.

A906260. Instructor's manual to accompany Data processinq for business, second edition. By Gerald A. Silver 6 Joan B. Silver. 115 p. NM: additional text. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 8Jun77; A906260.

manual to accompany Sound and sense: an introduction to poetry, fifth edition. By Laurence Perrine. 75 p. NH: additions. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 1Jun77; A906261.

A906262. Solutions manual for Linear alqebra, second edition. By Michael O'Nan. 106 p. O Harcourt Drace Jovanovich, Inc.; 9Har77: A906262.

A906263. Test booklet Kith lecture and discussion topics and learninq ob-jectives to accompany cumminqs/Hise Democracy under pressure: an introduction to the American political system, third edition. By Bobert P. Lamm. 94 p. Appl. au : Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. , employer for hire. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 20JU177; A906263.

A90626l». Instructor's manual to accompany Introduction to microeconomics. By Paul B. Barkley. 135 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 23Sep77; A9062614.

A906265. Practice set A with business papers, Travis Apparel Shop to accompany Balqenbach/Dittrich/Hanson Principles of accountinq. Kit. HH: additional text. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 6Sep77; A906265.

A906266. Laboratory aanual to accompany Thomas c. Eamel's Horlds within worlds: an introduction to bioloqy. By Jill Jordan £ Donald Goodman. 233 p. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 7Jul77; A905266.

A906267. Student's proqrammed quide to modern colleqe typevritinq: a basic course. By Leonard J. Best. 92 p. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; UAuq77; A906267.

A906268. Achievement tests to accompany Harbrace colleqe handbook, Harbrace colleqe workbook. By Sheila Y. Graham. 20 p. & sheets (10 p.) O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 29Jul77; A906268.

A906269. Practice set B, Lee Corporation to accoapany Ralqenbach/Dittrich/Hanson Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition. Prepared by I. Bichard Johnson. Sheets. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. 6 Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 27JU177; A906269.

A906270. Practice set A, Stan's Sporting Goods to accompany Balqenbach/Ditt rich/Hanson Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition. Prepared by I. Bichard Johnson. Sheets. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc. ; 28JU177: A906270.

A906271. Solutions manual for practice sets to accompany Balqenbach/Dittrich/Banson Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition. Prepared by I. Bichard Johnson. 56 p. Appl. au: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., employer for hire. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 25JU177; A906271.

A906272. Harketinq words and concepts: student workbook for Harketinq today: a basic approach, second edition. By David J. Schwartz. 322 p. NH: editorial revisions. O Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 11Har77; A906272.

A906273. Solutions manual for Financial accountinq: an introduction, second edition. By Paul H. Balqenbach, Norman E. Dittrich £ Ernest I. Hanson. 351 p. C Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc.; 2Auq77; A906273.

A906274. 1975 Audi/Porsche cat cataloq foreiqn car parts and accessories, Auqust 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 1975, 1973); 4906274.

A906275. 1976 BMB/aercedes car cataloq foreiqn car parts and accessories, Auqust 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arniey Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 1972); A906275.

A906276. 1976 Capri/Pinto/Ford car cataloq foreiqn car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 1973) ; A906276.

A906277. 1977 Datsun car cataloq foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation: 1Aug77; A906277.

A906278. 1976 Toyota car cataloq foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 1973, 1972); A906278.

A906279. 1973 Bootes Group edition car catalog foreign car parts and accessories. Auqust 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Aug77 (in notice: 1973); A906279.

4906280. 1975 MG/Austin car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/4rnley Corporation; 1Aug77 (in notice: 1975, 1972); A906280.

A906281. 1977 Jaguar/Bover car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, September 1977. Microfiche. Beck/Arnley Corporation: 1Sep77; A906281.

A906282. 1977 Opel car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, September 1977. Hicrofiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Sep77; A906282.

A906 283. 1977 Japanese car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. © Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Auq77; A906283.

A9a6281|. 1973 French car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 14ug77 (in notice: 1973) ; A906284.

A906285. 1975 Volkswagec edition car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Aug77 (in notice: 1975, 1972, 1971); A906285.

A906286. 1975 Saab/Volvo car catalog foreign car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. O Beck/4rniey Corporation; 14ug77 (in notice: 1975, 1972) ; 4906286.

4906 287. 1975 Triumph car catalog foreiqn car parts and accessories, 4ugust 1977. Microfiche. O Eeck/4rnley Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 1976, 197 3); A906287.

A9062B8. 197K Fiat/Alfa Romeo/Ferrari/Lancia foreiqn car parts and accessories, August 1977. Microfiche. 4dd. ti: 19711 Fiat/Alfa Borneo foreign car parts and accessories. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 1Auq77 (in notice: 197ll) ; A906288.

A906289. Beplaceaent parts for Volkswagen: distributor net price list, effective January 24, 1977. 1 ». O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 21Jan77; A906289.

A906 290. Beplaceaent parts for Volkswagen: dealer net price list, effective January 24, 1977. 1 V. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 211Jan77: A906290.

A906291. Beplaceaent parts for Volkswagen; jobber net price list, effective January 24, 1977. 1 V. O Beck/Arnley Corporation; 24JaD77; A906291.

A906292. Fast moving foreign car parts catalog, 1976. 73 p. Beck/Arnley Corporation;

23JU176; A906292.


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