A905393 - A905135
JUL-DEC. 1977
J905393. The Rorlds of RencT HilliaB Stiegel. By John 0. KeDdig, special photos, by Helen a. Harnke. 56 p. NH: photos., additions & coBpilation of text. 6 John 0. Keadiq; 180ct77; A905393.
6905391. Afierica! oh« my Aaerica! By Ton Tinsley. 17 p. To» Tinsley; 200ct77; »90539i(.
4905395. Tables of verdict expectancy values for disc danaqe. p. 180-205. (Inlury valuation reports, no. 208) Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 210ct77: 4905395.
4905396. Malpractice. Pt. 2. p. 655-667a. (Special research reports, no. 202) O Jury Verdict Research, Inc.; 210ct77: 4905396.
4905397. The Legal status of professional personnel in the public schools including probationary teachers, tenure teachers, principals and supervisors, and supe- rintendents. By Joseph Bobioson & Diana S. Gondek. 67 p. 6 Joseph fiobinson & Diana S. Gondek; 3Jan77 (in notice: 1976): 4905397.
4905398. ITP4: clinical interpretation and renediation. By Thooas P. Lonbardi & Estelle J. Lojibardi. 181 p. Special Child Publications, a division of Bernie Straub Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 170ct77; 4905398.
4905399. Pool by the clock lethod. 47 p. 4ppl. au: Harold R. Bufford. Harold R. Hufford; 274ug77: 4905399.
4905100. Minus lusic. By Thoaas Kii Hiison. 21 p. Thoias Kia Hiison; 200ct77; 4905100.
4905401. 4re you a good waitress? By Charles L- Uooldridge, Jr., designed by HilliaB fi. Entaisle, artuork by 4nn Hercer. 1 v. O Charles t. Booldridge, Jr.; 250ct77; 4905101.
4905102. Operation and aaintenance aanual for model 5111 display editor. Vol. 1: document 150-6012-001. 1 ». Aydin corporation, 4ydin Controls Division; 130ct77; 4905402.
4905403. Engineering drawings for display editor model 5114: document 150-6012-005. Vol. 2. 1 V. 4ydin Corporation, Aydin Controls Division: 13oct77: 4905103.
4905101. Vicki's Bhymes of now times. By Victoria Johnson. 2 1 p. Victoria Johnson (Vicki) ; 12Sep77: 4905401.
4905105. Bich man, poor men: observations on three antebellum burials from the Georgia coast. By David Hurst Thomas, Stanley South 6 Clark Spencer Larsen. p. 395-120. (4nthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History, vol. 51, pt. 3) 4ppl. au: The 4merican Museum of Natural History. O The 4Berican Museum of Natural History; 30Sep77; 4905405.
4905406. Hearthstone in Uindsor Great Park. Sheets (5 p.) in folder. NH: text surrounding blueprints. Atlantic Homes Corporation; 4Apr77: A905106.
4905107. Come children, hear me; a program in religious education for the pre-school child. By Joanne Dwyer, art direction & design: Jill Casty, ilius.: Terry 4nderson, Kathy McCarthy 6 Susan Nethery, photography: Steve HcBrady, Bobert Powell £ Vernon Sigl. 96 p. Benziger, a division of Benziger, Bruce and Glencoe, Inc. (in notice: Benziger, Bruce and Glencoe, Inc.); BJun77; 4905407.
4905108. The Program director's aanual for Songs of praise to the Christ child. By Bonald J. Schlegel. 21 p. Concordia Publishing House; 28Sep77; 4905408.
4905409. Change of key: models for festival worship. By Frederick If. Keaper. 78 p. 4ppl. au: Concordia Publishing House. Concordia Publishing House; 16Sep77; 4905109.
4905110. Career planning workshop. By Charles F. Sheffieck, Jr. 2 v. O Charles P. Sheffieck; 10ct77; 4905410.
4905411. Indiana covered bridges thru the years. By George £. Gould. 61 p. O Indiana Covered Bridge Society, Inc.; 110ct77; 4905411.
4905412. How to be an effective huaan being; program implementation guidelines. Sheets (72 p.) C Niles Coaaunity Schools; 8Aug77; 4905412.
4905413. Media 3 grapevine for young innovators, September 9, 1977. 6 v. Young Innovators, Inc.; 9Sep77; A905413.
A905414. Twenty questions, timely and relevant to the Constitution of the United states of America in light of the forthcoming 200th Centenary of its adoption. By P. J. Anthony, pseud, of Anthony J. Pansini. 1 V. 4nthony J. Pansini a. k.a. P. J. 4nthony; 19Sep77; 4905414.
4905415. Manual of procedures for the cons- truction industry. Author: Bobert 0. Bilhela, editor: Emerson Tates. 6th ed. 1 V. 4ppl. au: iilhelm, Boberts. Yates. uilhelm, fioberts, Yates, a joint venture comprised of Bobert o. iilhelm, E. Douglas fioberts and Emerson Yates, joint tenants with right of survivorship; 23Auq77; A905415.
A905416. Songs in search of music. By Larry Lincoln, pseud, of Balph Laurence Thomas. Sheets in folder. Balph Laurence Thoaas (pseud.: Lunertunes/pseud. Larry Lincoln); 29JU177; A905416.
A905417. Study guide for FETs and trlodes. 52 p. Appl. au: Bonald G. Holub C Louis B. Green. O Bell and Bowell schools. Inc.; 110ct77; A905417.
4905418. Beview study guide for Electricity 1. 62 p. Appl. au: John T. Anagnost. O Bell and Howell Schools, Inc.; 70ct77; A90 5118.
A905119. The Bright collection, 1977-1978; featuring a unique and varied selection of useful gift items. Folder. Bright of America; 34ug77; A905419.
A90512O. Andrew Huneycutt family descendants; some local history of the area. By George Franklin Hahn. 191 p. George Franklin Hahn; 26Aug77; A905120.
A905121. Tongue tied, by Toby Tingley. Moist lips, by Andrea Asbury. 1 v. Appl. au: Carlyle Communications, Inc. Tongue tied prev. pub. as Lip service. Hoist lips prev. pub. as Troublemaker. NM: new cover photo. Carlyle Communications, Inc.; 15Jun77; A905121.
A905422. How to sell quality against price. Folder. (Sales perforaance plus) O Clemprint, Inc.; 26Sep77; 4905422.
4905423. Be prepared for every sales opportunity. Folder. (Sales performance plus) Clemprint, Inc.; 19Sep77; 4905423.
4905424. 4 ways to qualify your prospects and improve your score. Polder. (Sales performance plus) O clemprint. Inc.; 12Sep77; 4905424.
4905125. Promise only what you can deliver. Folder. (Sales performance plus) Clemprint, Inc.; 5Sep77; 4905425.
4905426. Quality work protects sales and jobs. Folder. (Sales performance plus) Clemprint, Inc.; 19Sep77; A905426.
A905427. It*s great when the gang's all here. Folder. (Sales performance plus) e Clemprint, Inc.; 5Sep77; A905427.
A905128. Cut the coapoter talk for better communication. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 300) Clemprint, Inc.; 5Sep77; 4905428.
4905129. How much is lost time costing your organization? Folder. (The Better-work supervisor, Sept. 19, 1977) clemprint. Inc. ; 19Sep77; 4905129.
A905430. If the boss left tomorrow, could you take over? Folder. (The Better-work supervisor, Sept. 5, 1977) O Clemprint, Inc. ; 5Sep77; A905130.
A905131. convince your co-workers to write "talking" letters. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 303) O clemprint. Inc. ; 26Sep77; 4905131.
4905132. "Talk language" letters build goodwill. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 302) clemprint. Inc.; 19Sep77; A905432.
4905433. Double check every letter before you seal it. Folder. (Letter perfect, reference 301) Clemprint, Inc.; 12Sep77; 4905433.
4905431. Sex objects: an 4merican photodocu- mentary. By Eric Kroll. 1 v. Eric Kroll; 154ag77; 4905134.
4905135. Still points. By Kelly Hise. 63 p.
O 4ddison House, Inc.; 1Sep77; A905135.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.