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JUL-DEC. 1977

A905999 (con.) field reference manual 600P81105. July 197U- prepared b? Service Education, National Service and Distribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation, Sheets. Appl. au; Xerox Corporation. NM: editorial revision- e Xerox corporation: 130ct77: A905y99.

A906aoa. 3100 field reference manual 600P8196a, October 1977,. Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Dis- tribution, Information Systems Group. Xerox Corporation. Sheets. Add. ti; ISG Service Education, October 1977: reissue of 3100 field reference manual 600P81960. Appl. au; Xerox Corporation. @ Xerox Corporation: 100ct77: A906000.

A906001. 911/720/1000 guia de aiustes; suplemento al manual de servicio. 70 p- NM: additional text, pictorial matter 6 revisions, e Xerox Corporation: 7Sep77: A906001.

A906002. 6500/6200 field reference manual 600P812lt0 machine block builds 1 through 4, August 1975, Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Dis- tribution, Information Systems Group, Xerox Corporation. Sheets, Suppl, to 6500/6200 Xerox color copiers service manual 600P81707 S 6500/6200 color copier electrical reference manual 600P81't22, Appl, au; Xerox Corporation, NM; editorial revision. 9 Xerox corporation; 20Sep77: A906002.

A906003. Microfiche viewing equipment general data and operating instructions 600P81952, August 1977. Prepared by Service Education, National Service and Dis- tribution, Information systems Group, Xerox Corporation- 19 p. Appl. au; Xerox Corporation. Q Xerox Corporation: 19Aug77: A906003,

A906004. 9200 service data, 600P81547. Microfiche in envelope, NM: editorial revision. 6 Xerox Corporation: 1itSep77: A9060011.

A906005. 51*00 service data, 600P819«2. Microfiche in envelope. NM; additional text, pictorial matter 6 revisions. Xerox Corporation: 70ct77 ; A90b005.

A906 006. Car fare: your company car operating manual. No. 600P818it9. 23 p. NM; additional text, pictorial matter 6 revisions. Q Xerox Corporation: 26Sep77: A906006.

A906007. Airuay manual, Revision no, 2 5, June 10, 1977. Sheets. Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.: 10Jun77; A906007.

A906008. Airuay manual. Revision no- 39, Sept, 2, 1977. Sheets, € Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.: 2Sep77: A906008.

A906009. Airuay manual, Revision no. U3, Sept. 30, 1977, Sheets. Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.: 30Sep77: A906009.

A906010, Airway manual,. Revision no, UO, Sept, 9, 1977, Sheets, 6 Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.: 9Sep77; A906010.

4906011. Airway manual. Revision no, 42, Sept, 23, 1977. Sheets. Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.: 23Sep77: A906011,

A906012. Airway manual. Revision no, 41, Sept. 16, 1977. Sheets. Jeppesen Sanderson, Inc.; 1bSep77; A906012.

A906013- Party, state, and bureaucracy in Western Germany, By Kenneth H. P. Dyson. 69 p. d Sage Publications, Inc.; 20Sep77; A906013.

A906014. U.S. overseas bases; problems of proiecting American military power abroad. By Alvin J. Cottrell S Thomas H. floorer. 67 p. (The Mashington papers, vol, 5, no. 47) e The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University: 29Sep77; A906014.

A906015. From rental to cooperative; improving low and moderate income housing. By Jonathan E. Zimmer, 68 p, Q Sage publications. Inc.; 20Sep77: A906015,

A906016. Food crises and world politics. By Dan Caldwell. 82 p. e Sage Publications, Inc.: 28Sep77: A906016.

A906017. Too much or too little policy: the example of pretrial release. By Stuart Nagel, Paul nice 6 Marian Neef. 67 p, e Sage Publications, Inc.; 10Oct77; A906017.

A906018. Deviance and social change. Edited by Edward Sagarin. 317 p. & Sage Pub- lications, Inc.; 7Sep77: 4906018.

A906019- The Making of urban history; histo- riography through oral history. By Bruce M. Stave, 336 p. 6 Sage Publications, Inc.; 14Sep77: A906019,

A906020. Corrections and punishment. Editor; David F. Greenberg. 288 p. Sage Publications, Inc.; 7sep77; A906020.

A906021. Acquisitions '77. 880 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 255) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. a Practising Law Institute; 28Sep77; A906021.

A906022. Bankruptcy; practice and procedure, 1977. 688 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 165) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. @ practising Law Institute; 14Jul77; A906022.

A906023. Developments in civil liabilities under the Federal securities laws. 352 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 241) Appl- states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM; compilation & additional text, e Practising Law Institute: 28Apr77: A906023.

A906024. White collar crimes; defense strategies- 248 p. (Criminal law and urban problems course handbook series, no. 92) Appl- states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM; compilation 6 additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 14Apr77; A906024,

A906025. Banks and the securities laws in 1977, 344 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 254) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM; compilation 6 additional text, e Practising Law Institute; 13Sep77; A906025,

A906026. The Bankrupt real estate partnership: practice and procedure, 568 p, (Tax law and practice course handbook series, no. 110) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM; compilation & additional text. 6 Practising Law Institute; iejul77; A906026.

A906 027. Federal administrative law: practice and procedure. 368 p. (Litigation course handbook series, no. 101) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation e additional text, a Practising Law Institute; 12May77; A906027.

A906028, Labor relations in the health care industry. 264 p. (Litigation course handbook series, no. 100) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material, NM; compilation & additional text, e Practising Law Institute; 2BApr77; A906028.

A906029, REIT restructuring- 648 p, (Real estate law and practice course handbook series, no. 130) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation 6 additional text, e Practising Law Institute; 26May77; A906029.

A906030- Questionable business practices; the investigation by the SEC, IRS, FTC 6 other agencies of illegal domestic business practices- 616 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no, 244) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation S additional text, d Practising Law Institute; 2May77; A906030.

A906031- Secured creditors in bankruptcy proceedings. 800 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 170) Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government material. NM: compilation 6 additional text, d Practising Law Institute: 28Sep77: A906031.

A906032, Impact of taxes on matrimonial agreements; a video handboolc, 159 p. Appl. states copyright not claimed in Government material. NM: additional text, e Practising Law Institute; 13Jan77; A906032.

A906033. Practical trial evidence: a video handbook. Presented by Joseph M. McLaughlin. 178 p. 9 Practising Law Institute; 70ct77; 4906033.

4906034. post mortem estate planning, 1977- 416 p. (Tax law and estate planning series. Estate planning and administrative course handbook series, no. 8 1) 4ppl. states copyright not claimed in Government material- NM: compilation 6 additional text. © Practising Law Institute; 20Oct77; 4906034-

A906035. Advanced criminal trial tactics for prosecution and defense. 528 p.

(Litigation and administrative practice


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