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49051474 - »905512


JUL-DEC. 1977

1905473 (coo.) behavior, pt. 6) C U and H Enterprises* Inc.: 10Dec72 (in notice: 1973): 4905473.

A905474. Chemistry: cheuistry concepts through student investigations. By Hilliam T. Pii. Jr., aitchel B. Axsob £ John H. Benner. 1 v. e uilliaa T. Fix, Jr., Hitchel fi. Axsoa & John H. Benner: 3Sep77: A905474.

A905475. Treadway language s)cills evaluation. Authored by Gerald U. Treadway, Jr., senior editor: Tom D. Broun, original art: tlary Bainey £ Paul Osborne. 84 p. KB: additions. Gerald Treadnay 6 To» D. Brovn; 5llov76: A905475.

A905476. Standard for application system development: analysis phase £ design £ implementation phases. 2 v. Joseph Izzo and Associates, Inc.: lAug77: 4905476.

A905477. The Sea miners. By John T. Foster. 1SB p. Appl. states D. s. copyright not claimed in any material taken from 0. S. Govt, sources. KM: additional text E illus. O John T. Poster: 3Jan77: A905477.

4905478. Wampum. By Anne Stearns Baker Holloy. 128 p. NH: text £ additional illus. Anne Holloy: 28Jan77: A905478.

A905479. Jean. By John E. Butherford, Jr. 51 p. O John E. Butherford, Jr.: 22Aug77: A90S479.

4905480. Correspondence of the Van Cortlandt family of Cortlandt Manor, 1748-1800. Compiled £ edited by Jacob Judd. 675 p. (Van Cortlandt family papers, vol. 2) 4ppl. au: Pierre Van Cortlandt, Philip Van Cortlandt £ Sleepy Hollow Bestorat ions. Inc. BH: introd., editing* compilation, biographical sketch of Pierre Van Cortlandt £ prev. unpub. papers written by the Van Cortlandt family. Sleepy Hollow Bestorations, Inc.: 34uq77: 4905480.

A905481. Decision-making in American Government. By Jack B. Fraenkel, Frank T. Kane, Jack W. Sutherland £ Rudie H. Tretten. 562 p. N(l: new text, editorial selection, adaptation, abridgment, compilation £ all new art. O Allyn and Bacon, Inc. : 18Jan77: A905481.

A905482. The Divine pilgrim. By Conrad Potter Aiken. 286 p. MH: compilation, revision, new poem £ pref. C Conrad Aiken: 70ct49: A905482.

A905483. The Years of my life and Minneapolis in the seventies. Dictated by Anna Lynch Hiqbee to Helen Hiqbee Nunnally, edited by Nancy Nunnally. 1 v. O Nancy Nunnally: 15Aug77: A905483.

4905484. Birk's, 1977/1978. 1 v. C The Attorneys* National Clearing House Company: 21Sep77: 4905484.

4905485. Interior plantscapiag: building design for interior foliage plants. By Bichard L. Gaines. 182 p. O 4rchitectural Becord Books (in notice: 4rchitectural Becord) : 100ct77: 4905485.

4905486. Introduction to POMB for nurses. By Philip G. Bashook, Leslie J. Sandlow, Ann a. D-jupe E uilliaa J. Uammett. 15 p. 4dd. ti: Introduction to problem oriented medical records for nurses. 4cccompanied by slides, reg. JP20821. Bichael Beese Hospital and Medical Center, Philip G. Bashook, Leslie J. Sandlow, 4nne H. Djupe £ Billiam H. Hammett: 1Jul76: 4905486.

4905487. Introduction to POMB for practitioners. By Philip G. Bashook, Leslie J. Sandlow £ Hilliam J. Hammett. 16 p. 4dd. ti: Introduction to problem oriented medical records for practitioners. 4cccompanied by slides, reg. JP20820. Michael Beese Hospital and Medical Center, Philip G. Bashook, Leslie J. Sandlow fi Rilliam B. Hammett: 1Jul76; 4905487.

4905488. Problem oriented medical records: instructor's manual for teaching physicians. By Philip S. Bashook £ Leslie J. Sandlow. 115 p. £ 12 slides. O Michael Beese Hospital and Medical Center; lJul74; 4905488.

A905489. Medical care evaluation: the imple- mentation of a model system. By Leslie J. Sandlow. 132 p. MM: revisions £ additions. Michael Beese Hospital and Medical Center; 1Jui76 (in notice: 1975) ; A905489.

4905490. Telechart users* guide. 12 p. 4ccompanied by telechart. C Telepsyche, Inc.; 170ct77; 4905490.

4905491. Songs of Eebels and Bedcoats. Text £ annotation by James 4. Cox. Becord jacket. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N34Se3. Appl. au: National Geographic Society. NM: new text £ new pictures. National Geographic Society; 28Jun76: A905491.

A905492. Cowboy songs. Text £ annotation by James 4. Cox, paintings by Frank C. McCarthy. Becord jacket. 4ccoDpanied by sound recording, reg. N34534. 4ppl. au: National Geographic Society. NM: new text £ new pictures. 6 National Geographic Society: 1<IApr76: 4905492.

A905493. Bichard Scarry's Tanglefoot Babbit and His Carrot Car. Kit. Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. O Bichard Scarry: 30Dec76; 4905493.

4905494. Bichard Scarry's Pa Pig and His Pickle Car. Kit. Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. Bichard Scarry; 30Dec75; A905494.

A905495. Richard Scarry's Gorilla Bananas and Bis Bananamobile. Kit. Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. Bichard Scarry; 30Dec76; 4905495.

4905496. Bichard Scarry's Sailor Mouse and His Floating Baft. Kit. 4ppl. au: Playskool, Inc. e Bichard Scarry; 30Dec76; A905496.

A905497. Farmer Alfalfa's Farm. Kit. (Bichard Scarry's build and play world of Puzzletown, set C) Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. Bichard Scarry; 23Peb76: A905497.

A905498. Lowly Uorm's Bail and fioadway. Kit. (Bichard Scarry's build and play world of Puzzletown, set E) Appl. au : Playskool, Inc. O Bichard Scarry; 23Feb76 ; 4905498.

4905499. Kalt Disney's Mickey House 4merican bricks featuring large building bricks. Kit. 4ppl. au: Playskool, Inc. Halt Disney Productions; 21Feb77; 4905499.

4905500. Sesame Street neighborhood featuring Jim Benson's Muppets. Kit. Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. O Children's Television Borkshop; 21Feb77; A905500.

A905501. Sesame Street neighborhood featuring Jim Benson's Muppets. Kit. Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. O on change in graphics & artwork; Muppets, Inc. ; 21Feb77; 490550 1.

4905502. Doctor Lion's Medical Center. Kit. (Bichard Scarry's build and play world of Puzzletown, set 4) 4ppl. au: Playskool, Inc. e Bichard Scarry; 23Feb76; 4905502.

A905503. Mayor Fox's Town Center. Kit. (Bichard Scarry's build and play world of Puzzletown, set E) Appl. au: Playskool, Inc. e Bichard Scarry; 23Feb76; 4905503.

4905504. Writer's Digest School course in article writing; guidebook £ anthology. 2 v. O Writer's Digest School; 284pr77; 4905504.

4905505. Writing to sell fiction; guidebook. 1 V. 4dd. ti: Writer's Digest School course in writing to sell fiction. O Writer's Digest School; 1Dec73; 4905505.

490 5 50 6. writer's Digest School course in writing novels for young people; guidebook £ workbook. 2 v. writer's Digest School; 1Apr75; A905506.

A905507. Writer's Digest School course in writing short stories for young people; guidebook £ anthology. 2 v. 6 writer's Digest School; 1Jul74; A905507.

4905508. Beading comprehension. Level 48. Sheets in envelope. (Total reading, a comprehensive language arts program) Appl. au: Mary Minor Johnston. NM: additions. Total Beading, Inc.; 1Sep76; 4905508.

4905509. Trim and inspect training program; manager's guide. 1 v. English £ Spanish. Lamb-Weston, a division of 4mfac Foods, Inc.; 29Sep77; 4905509.

4905510. Carpus Christ!, TX, and trade area, Criss Cross Directory, 1977 issue. O Cole Publications, a Metromedia company; 184ug77; 4905510.

4905511. Fort Wayne and suburban communities, cross-index directory, 1977-1978. O Dresser's Cross-Index Directory Company; 134ug77: 4905511.

4905512. Cape May County, NJ, cross reference directory. 1977 ed. O Marc Publishing

company: 134ug77; 4905512.


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