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JUL-DEC. 1977

S873772 (con.) Chilton's Toyota. 1970-77 repair and tune-up guide- Appl. au : Chilton Book CoBpanVo Q Chilton Book Conpany- -Rutoiiiot ive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company): 13Hay77: J873772.

Ae73773. Chilton's Bepair and tune-up guide: Volksiragen. 1970-77. Prepared by the AatoBotiwe Editorial Department, Chilton Book Company, photos, by Martin W. Kane. managing editor: John H. Heise, assistant managing editor: Stephen J. Davis. editors: Ronald L. Sessions & Martin W. Kane. 278 p. Add. ti: Chilton's Repair and tune-up guide for the Volkswagen; Chilton's Volkswagen, 70-77 repair and tune-up guide. Appl. se: Chilton Book Company. C Chilton Book Company. Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company) : 13May77: A873773.

A873774. Chilton's Bepair and tune-up guide: Ford, 1968-77. Prepared by the Automotive Editorial Department, Chilton Book Company, managing editor: John H. Ueise, assistant managing editor; Stephen J. Davis, editors: Ronald L. Sessions fi Robert P. King. 27U p. Add. ti: Chilton's Ford 1968-77, repair and tune-up guide. Chilton's Repair and tune-up guide for the Ford. Appl. au: Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department. C Chilton Book Company, Automotive Editorial Department (in notice: Chilton Book Company); 27Jun77; i87377U.

A873775. American politics: playing the game. By Susan Rouder. 518 p. C Houghton Mifflin Company: 7Feb77: A873775.

A873776. Marketing; basic concepts and decisions, test bank. By Hilliam M. Pride 6 0. C. Ferrell. 1 v. Houghton Mifflin Company: 3Jan77: AB73776.

A873777. America rediscovered: its economic life. By Uilliam E. pulliam. Hilliam L. O'Neill 6 Clair M. Botiman. ISU p. Appl. states all new except for various quotes, tables, graphs & artwork. Houghton Mifflin company: 19Jan77: A873777.

A873778. Child development: an introduction; supplement for instructors- By Robert F- Biehler. 55 p. C Houghton Mifflin company: 3Jan77: A873778.

A873779. Patterns and systems of elementary mathematics- By Jonathan Knaupp. Lehi T. Smith. Paul Shoecraft 6 Gary D. Warkentin. 425 p. NM; editorial revision. C Houghton Mifflin Company: 2ilJan77: A873779-

i873780- Pre-algebra. new edition, by Dolciani, Uooton. Beckenbach. Chinn. Feldman & Markert; progress tests. By Cleo M. Meek. Sheets (68 p.) in box. Add, ti; Progress tests for Pre-algebra. new edition, Houghton Mifflin Company: 3jan77: A873780.

A873781- Research and development for a continuous forms mailer and a method of production. By John Charles Kosta. 5U p- e John C- Kosta: 12Jul77; A873781-

A8737B2. The Halz genealogical record,. 282 p. Appl. au: ROT Halz. Roy Ralz: 11Jul77; A873792.

A873783. Discovering the Tacoma area with children: a guide to the Greater Tacoma area- By Maureen Frances Arnold, illustrated by Diana Rowe. 112 p. e Maureen F. Arnold; 27May77; Ae73783.

A87378it- Marriage record of 1st and 2nd Reformed Churches of Coxsackie, New York. 1797-1899- Transcribed 6 indexed by Arthur C- H. Kelly. 118 p. NM: textual material, transcription of German script into English fi index. C Arthur C. M- Kelly; 15Mar77: A87378K.

A873785. Baptism record. Saint Paul's Lutheran Church. Schoharie. New Jork, 1728-1899. Transcribed £ indexed by Arthur C. M. Kelly, 295 p. Add, ti: Baptismal record of Saint Paul's Lutheran Church, Schoharie, New York, 1728-1899. NM: textual material, transcription of German script into English 6 index. C Arthur C. M- Kelly; 1Feb77; A873785.

A873786. The Pain clinic and pain treatment program procedure manual. 2nd ed. Il^t p. Appl, au: Alan Harvey Roberts. C Alan H. Roberts; 1May77; A873786.

A873787. Alleyne's Basic ceramics. By Dorothy Alleyne Hosale (Dorothy Alleyne Hcsale Welch) . photos, by Richard E- Belch, designs by Hollis C- Welch. Jr.. graphic arts photography by Spectro Graphics. 50 p. Alleyne Hosale; 7Jul77: A873787.

A873788. An Exhibition of the works of Russell Patterson: Delaware Art Museum. June 2it-July 21, 1977. Designed by Harwood Bitter. 12 p. Appl. au: Delaware Art Museum. O Delaware Art Museum: 2JJun77; A873788.

4873789. Elegant spool craft Spooly Mac dolls. Item 791. By Vera G. Brown. 23 p- Vera G. Brown; 11Jul77: A873789.

A873790- The Brazing book- 52 p. Handy and Harman; 8Jul77; A873790.

A873791. Reliability assessment; C-101 isotopic pacer. By Peter M. Jacobson. U2 p. Add. ti: C-101 reliability assessment- Appl- au: H. Stephen Cookston. d Coratomic. Inc.: 30Jun77; A873791.

A873792. Organic chemistry. Printout- Appl. au; Orrette Biro. orrette Biro; 1Jun77: A873792.

A873793. Mini payroll system (after the fact) for use on Mu Basic RT-11 systems. Printout & magnetic disk in envelope. Appl- au; Carter L. Conaway. Carter L. Conaway; 1Apr77; A873793.

A8737911. Mini general ledger accounting system for use on Hu Basic RT-11 systems. Printout & magnetic disk in envelope. Appl. au: Carter L. Conaway, Carter L. Conaway; 1Jan77; A87379it.

A873795. The Insurance Almanac, 1977. Edited by Donald E- Wolff, compiled by The Underwriter Printing and Publishing Company. 6Sth annual ed. 6eu p. The Underwriter Printing and Publishing Company: 1Jul77: A873795.

A873796. Personal name index to "The New York times index," 1851-197U., Vol. 3. By Byron A. Falk, Jr. £ Valerie R. Falk. 569 p. Roxbury Data Interface; 13Jun77; 4873796.

A873797- Besearch in labor economics: an annual compilation of research. Vol. 1, 1977. Editor; Ronald G. Ehrenberg. 376 p. O JAI Press, Inc.; 30Jun77; A873797.

A873798, Paper cutting: making all kinds of paper shapes and figures. By Eric Hawkesworth, illustrated by Margaret Hawkesworth 6 Eric Hawkesworth. 95 p. Add. ti: Paper cutting for storytelling and entertain- ment. Prev- pub- abroad 1976- NM: editorial revision £ additional text- O Eric Hawkesworth: 15Apr77; A873798-

A873799- Are you my grandmother? Story by Libbie Hilberman, illus- by David Hilberman. 1 V- Libbie e David Hilberman; 16Apr77 (in notice: 1976) ; A873799-

A873800- Historic Old Rhinebeck, echoes of two centuries. By Howard H, Morse, indexed by Arthur C. M. Kelly. 1 v. NM: 61 p. person index. Arthur C. M. Kelly; lFeb77: Ae73800.

A873801. Harvard class of 1927, fiftieth anniversary report- 835 p. Add. ti; Harvard College class of 1927; fiftieth anniversary report- Appl. au: Edward H, Bailey. O President and Fellows of Harvard College: 1ilApr77; A873801.

A873802. Central Conference of American Rabbis eighty-seventh annual convention; June 21st to June 24th, 1976. San Francisco. CA. Vol, 86. Edited by Elliot L. Stevens. 342 p. Add- ti: Central Conference of American Rabbis yearbook- d Central Conference of American Rabbis; 11Apr77: A873802.

Aa73803- Socialized medicine at the grass roots. By A- S- Reece- 213 p. O A- S. Reece; 5JU177; A873803.

A873804- The Whiteheads of Burke County. Georgia: a genealogy composed of index charts and sketches in sections- Section 34-A; Judge John whitehead (1783-1857) first marriage. By Grattan Ufaitefaead Rowland. 1 v. Grattan Whitehead Rowland; 11Jul77; A873804-

A873805. Teletype model 40/8 data terminals with Tempest features; catalog. Jan, 1977 ed. 27 p. Teletype Corporation; 28Feb77; A873e05.

A873806- The Heart of Hebrews. Author: Howell Richard Bagwell. 106 p. Howell Richard Bagwell: 23May77; Ae73806.

A873807. How many days? By Earl S. Schlegel. 1 V- Earl S. Schlegel; 8Jul77; A873807.

A873808. Introduction to electric and magnetic fields. By Evan Richard Owen 6 Clifford B. Cloonan. 1 v. NM; editing, revisions £ additions- Clifford B- Cloonan 6 Z. B. Owen; 24Mar77: Ae73808.

4873609. 4 Proposal to prepare and develop land

use energy consumption data sets- 1 v.


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