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A9056lt0 - A905681


JUL-DEC. 1977

4905639 (con.) Southern Association c Sii: 6Sep77: A905639. Children Onder

4905610. The Life and tines o£ the aan in poea; collectors ed. Author: Jack Hullins. 1 V. Jack Sullins; 220ct77: A9056'tO.

A905641. Study quide for asinq everyday English. 129 p. The Board of Education of the Cleveland City School District; 9Sep77; A90S6V1.

A90561t2. Hardinqe thread charts for Hardinqe high speed Super- Precision tool rooa lathe with aetric qearbox for threading, aodel HLV-H. Bulletin T-ia. Folder. Add. ti: Thread charts, aodel HLV-H. Appl. au: Carl Boabarqer. Hardinqe Brothers, Inc.; 210Ct77; A9056II2.

A905643. Oak Grove lay visitation evanqelisa. 1 V. Appl. aa: Jaaes Halton Jenkins. Jaaes U. Jenkins: 29Sep77; A905643.

A905644. One handed power; a one handed handbook for people wiio have an uneven body, like ours. 49 p. Appl. au; Bacine Unified School District. Bacine Onified School District, Instructional Materials Center (in notice; Bacine Onified School District) ; 22Sep77: A90561I4.

A90561I5. Theory of ionization of atoas by electron iapact. By fi. K. Peterkop, translation edited by D. G. HuDoer froa a draft translation by Elliot Aronson. 263 p. Prev. pub. abroad 1975. NH: translation, pref. 6 revisions. 6 Colorado Associated University Press; 25JU177; A9056115.

4905646. The Yellowstone story: a history of our first national park. Vol. 1-2. By Aubrey L. Haines. Yellowstone Library and Museua Association; 15Sep77: A905646.

4905647. A Synopsis of aedicine in dentistry. By Lawrence Cohen. 2nd ed. 254 p. Lea and Febiqer; 25oct77; A905647.

A90564B. I too aa here: selections from the letters of Jane Helsh Carlyle. with an introd. e notes by Alan Siapson Mary McQueen Siapson. 306 p. NM: selection, introd., notes, biblioqraphy 6 index. Caabridqe Oniversity Press; 6May77; A905648.

4905649. The Noodchuck hunt. By Qlrich Becher, translated by Henry A. Saith. 378 p. Translation of Huraeliagd. on translation; crown Publishers, Inc. ; 26Sep77; A905649.

A905650. Hakinq dollbouse accessories. By Charlene Davis Roth. 112 p. UM; text, coapilation of photos., diaqraas, introd., index & glossary. Charlene Davis Both; 30Sep77: A905650.

4905651. Louis C. Tiffany's art qlass. By Robert Koch. 134 p. NH: pref., introd., text, . captions, coapilation of illus. , biblioqraphy, notes & index. Bobert Koch; 5Sep77; 4905651.

4905652. Scott standard postaqe staap catalogue. 1976. Vol. 3: European countries and colonies, independent nations of Africa, Asia, Latin Aaerica, G-0. Editor- in-chief: Jaaes B. Hatcher 6 other editors. 134th ed. 876 p. Add. ti: Scott 1978 standard postaqe staap catalogue. O Scott Publishing Coapany; 1Sep77: A905652.

4905653. Paraa, ID, 1977-1978. Continental Telephone Coapany of the Hest; 180ct77; A905653.

A905654. Attica, Coluubia, Bussey. lA, and others telephone directory, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Knoxville, 14. Continental Telephone coapany of Iowa; 2esep77; A905654.

A905655. Brighton, Douds, Eldon, I4« and others, 1977-1978. Add. ti: Richland. lA. O Continental Telephone Coapany of Iowa; 180ct77: A905655.

A905656. Eaory, Alba, Cash, TX, and others, October 1977. Continental Telephone coapany of Texas; 20Sep77; 4905656.

4905657. Big Falls, Ericsburg, International Falls, HN, and others, Noveaber 1977. Add. ti: International Falls, MN. O Continental Telephone company of Minnesota, Inc.; 140ct77; A905657.

A905658. Belaont. Saint Haiys, 8V, Noveaber 1977. Add. ti: Saint Marys, RV. Rest Tirginla Telephone coapany; 170ct77; 4905658.

A905659. Altaaont, Beecher city, Brownstovn, IL, and others, Noveaber 1977. Continental Telephone Company of Illinois; 200ct77; A905659.

A905660. Donalsonville, Iron City, Jakin, Reynoldsville. GA, Voveaber 1977. O Continental Telephone Coapany of the South-Georgia; 190ct77; A905660.

A905661. Aurora, Eglon, Canaan Valley, HV, and others. November 1977. Add. ti: Parsons. BV. O Hest Virginia Telephone Coapany; 180ct77; A905661.

A905662. Jefferson. lA, including listings for Cooper, Farlin, telephone directory, 1977-1978. O Jefferson Telephone Coapany; 100ct77; 4905662.

A905663. Bonita, Colliuston, LA, telephone directory, 1977-1976. Add. ti: Col- linston, LA. Northeast Louisiana Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 40ct77; A905663.

A905664. Disney, Jay, OK, telephone directory, Noveaber 1977. Add. ti: Jay, OK. e Grand Telephone Coapany, Inc.; 50ct77; A905664.

4905665. Eaporia, 41berta, Jarratt. VA. and others, Noveaber 1977. Continental Telephone of Virginia; 170ct77; A905665.

4905666. Concordia, Eaaa, HO. October 1977. Continental Telephone Coapany of Missouri; 29Sep77: 4905666.

4905667. Western Sonoaa County. CA, October 1977. Continental Telephone of California; 26Sep77; A905667.

4905668. Norwich, and vicinity, including Guilford. McDonough, NY, and others. 1977-1978. Chenango and Onadilla Telephone Corporation; 140ct77; A90S668.

4905669. Pasadena, Deer Park. South Houston, TX, telephone directory, October 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Coapany; 200ct77; 4905669.

A905670. Gardner, Atbol, MA. area telephone directory, October 1977. O New England Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 250ct77: 4905670.

4905671. So be it. Folder. Appl. aa: Joseph P. Orth. O Joseph P. Orth; 18Aug77; A905671.

A905672. People power for technical people. By B. B. Bobison. 1 V. OB. B. Bobison; ljun77; A90S672.

A905673. Aviation ground operation safety handbook. Prepared with the assistance 6 cooperation of the Air Transport Section of the Industrial Conference of the National Safety Council. 3rd ed. 126 p. 4ppl. au: National Safety Council. O National Safety Council; 60ct77; 4905673.

4905674. Fire protection guide. Prepared with the assistance 6 cooperation of the Metals Section of the Industrial Conference of the National Safety council. 36 p. 4ppi. au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council; 1Sep77; A905674.

A905675. Amyl acetate. Data sheet 208, 1977 revision A. fievised by the Cheaical Section of the National Safety Council. 2 p. Appl. au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council; l9Aug77; A905675.

4905676. 4aaoniua nitrate/fuel oil aixtures as blasting agents. Data sheet 536, 1977 revision B. fievised by the Ceaent, Quarry, and Mineral 4ggregates Section, National Safety Council. Folder (5 p.) 4ppl. au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council: 19Aug77; 4905676.

A905677. Harpers and beaaers. Data sheet 487. 1977 revision B. Bevised by the Textile Section of the National Safety Council. Folder (3 p.) Appl. au: National Safety Council. National Safety Council; 19Aug77; A905677.

A905678. Chain saw safety; script booklet. 1 v. O National Safety Council: 28Sep77; A905678.

A905679. Your winter driving safety connection. 8 p. National Safety Council; 31Aug77; A905679.

4905680. Bachel's ladder. 1 p. Appl. au: Dorothy C. Bailey. O Dorothy C. Bailey (Mrs. Paul C. Bailey) : 17Jul77; A90568a.

A905681. The Lord's prayer. 1 p. Appl. au: Dorothy C. Bailey. Dorothy C. Bailey

(Mrs. Paul C. Bailey); 22Jul77: 4905681.


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