A906036 - A906066
JUL-DEC. 1977
A906035 (con.l series) (Criiinal Ian and urban problens coarse handbook series, no. 96) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government material. NM: compilation 6 additional telt. e Practising Lan Institute; 20Oct77: A906035.
A906036. Housing programs, 1977. Edited by leiiis R. Raster. 776 p. (Real estate Ian and practice course handbook series, no. 139.) Appl- au: Practising Law Institute. Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government material. NM: compilation 6 additional text. practising Laii Institute: 22Jun77: A906036.
A906037. Construction financing, 1977. 512 p. (Real estate Ian and practice course handbook series, no. 136.) Appl. au: Practising Lan Institute. Appl. states copyright not claimed in Goyernment material. Nn: compilation S additional text. Practising Law Institute: 28Apr77: 4906037.
4906038. Onderstanding financial statements, 1977. sua p. (Corporate Ian and practice course handbook series, no. 217) Appl. au: Practising Law Institute. Appl. states copyright not claimed in Go»ernment material. Nn: compilation 6 additional text. practising Law Institute: 9Jun77: A906038.
A906039. IBM system/32 operator self study diskette. Magnetic disc 6 printout. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation: 10Jan77: A906039.
A9060lt0. 0S/VS2 MVS CVOL processor. 23 p. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 13Aug76; A90601I0.
A90601t1. IBM VS COBOL for OS/VS; program no. 571I0-CB1, 57U0-LM1. 529 p. (Systems) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 18Mar77 (in notice: 1976); A9060U1.
A906042. OS/VS'2 sys independent component: IBM 3800 printing subsystem system infor- mation: program no. 5702-017, feature no. 5081 6 others. 121* p. (Systems) C International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 20Dec76: A9060'i2.
A9060143. OS/VS 2 SVS independent component: virtual storage access method (VS4M) programmer's guide; release 1.7, feature no. 5083 £ others. 2lt6 p. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) : 15Apr77: A9060«3.
A9060it'i. IBM syste«/3it basic assembler and macro processor reference manual; program no. 5726-AS1. 1 ». (Basic assembler reference) Add. ti: IBM system/3it data communications reference manual International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 22Sep77; A9060im.
A9060115. IBM 3800 printing subsystem programmer's guide for 0S/»S2 S»S. 154 p. (Systems) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 20Dec76; 4906015.
A906046. IBM VM/370 operations, CMS for operators; independent study program. 1 ». O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 30Sep77; 4906046.
4906017. Display editing system for CMS system guide: program no. 5796-PJP, feature no. 8651. 53 p. (Installed user program) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 29Sep77; A906017.
A90601S. IHS/VS version 1 master index and glossary: program no. 5710-1112, release 1, modification lewel 3. 2nd ed. 67 p. (Program product) G International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 20Dec76; 4906018.
4906019. 4dmiristratiwe engineering information management system (4EinS) ; implementation guide. 67 p. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 29Aug77; A906019.
A906050. Display editing system for CMS users guide; program no. 5796-PJP- 56 p- (Installed user program) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 30Scp77; A906050.
A906051. Computer based training course authoring using ISO SPP and the batch input edit PDP; information brochure- 71 p. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 2May77; 4906051.
A906052. Introduction to »M/370 facilities; materials of instruction, education guide. 1 v. NM: revisions 6 changes. International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice; International Business Machines Corporation): 30Sep77; A906052-
A9O6053. Operations planning and control-entry (OPC-entry) scheduler's guide; program product 5710-XT7. 2nd ed. 200 p. (Installation management) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 31Aug77; 4906053.
4906051. IMS/VS version 1 messages and codes reference manual; program no. 5710-XX2, release 1.2- 5th ed. 211 p- (Program product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 12Jul76; 4906051.
4906055. DB/DC data dictionary user's guide; program no. 5710-ilIF (OS/VS) , 5716-XXC (DOS/VS) 1 V. (Program product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation); 10ct76; 4906055.
4906056- IBM OS/VS Cobol compiler and library programmer's guide; program no. 5710-CB1. 2nd ed. 590 p. (Program product) International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 18Mar77 (in notice: 1971, 1976); 4906056.
4906057. Planning aid for retail information system: executive overview. 25 p. O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation): 28Sep77; 4906057.
4906058. Teleprocessing network simulator (TPNS) release 3.0 program reference manual; program no. 57U0-KT1. 3rd ed. 217 p. (Program product) O International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines Corporation) ; 304ug77; 4906058.
4906059. IBM 3118 processing unit theory- maintenance. 1 V. (IBM technical newsletter, no. S)l21-0796, 4ug. 26, 1977) NM: editorial revisions 6 additional text. International Business Machines Corporation a.a-d.: IBM Corporation: 264ug77; 4906059.
4906060. 3838 array processor theory-maintenance- Vol. 1- 1 V. (IBM maintenance libraryl International Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBM Corporation (in notice: International Business Machines corporation): 13Sep77; 4906060.
4906061. Current law of California real estate. Vol. 1, pt. 1-2, suppl. issued in Sept. 1977. By Harry D. Miller 6 Marvin B. Starr. 2 v. 6 sheets (1 p.) O Bancroft- Khitney Company; 15Sep77; 4906061.
4906062. Reorganized Education Code laws of 1977 affecting the reorganized code to July 11, 1977: a service provided for owners of Deering's California codes annotated. 1977 special pamphlet no. 2. 529 p. Add. ti: Advance legislative service to Deering's California codes annotated. O Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 20Sep77; A906 06 2.
A906063. Cal jur 3; index to 3rd ed. — interim general index covering vol. 1-35. 306 p. NM: additions. O Bancrof t-Bhitney company; 5Aug77: A906063.
A906061. Texas forms: suppl. issued in Sept. 1977. By the editorial staff of the Bancroft-Bhitney Company. 7 v. Bancroft-Bhitney Company; 16Sep77; A906061-
A906065. California official reports; official advance sheets of the Supreme Court, Courts of Appeal. S 4ppellate Departments of the Superior court. No. 21, Sept- 6, 1977. 1 V. Bancroft-Bhitney Company: 6Sep77: 4906065-
California official reports; official
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