JUL-DEC. 1977
»905555. A Pride of cats. By Jean Hoss. Calendac. NH: cooplIatioD of illustrative material. O Jean Boss: 1SSep77: A905555.
4905556. iDteraezzo: a calendar for ausic lovers. NH: coBPilation of illustrative aaterial & text. Oniverse Books; 15Sep77; 4905556.
4905557. The Pood calendar 1978. Appl. au: Carol Schneider. NH: coipilation of illus- trative aaterial & text. Carol Schneider: 15Sep77; 4905557.
4905558. Pre-planninq a qaraqe sale. 12 p. Onlted Van Lines. Inc.; 204pr77; 4905558.
4905559. Selling vour house. 12 p. Onited Van Lines, Inc.: 13Apr77: 4905559.
4905560. 4nswers to questions about aovinq. 12 p. O Onited Tan Lines, Inc.; 27l)ar77: 4905560.
4905561. Preparing appliances for aovinq. 12 p. Onited Tan Lines, Inc.; 13Sep77: 4905561.
4905562. Doinq ya Tan Lines,
4905563. Athaena: a collection of poetry. Issue 5. Editor: Paula Diane Bubeostein. 21 p. O Paula Diane Bubenstein; 12oct77: 4905563.
490556a. Hospitals are for kids, too! Nritten by Susan Farnua. illustrated by Phyllis L. Tildes. 28 p. Appl. au: The Mount Sinai Hospital* Inc. The Mount Sinai Hospital, Inc.; 15Jul77: A905564.
4905565. Hytrol Hi-Lites, October 1977. Folder. O Hytrol Conveyor Coapany, Inc.; 170ct77; 4905565.
4905566. The EarlT history of Niuai: settleaent and foundation of a Handinka State on the Gaabia Biver. By Donald B. iriqht. 116 p. (Papers in international studies: 4frica series no. 32) O Center for International Studies, Ohio Oniversity; 20Sep77: A905566.
A905567. Plain talk foras; bank charge card. Polder. Appl. au: David J. DeVries. The Center for Literacy, Inc.; 1Jul77; A905567.
A905568. Jaaes Bliss and Coapany, Inc. ship model kits, qun model kits, enqines, books, doll house furniture, plans, fittinqs, tools. 96 p. Add. ti: Model cataloq, 1978-79. NH: additions & pictorial matter. O James Bliss and Company, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4905568.
4905569. Tour life, your feelings, groHinq up and understandinq: a teachinq proqram for parents to help their children understand sexuality. Artist: Paul Haseqaiia. Cards £ folder in envelope. Appl. au: Francis E. Peek. Dtah Association for Betarded citizens; laoct77: 4905569.
4905570. Insects teachinq pictures. Writers; 4nne Blischke, Karen Cargill, Lisa Harren, artist: Ed Lafferty, art director: Ed Eisner, editor: 4nne Blischke. Cards £ 31 p. in envelope. 4ppi. au: David C. Cook Publishinq Company. O David C. Cook Publishioq Company; 15Mar77; A905570.
A905571. Spanish America: yesterday and today teachinq pictures. Writers: Sue Gross (manual) £ Sandy Zieqler (picture backs) art director: Ed Eisner, editor: Anne Blischke. 20 cards £ 64 p. in envelope. Appl. au: David C. Cook Publishinq Coapany. David C. Cook Publishing company; 15Auq77; 4905571.
4905572. Re-turn to the center: schedule of retreats; Prema oharaasala and Fellowship summer programs, 1977. Folder. 4ppl. au: Prema Dharmasala and Fellowship 4sso- ciation. O Prema Dharmasala and Fellowship; 2Hay77; A905572.
A905573. Create a new world. Issued by Prema Dharmasala and Fellowship Borld Community. Folder. Appl. au: Prema Dharmasala and Fellowship Association. Preaa Dharmasala and Fellowship Association; 31Hay77: 4905573.
A90557U. My home: the Beady Reference guide to essential tax and insurance records. 6(4 p. Appl. au: Harry J. Priedaan. O Beady Eeference, accepted trade desiqnation for Beady Reference Publishinq Coapany; 10Sep77: A905574.
A905575. Hair analysis card. Appl. au: Bussell Abate. Prev. reg. 1975, A652809. HM: new version, aore detail £ different questions. Bussell Abate; 30Nov76: A905575.
A905576. The Auditor's study and evaluation of internal control in EDP systems. Prepared by the Coaputer Services Executive Coaaittee. 67 p. American Institute of Certified Public 4ccountants, Inc. ; 31May77; 4905576.
4905577. The End of nowhere: American policy toward Laos since 1954. By Charles A. Stevenson. 367 p. KM: additional text (p. 356 £ bottom of p. 355) O Charles A. Stevenson: 13Mar73; 4905577.
A905578. Why, when and how to use synthetic lubricants. By Kenneth B. Ualliday, with the Synthetic Enqineered Lubricants Company technical staff. 93 p. Synthetic Enqineered Lubricants Coapany: 110ct77; 4905578.
4905579. The Smokemaster method of smoking control. By Harry Littke. 48 p. Harry Littke; 110ct77: 4905579.
4905580. The Lord's house: the teaple. UO p. O Southwest Badio Church; 1Sep77: 4905580.
4905581. Bargain shopper's handbook; Atlanta's guide to factory outlets, discount stores and sample shops. By 5. Fauntleroy, pseud, of Sally T. Mitchell. 63 p. O Pinch Penny Press; 24Auq77: A905581.
4905582. Treasury of positive answers. By Ternon Howard. 131 p. Ternon Howard; 26Auq77; A905582.
A905583. Step by step we climb as given by the Arisen Masters. 216 p. Appl. au: H. S. Princess (Pearl Oorris) O H. S. Princess; 40ct77; A905583.
A905584. Bhat happened — to ay bread? By Pat Borkaan. 76 p. Pat Borkaan; 180ct77: A905584.
4905585. Beyond the 4rab-Israeli settleaent: new directions for O.S. policy in the Middle East. By B. K. Baaazani. 69 p. (Foreign policy report, Sept. 1977) Institute for Foreign Policy 4nalysis, Inc. ; 9Sep77; A905585.
A905586. Ethiopia, the horn of Africa, and O.S. policy. By John H. Spencer. 69 p. (Foreign policy report, Sept. 1977) Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.; 23Sep77; A905586.
A905587. Schwinn unicycle; owner's manual. 18 p. C Schwinn Bicycle Company; 15Mar77; 4905587.
A905S88. Schwinn Sting-Bay models; owner's manual. 30 p. O Schwinn Bicycle Company; 23Bar77; A905588.
A905589. Schwinn ergoHETRIC exerciser; owner's manual. Model E!-2. 14 p. O Schwinn Bicycle Company; 5Apr77; A905589.
A905590. 77 super-lite bicycle specification book: Schwinn super-lite bicycles. 1 v. NM: new engineering specifications £ three new models. 6 Schwinn Bicycle Company; 19Jun77; A905590.
4905591. Schwinn Sales Promotion Department price list. Folder. BH: new items £ prices. Schwinn Bicycle company; 19May77; A905591.
A905592. Schwinn 77 sales promotion catalog. 52 p. BM: new tools £ promotional items listed. Schwinn Bicycle Company; 19May77; A905592.
A90559 3. Realty data wheel. Baiter H. Ketron d.b.a. Bealty Data Bheel Coapany; 15Aug77; A905593.
A905594. The Bealty Data Hheel. Folder. Baiter B. Ketron d.b.a. Bealty Data Bheel Company; 15Aug77; A9a5594.
A905595. Instructor's awareness: the perfect golf swing. By Bobert L. Poen. 30 p. Robert L. Poen; 1Mar77; 4905595.
4905596. Three for adventure; teacher's guide, with blackline masters for student activity sheets, and answer sheets. By Julie Becker. 1 v. 4 reading support program based on The Incredible journey by Shelia Burnford. O EMC Corporation; 14Har77 (in notice: 1976) : 4905596.
A905597. All new Pabst T-shirts from Boloubek. Folder. O Holoubek studios. Inc. ;
130ct77; 4905597.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.