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A9011937 - A904979


JUL-DEC. 1977

4901(936 (con.) matter* conpilation# editinq & abridgoient. e Barry and David: 5Jul77; 4901(936.

490U937. Summer fruit-of-the-month club; brochure, envelope, accoopanyinq letter and order blank. Kit. NH: De» text, pictorial matter, compilation, editinq & abridgment. 9 Harry and David; 16llay77; 4901(937.

4904938. Harry and David's Special gifts for special mothers; cataloqs, envelopes, accompanyinq letter and order blanks. Kit. NM: new text, pictorial matter, compilation, editing & abridgment. e Harry and David; lunar??; 4901(938.

4904939. Harry and David's Christmas book of gifts; accoapanyinq letters, order blanks and envelopes. Kit. HH : netf text, pictorial matter, compilation, editinq 6 abridqment. @ Harry and David; 294uq77; 4904939.

4904940. The Diet Borkshop staff package. 1 v. e The Diet Rorkshop, Inc.; 1Sep77: 4904940.

4904941. The Diet Rorkshop staff package, October 1977. 2 p. 6 1 V. e The Diet Rorkshop, Inc.; 10ct77; 4904941.

4904942. Take-off topics, October 1977. 2 v. The Diet Rorkshop, Inc.; 10ct77; 4904942.

4904943. Take-off topics, September 1977. 4 v. 9 The Diet Rorkshop, Inc.; 1Sep77; 4904943.

4904944. Bevised pages of the Artists aaterials retail pricer, October 21, 1977. 1 v. 9 Stationers Price Service Company; 210ct77: 4904944.

4904945. Beferencing of S4E documents in Federal motor vehicle safety standards. Handbook suppl. HS 19. 1977 ed. 40 p. 4dd. ti: S4£ documents referenced in Federal motor vehicle safety standards. 4ppl. states copyright is not claimed in any portion of this work written by a O.S. Govt, employee as part of his official duties. O Society of 4utomotive Engineers, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4904945.

4904946. The Hatriz communicator idea book. 1 v. 4ppl. au: 4rmand F. DuFresne d.b.a. Dufco. 9 Dufco; 130ct77; 4904946.

4904947. The Curse of God. 1 p. 4ppl. au: David 4. Jacgues. O David 4. Jacques; 200ct77; 4904947.

4904948. Human relations. By Dody Giletti. 11 p. (Lippitt Bill tutorial) O Dody Giletti; 23Sep77; 4904948.

4904949. Tutoring guide. By Dody Giletti. 16 p. (Lippitt Hill tutorial) 9 Dody Giletti; 23Sep77: 4904949.

4904950. The 4BC's of fire; a fire safety game. 3 p. 4ppl. au: Elizabeth 4. HcHahon. 9 Lee Chem 2nd; 100ct77: 4904950.

4904951. Gardening and astrological calendar. 1978. 1 21Sep77;

4904952. Social studies curriculum materials data book. Suppl. 13, Oct. 15, 1977. Sheets. 9 Social Science Education Consortiua, Inc.; 150ct77; 4904952.

4904953. Slide analyzer. O Slide Chart Corporation; 170ct77; 4904953.

4904954. Torin fan and blower BPH change converter. Q Slide Chart Corporation; 170ct77: 4904954.

4904955. Station carrier calculator. Slide Chart Corporation; 170ct77; 4904955.

4904956. Insurance quideline and risk management considerations. Prepared by Insurance service Center of Central Missouri, Inc. 65 p. 9 Insurance Service Center of Central Missouri, Inc. ; 15Sep77; 4904956.

4904957. Financial condition of independent colleges and universities in Ohio, October 1977. Prepared by Hilliam John Hinter G John Hinter 4ssociates. 246 p. 4dd. ti: financial condition of the independent colleges and universities in Ohio. 9 4ssociation of Independent Colleges and Dniversities of Ohio; 100ct77; 4904957. 4904958.

Summary of recent pension law deve- lopments. By Bichard 4. Van Deuren 6 Hary 4. Brauer. 11 p. 9 Beinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Uorris and Bieselbach; 25Feb77; 4904958.

4904959. Summary of recent pension law deve- lopments, September 26, 1977. By Bichard 4. Van Deuren £ Hary 4. Brauer. 19 p. O Beinhart, Boerner, Van Deuren, Norris and Bieselbach; 30Sep77; 4904959.

4904960. The Securities industry: a programmed course. Vol. 1-2. By Edward B. Rillett, Hilliam A. Lovely, Jr. & Paul F. Langone. 9 Rillett Institute of Finance, Inc.; 28JU177; 4904960.

4904961. 4 Proposal to design and conduct an evaluation of the Northern Virginia Police 4cademy recruit training and design a process for on-going evaluation. 1 v. 9 Arthur young and Company; 30Sep77; A904961.

A904962. A Proposal to report on household investment in insulation. 30 p. 9 Arthur Young and Company; 26Sep77; 4904962.

4904963. A Proposal to study the economic impact of selected control options for particular toxic substances. 1 v- 9 Arthur loung and Company: 26Sep77; 4904963.

4904964. Station assistant training program. Pt. 1-2. By 411etha C. Sheridan. 2 v. 4ppl. au: Hethodist Hospital. O Hethodist Hospital, Education Services Department (in notice: Hethodist Hospital) ; 44pr77; 4904964.

4904965. Oglala religion. By Rilliam K. Powers. 233 p. NH: completely rev. dissertation. 9 Oniversity of Nebraska Press; 25Aug77; A904965.

4904966. Border warfare in southeastern Kansas: 1856-1859. By G. Hurlin Reich. 280 p. 9 Linn County Historical Society; 17Sep77; 4904966.

4904967. In the words of Napoleon: a collection of quotations of Napoleon Bonaparte. Translated & compiled by Daniel Savage Gray. 113 p. 9 Troy State aniversity Press; 84ug77: 4904967.

4904968. The Onsettling of 4merica; culture and agriculture. By Rendell Berry. 228 p.- 4ppl. states all new except chap. 1, pub. in slightly different form in The Nation, & chap. 4, pub. in abbreviated form in the Los 4ngeles times & others. 9 Rendell Berry; 294ug77; 4904968.

4904969. Building the skiff Cabin Boy; a step-by-step pictorial guide. By Clemens C. Kuhliq with Buth E. Kuhlig, foreword by John Atkin. 139 p. 9 International Harine Publishing Company; 14pr77; 4904969.

4904970. Self-contained celestial navigation with H.O. 208; including the complete H.O. 208 tables. By John S. Letcher, Jr., illus. by the author. 229 p. 9 International Harine Publishing Company; 14pr77; A904970.

A904971. yacht designs. By Rilliam Garden. 216 p. 9 International Harine Publishing Company; 15Har77; A904971.

A904972. Boatbuilding down East: how to build the Haine lobsterboat. By Boyal Lowell. 187 p. 9 International Harine Publishing Company: 1Jul77; A904972.

A904973. Indian summer rhymes. By Paul B. Halstead. 70 p. 9 Paul B. Balstead; 18Hay77; 4904973.

4904974. Let us break bread together: thoughts on the meaning of Christ. By Fred Daniel Gealy. 143 p. NB: additional text. O To the estate of Fred Daniel Gealy, by Executor John B. Gealy (son) (in notice: Fred Daniel Gealy) ; 15Dec76; 4904974.

4904975. Onion County, OH, rural directory, 1977. 9 Bobinson Directories, Inc. ; S0ct77; 490J(975.

4904976. Hodern saltwater fishing tackle. By Frank T. Hoss. 322 p. 9 International Harine Publishing Company; 15Jan77 (in notice: 1976); 4904976.

4904977. 4tlas of the flora of the Great Plains. Editor: Theodore Bitchell Barkley. 600 p. 4ppl. au: The Great Plains Flora 4ssociatiou , Herbarium Division of Biology, Kansas State Oniversity. 9 Iowa State Oniversity Press; 21Jul77; 4904977.

4904978. Barketing: text and cases. By Harry L. Hansen. 4th ed. 882 p. Prev. pub. as Harketing: text, techniques and cases. 9 Bichard D. Irwin, Inc.; 21Jul77: 4904978.

4904979. D-Day with the Screaming Eagles. By George £. Koskimaki, with a foreword by

Gerald J. Higgins. 2nd ed. 431 p.


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