JUL-DEC. 1977
A8738«lt. 6eo» In Sod'* lova: taacbai's aunotttad •d. arad* 2 t.MChvr'a aaoual by Catbarlna Sagan. 1 v. (Th« Mocd la Ufa, aacond •ditloo. Qancral adltora: Sacard P. Habar, Jaaaa J. Klllflalioo 6 Siatai II. Hlcbaal O'Sbaughnaaar. O.P.I Add. tl: 6ro« in God' a xorld. vn: taacbar'a anaal. C Banzlgac Bruca and Slancoa, Inc.! ItApr??: AeTJOdt.
A8738itS. Llta la Sod' a aorld: taacfaar'a annotatail ad. Siada 1 taacbar'a aanaal by Slatar H. Vlncant Clcalll, O.P. e Olocla Byan. I ». (Tha Mocd la llta, aacond a^lltlon. eanacal adltoca: Caiard P. Uabar , Jaaaa J. milgallon t, Slatat II. Nlchaal O'Sbaag- bnaaay, O.P. ) in: taacbac'a aaoual. O Banzlaai Biuc* and alaocoa. Inc.; 1«»pr77; Ae738«5.
A^738U6. Ara you In '.ba vay? 12 p. Appl. [/'ir.ny E. Rbodaa. C Mnny E. dbodaa: 11J0177: A8738tt<5.
A<!738U7. Lip caia by bllatax. roldac. o Blixtei, Inc.; 38ar77: A873847.
A8738II8. Tba lea beginning: Genaala 2 aoll loocnlaat: tccbnlcal Inforaatlon. Poldar. Add. tl: Tacbnlcal Ibforaatlon cullatlii. Appl. aa: Kannatb t. Pataat. O Qeneala 2. Inc.: 1<lHay77: A873a»8.
A873819. Tba Spiritual dlaasaloa. By Ann Baala. 80 p. O Ann Baala: «Jun77: Ae7]8«9.
A873350. Directory of parbology training prooraaa, 1978-79. Edited tor tba Intaiaoclaty Coaalttae on Pathology Inforaatlon. Inc., by Inforaatlon SaEvlcca. Inc., editor: Jady Sravaa. aasoclata editor: Barian lacklar. 10tb ad. N«0 p. e Intersoclaty Coaalttae on Patbology Inforaatlon, Inc.: 1Jal77; A873850.
A873851. Basic Kotd atady for stanotyplats. Aatbor: Elaa Cooper. 110 p. C Stenotype International: 1J«il77: A873851.
A8738S2. 3oee practical appllcatloaa of tba aff Iclant-earKat concept; aaaaary, July (, 1977. 2S p. C H. C. Ualnarlgbt aLd coapany: eJalT7: A873852.
A873853. Soae lapllcatlona of an Increase In tbe Inveataent tax credit; econoalc 6 Inaestaent oteerratlons, Jaly 6, 1977. S p. O M. C. uainarlgbt and Cospany: feJal77; A87-J853.
A8738M. Synopsis of tbe dosestic ecoDoay: Bay econoalc activity, Jaly 5, 1977. ii p. C 8. C. ValKvilgbt a&d Coapany: 5Jal77: A87385«.
A873855. (laarterly ccoaoalc activity (icrlaad eip accounts I Jaly S. 1977. 3 p, (Synopsis of tbe doaastlc acoaoay, pt. 2t C B. C. Valnarlgbt and Cospany: %Jal77: A8738%S.
t87J856. ?oadlnl 7b« Baglc Vi^acraabler: dot-to-dot book. 32 p. C K and B Insoaatlons, Inc.; 9Jas77: A8738ii.
A873857. rosdl&l Tba Baglc Oaaciaatiler: altl-actlTity book. 32 p. C k and B Issoaatloss, Inc.: 9Ja»77: A673857.
A873868. IntxoduccloD a la taoLogla alataaatl<;a y la doctrlna da Olos; carao pxograaado para aducaclon taologlca poi aktanslon. 200 p. Baptlat Nld-Hlsalona t. Association o( Baptlats tor Uorid Eyangallsa, Inc.; ISao>7«; A87i8i8.
A873e49. Introduction to systasatlc tbaology and tbe doctrine of Qod; a prograasad course for thaologlcal eduf.-atlon by aatanslon. 210 p. e Baptlat Hld-Klaalona I, Aasoc-latlon of Baptlata for Uorld Eyanuallsa, Inc.; 1%aov74: A87')8}9.
A 87 3860. Rouay ^rtrlongs to everybody. '1 p. Appl. au: Oliver J. Caldai. C Oliver J. Caldar: 20Jun77: A8738<>0.
A87J8(1. A Cherry tree bablnd tbe Iron Curtain: the lutoblograpby of Hartba Toronto Anderson. 118 p. O Bartba Toronto Anderson; 11Jul77; A87)8«1.
A873e62. Color tbe Tetons. Edited by Steven S. (loblnson, llluatiated uf trla Iveraon. 1 V. o Interaountaln Publlablng Coapany, Int.; 11JU177: A87»8>/2.
A87 3863. Pecuniary. Kit. Appl. au: Carl bobert Carpenter. O Carl fe. Carpenter; 2'il'eb77 (In f.orlcas 197S) ; A873863.
A87 J8« Llaellgbt, tba lypelpactra collection, rolder (i p. I Appl. au: pblllp M. Bartln. O lypeSpectra, Inc.; 1llar77: A8738>.«.
A873Sfci.. An Educational service aodel for Indlvlduala vltfe exceptional needs. By Jaaes Earl Jobnson. Bfeaets (38 p.) O Jasea Earl Jobnson: IJan77; A87386%.
A87 3866. TeacLlng clotalnv. By Jeane S. Jobnson, lllus. by blckaan Blerly. ht p. C Jean* S. Jobnson: 5Jul77; A87)8i6.
A87i8fc7. Sbare eltb se, agalB <b4 SflSlB. 1 v. Appl. au: Doalnlc B. yarcfalanl. Doslnlc <i. VercbUnl: «J«177; kHTiHil.
A87 38»-8. Intiodoclng Pedlpak: tbe revolutlofiary new bIlI pbaraacy to aeet your little patlenta esergency LMptfyu and save your valuable tlse. *j p. Appl. au; Barold Lielano Scbutte. O Harold Delano Scbutt^: l'yJaj.77; A873868.
A8738f,9. buraaaa sleeve and flange bearings, i P. C Tbe Jobnaon Bsbber Cospany; ibucH; A87 J8«9,
A87 3!!70. Souvenir Cotblc, tea TypeZpectra collection. II p. Appl. «a: pblllp B. Bartln. o TypeSpectra, lac.: 1Bar77; 187 3870.
A873871. Tbe twok of tb* £oycroftazs: being a catalog of copper, leather and books: a facslalle of tvo catalogs, 1919-1926. Editor: lancy Babbard Brady. 82 p. IB: additional teat t pictorial setter. O lancy Babbard Brady: ejal77; A873871.
A87J872. Callforsla coBtrsctors caferesce book. 71 p. Appl. as: Cay B. Toralll. C ««y ». Torelll; 29Jat77; A87J872-
lBt«ibatloaal acbolat'a ad. Codei 2, vol. 1. By Ciena iawy. 120 p. BB: addltlona e ravlalona. O ';Kiia Kavoy; 1Jul77 (In notice: 197«| ; A87J87).
A8738711. A bay tit aolean 'harikaglvlng: Boravlan auslc for the foui'h of July, 1783, in Sales, aoitb racoUna. By Harllyn <loaboKl. 21'y p. C Tk* Unlversl'y of North Carolina Pieas; itJul77; A87i87>i.
Ae73e7». Beat tbe nuabars. 20 p. Add. tli bally lottery results. Appl. au: Murray A. Oavlfe. an: updating t h*itt arr. of p. t'l I, 11. O Buciay A. bavla; 2«Jun77; A87J871.
A87J87t. Hlldgase: rlorlda'a panban'ila 'oomyjok. Cosplled by Susan Jenklne, lil<ja. by (iayland Preacbar. 'l p. O Oven-Jeaklna, Inc. a.a.d.o. Oaen-Jeaklna participation conaultants. Inc.; IBar77; A87)87«.
A87I878. b. D. (I. Tackle, Inc. 1 v. Appl. aus tlcbard J. (avage. b. D. 0. Tackle, Inc.; 2Peb7i; Ae7l878.
A87I879. Beport froB Jer uaales--cl»y at tbe croasroads. By J. tobert Hoskln. t« p. Appl. au: Institute of Huaan (elatlOBS Press, tbe Aserlcan Jevlsb Coaslttee. C J. trobert Hoskln; IJub77; A«7)87«.
A871880. Pendulus pover. By Van Erlckaon (Vandarlyn Erlckson). 9 p. BM: aketcbas. o Van Erlckson: «Ap[77: A87)880.
A87)88». Meatbar Hills Estataa, Caaa Loaa Bobll* Hose Zubdlvlslofa, Brandenton, fL, Bay li, 1977. Appl. au: Besley P. Hackatt. c riorlda Hobll Kose blract^rlas. Inc.; 1JBay77: A87 3881.
A873882. Traveling toward cospatefice; tb* California State College cblld davelopsent aeeqclat* project. By borotny Halrbead Caapiyell K Zlec* Barbara B«*d. a V. Appl. au: Sylvia Jntt»i%. C Ca- lifornia ttate College; 10';t7t; kitTitt*,i.
ktHHiii. Po*ss for lov*rs and rebela. fey Kannatb Belli Caseron, et<:blngs by Blsgaley Parker. i9 p. O Bennetb Belli Caseron; 12Bay77; A873883.
A87388B. Condo aasla. fey Oarzald A. Marty, lio p. O Oerald A. Bsrty; 30*ap7«; A8738M.
A87 38ef. Do I SBBt to go bosaT fey Barry I. Duncan. 32 p. O Barry E. ttttiCttLi 'litUrlfi A873881.
A873886. Butterflies and bread. By Louis* fe. Bllssburst. 2* p. Portions prev. appeared In tb* Santa Cruz caapaiial antbology C Tbls day sa^azln*. C Loala* B. miaiebarst: 1Jsn77; ktfllHH:.
A87i887. blagrasa an4 explanations of 3 eay and a • ay salty.'bea. 13 p. Appl. a«: Pbllllp E. peebiea. BB: acrldgsent 6 dla^rass. e Pblllp E. Peebles; 23aay77: A873M7.
A8738S8. Vs*ensboro««b; of, Tk« Itlsk toon as4 Its citizens. By lotls 0. Cotaz. 80 p. IB: cospllatlon. e Lorls D. Cofan;
19Bay77: A87388e.
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