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A905020 - A905060


JUL-DEC. 1977

£905019 (con.) Nassau County, 1977-78. 95 p. Health and ielfare Council of Nassau Countf, Inc.: 29&pr77: A905019.

A90502a. The Christian's ualk. A collection of poens by Velaa K. Birker. 122 p. Velaa K. Birkey; 29Auq77; A905020.

A905021. The Honey series. Uritten by Glen Husak, Patricia Pahre & Jane Stewart, illus. by Hary E. Haryniak, photos, by Harlene Sias. 10 v. 6 Bopevell Books, Inc.: 30ct77; A905021.

A9aS022. San Hateo County, CA, city and suburban Criss-cross directory, addressakey and telokey. 197B. 6 Haines and Company, Inc.; 100ct77: A905022.

A905023. Follow mel the rich younq aan and the blind beggar; a read-a-lonq filastrip prograo. Written by Noma Jean Everist, artwork by Bob Bowland 2nd. 32 p. AccoDpanied by filastrip, reg. JP20608. Appl. au; Alba House Coniiunications. Alba Bouse Coaaunications; 2eApr77: A905023.

A90502ii. Official compilation codes, rules and regulations of the State of New York. Suppl. no. 7, Joly 1977. Sheets. Appl. au: Department of State, state of New York. Secretary of State, State of New York: 10Oct77; A905024.

A905025. Harris catalog, fall-winter 1977-8. 35 p. 6 H. E. Harris and Company, Inc.; 12Sep77: A905025.

A905026. Harris reference catalog of postage stamp prices of the United States, Onited Nations, Canada and provinces. Fall/winter 1977-78 ed. 218 p. H. E. Harris and Company, Inc.; 12Sep77; A905026.

A905027. Patriot stamp album. 1 v. NH: revisions. C H. E. Harris and Company, Inc.; 15Ang77; A905027.

A905a28. Discoverer stamp album., kl p. NH: revisions. C H. E. Harris and Company, Inc.; 15Aug77; A905028.

A905029. Dnited States Liberty stamp album. 1 v. Add. ti: Dnited States liberty album. NH: revisions. H. E. Harris and Company, Inc. : 18JU177; A905029.

A905030. Onited States plate block album. Vol. B. 1 V. NH: revisions. H. E. Harris and Company. Inc.; 1Aug77: A905030.

A905031. Horris County with portions of Somerset and Sussex Counties, NJ, street address directory, September 1977. Q National Telephone Directory Corporation; 30Sep77; A905031.

A905032. Hospital design guidelines. Vol. 1. 1 V. a Sresham and Smith; 7Jan77 ; A905032.

A905033. Pittsburgh business idea exchange. Sheets (8 p.) 6 card in folder. 6 Quantum Associates, Inc. d.b.a. Omega Systems; 190ct77; A905033.

i905031t. Patti-cake math; language, creative experiments in math. By Nina Howard, illustrator; Julie iylonis. 47 p. e Children's Learning Center, Inc.; 1il0ct77; A90503a.

A905035. Taxes and compound interest — oil and gas drilling programs. 67 p. Appl. au: John S. Eraser (Fraco) O Praco; 170ct77; A905035.

A905036. The First west coast computer faire; a conference and exposition on personal and home computers, conference proceedings, Apr. 15-17, 1977, San Francisco, Editor: Jim C. Uarren, Jr. 334 p. Add. ti: Conference proceedings of the first west coast computer faire, April 1977- © Computer Faire, Inc.; 31Aug77; A905036.

A905037. Negotiation fact book: Onondaga County. By Donald lalter Paulus. Sheets. NH: revisions. Q Donald g. Paulus; 10Oct77; A905037.

A905038. The Physical universe. By Donald £. DeGraaf. 1 v. MH; new textual matter, additions & illus. Q Donald £. DeGraaf; 8Sep77: A905038.

A905039. Flexible disk drives. By James N. Porter. 81 p. (Disk/trend report, 1977) e James N. Porter; 9Sep77; A905039.

i9050it0. Gwinnett grammar chart for English review and reference. Hall chart. Appl. au: John Hntchins. Q Button Gwinnett Publishers, Inc.; 210ct77; A905040.

A905041. Sapid comprehension through effective reading. Book 1. By Bussell G. Stauffer 6 Jean Horton Berg. 83 p. Prev. reg. A66131 6 A358940. NH: addition of text, pictorial matter fi exercises; revision of instructions. O Learn, Inc.; 150ct77; A9050lt1.

£905042. Bapid comprehension through effective reading. Book 2. By Bussell G. Stauffer & Jean Horton Berg. 95 p. Prev. reg. Aee092 e A3S8941. NH: additions & revisions. 3 Learn, Inc.; 150ct77; A905042.

A905043. Bapid comprehension through effective reading. Book 3. By Bussell G. Stauffer 6 Jean Horton Berg. 112 p. Prev. reg. A77718 6 A358942. NH: additions 6 revisions. Q Learn, Inc. ; 150ct77; A905043.

A905044. Rigid disk drives. By James N. Porter. 170 p. (Disk/trend report, 1977) O James N. Porter; 15Jul77; A905044.

A905045. Control seminars: smoking. No. 1-6. 1 V. . Add. ti: Smoking control seminar. Appl. au: John J. Gnap. Q John J. Gnap; 10ct77; A905045.

A90504e. Spanish through proverbs. By Ernie L. Bow. 130 p. Spanish; pref. 6 introd. in English. NH: multiple-choice questions £ compilation. @ Ernie L. Bow; 190ct77;

A905046. Horton. 206 p. e Hatrix Publishers, Inc.; 17Aug77; A905047.

A905048. Analysis of linear dynamic systems; a unified treatment for continuous & discrete time 6 deterministic G stochastic signals. By John B. Lewis, illus. by Scientific Illustrators. 862 p. Hatrix Publishers, Inc.; 14Sep77; A905048.

A905049. Bargaining for supremacy: Anglo-American naval collaboration, 1937-1941. By James B. Leutze. 328 p. C The Oniversity of North Carolina Press; 100ct77; A905049.

A905050. Thomas Grocery register, 1978. Vol. 1-3. Editor: John Kovac. Appl. au: Thomas Publishing Company. S Thomas Publishing Company; 30ct77: A905050.

A905051. The People and the river: a history of the Takelma Indians of the Opper Bogue Biver country. By Elizabeth Heckert. 236 p. e Elizabeth Heckert; 21Sep77: A905051.

£905052. Achievement motivation training: helping the underachieving student; instructor's manual. By Allan Harkle, Boger C. Binn & Horgan Borthy. 58 p. © Honte Sano Press; 10ct77; A905052.

A905053. Some people think we don't learn anything in this school. By Colleen HcNally, Avis Swart e Carol Vacher. 140 p. e Ash Lad Press; 1Sep77; A9a5053.

A905054. Progressive radio "Edu-Kit" instruction book. By Educational Department of Progressive "Edu-kits, " Inc. 88 p. Appl. au: Solomon Goodman. NH: editorial revision. "Progressive "Edu-Kits," Inc.; 240ct77; A905054.

A905055. Dichos: proverbs and sayings from the Spanish. By Charles Aranda. 1 v. English & Spanish. NH: revisions & additions. 6 Charles Aranda; 10ct77: A905055.

A905Q56. Beflections of Baumholder. Compiled by The Officers' and Civilians' iives' Club, co-editors; Allison Uilson £ Brenda Hatkins, illus.: Hargaret-Ann Trimble 6 Donna Hadden. 299 p. NH: compilation, additions 6 majority of art work. Q Baumholder officers' and Civilians' Hives' Club (in notice: The Officers' and Civilians' Hives' Club) ; 20Sep77; A905056.

A905057. The Seventh-day Adventists. By Hilliam J. Ihalen. 26 p. Prev. pub. 1966. NH: revisions. Q Claretian Publications; 25Har77; A905057.

A905058. Hhen and how to choose a marriage counselor. By Balph F. Banieri. 22 p. Originally appeared in Har. 1977 issue of D.S. Catholic: magazine. NH: editing & revisions. 3 Claretian Publications; 15Apr77; A905058.

A905059. The Boman Catholics: a handbook for members and non-members. By Hilliam J. Hhalen. 32 p. Prev. pub. in 1968. NH: revisions. Claretian Publications; 27Hay77; A905059.


Our neighbors, the Friends. By Hilliam


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