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JUL-DEC. 1977

i901t72a. coamuaal dialoque proqraas. Vol. 1. By Charlotte Hatkaan Stein. 15 p. Doable a Press; 30Sep77; 19011728.

i90<t729. Factory finished can diaensioos: one-quart (0.916 liter) coaposite motor oil cans 101 X 509. 1 p. (CCTI reconaended industry standard* B-401.1, Sept. 1977, supersedes Dec. 1968) SB: revision. C Coaposite Can and Tube Institutei 30Sep77; i90ll729.

4904730. aeasurinq end seaos, composite cans.. 2 p. (CCTI standard testinq procedure, C-106, Sept. 1977, supersedes Oct. 1968) VH: revision. Coaposite Can and Tube Institute; 30Sep77: A90a730.

i904731. Op-date on fowl cholera. By G. H. Snoeyenbos £ Rilliaa T. Derieux. 6 p. Appl. au: Hubbard Farms, Inc. Hubbard Farms, Inc.: 170ct77; »90ii731.

4904732. Providence Hospital lonq ranqe plan for health care services and facilities, 1977-1987. 1 V. 4ppl. au: TriBrook. Group, Inc. Q TriBrook Group, Inc. 6 Providence Hospital; 140ct77; 4904732.

4904733. Poeas to lift your heart. 4 collection of poeas coaposed & written by Beulah Hoard Stolp. 108 p. Beulah Hoard Stoln: 80ct77: 4904733.

4904734. 4n Historical enqaqeaent calendar from colonial Nilliaasburq for the year 1978. 112 p. DM: compilation of new text E soae prev. pub. illus. C text. O The Colonial nilliaasburq Foundation; 27Sep77: 4904734.

4904735. The Nonder of Christmas. Poems £ art by Opal HcCurdy Klnsey. 1 v. O Opal BcCurdy Kinsey; 190ct77: 4904735.

4904736. Succession cards, an ecoloqical qame. Illus. £ text by Eloise Phelps Clark. 1 V. Eloise Phelps Clark; 17oct77; 4904736.

4904737. Federal qrants: a basic handbook. By Kathryn Hohraan, with Hyra Ficklen £ Brenda Latiaer. 47 p. C Association of 4aerican Colleqes; 22Sep77; 4904737.

4904738. Pattern for ay lady Paula, an old- fashioned qirl. Kit. 4ppl. au; aarilyn H. aalek. aarilyn a. Balek; 20Oct77; 4904738.

4904739. How to plan an affair and what to do while you are there. By Joanne Joyce Bird. 60 p. O Joanne J. Bird £ Bird Publications; 294uq77; 4904739.

4904740. Neqative eaotions. By fiobert Stanley, pseud, of Bobert Stanley Jackson. 17 p. O Institute of Existential Self- Analysis: 70ct77: 4904740.

4904741. Growth of a vision. By Bichaei Bay Phillips. 66 p. C One «ay, Ltd.: 1Jul77; 4904741.

4904742. Hedia 3 for younq Innovators, September 30, 1977. 8 V. £ 1 p. lounq Inno- vators, Inc.: 30Sep77: 4904742.

4904743. 4aerican Frozen Food Institute 1978 aeabersbip directory and buyers' guide. 160 p. O 4merican Frozen Food Institute; 10ct77; 4904743.

4904744. 4 H.A.P. (math activity packet) for ratio, proportion and percent. 4uthors: John F. Gatje £ Charles T. Gatje. 1 v. 4dd. ti: 4 a. 4. P. for ratio, proportion and percent. G and G Publishers; 10ct77; 4904744.

A904745. A H.A.P. (math activity packet) for decimals. Authors: John F. Gatje £ Charles T. Gatje. 1 v. Add. ti: 4 8.4. P. for decimals. G and G Publishers; 15Sep77; 4904745.

4904746. 4 a. 4. P. (math activity packet) for qeometry and measurement. 4uthors: John F. Gatje £ Charles T. Gatje. 1 v. 4dd. ti: 4 a. 4. P. for qeometry and neasurement. O G and G Publishers; 15oct77; 4904746.

4904747. Former post offices of Waller County. 4uthars: Blldred a. 4bshier, ainnle S. Bains, Uiilena L. Garrett, Jiaaie Bene Ogq, aavrs G. Peterson £ Barbara Ozzell. 69 p. Haller County Historical Society; 22Sep77; A904747.

4904748. How to correct a foreiqn accent. By Sara Genne. 17 p. O Sara Genne; 140ct77; 4904748.

4904749. Financial condition of independent colleqes and universities in Illinois, October 1977. Prepared by William John ainter £ John ainter Associates. 203 p. Add. ti: Financial condition of the Federation of Independent Illinois Colleqes and Dniversities, October 1977. O Federation of Independent Illinois Colleqes and Oniversities ; 170ct77; A904749.

A904750. EBISA coapliance quide, June 1977. 1 v. e Alexander and Alexander, Inc.; 1Jul77; 4904750.

4904751. Adolescents in health and disease. By William Andrew Daniel, Jr. 392 p. O The C. ». Hosby Company; 140ct77; A904751.

4904752. The Education motto motivator. By James ailton Dillahunt. 4 p. O James B. Dillahunt; 50ct77; A904752.

4904753. Besearch Institute pension coordinator; checklist. Vol. 4, no. 15, 4uq. 10, 1977. Sheets. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America pension coordinator checklist. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks, e The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 10Auq77: A904753.

A904754. Tax preparers liability service. Vol. 1, no. 5, 4uq. 15, 1977. 1 V. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 154uq77; 4904754.

4904755. BI4 Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Sections 1-3, vol. 23, no. 34, 4uq. 25, 1977. 2 V. fi sheets. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of America Federal tax coordinator: weekly alert. 4ppl. au: Jaaes E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 254uq77; 4904755.

4904756. BI4 Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Sections 1-3, vol. 23, no. 32, 4u9. 11, 1977. 2 V. £ sheets. 4dd. ti: Besearch Institute of 4fflerica Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. 4ppl. au: Jaaes E. Cheeks. e The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 114uq77; 4904756.

4904757. tour business and the lav. Vol. 7, no. 17, 4U9. 22, 1977. p. 97-102. Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 224uq77; 4904757.

4904758. your business and the law. Vol. 7, no. 16, 4U9. 8. 1977. p. 91-96. 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 84U977; 4904758.

4904759. Besearch Institute of 4fflerica tax guide: weekly alert. Sections 1-2, vol. 12, no. 35, 4uq. 18, 1977. 1 V. 4dd . ti: Besearch Institute of 4merica tax guide (developments) : weekly alert. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. Appl. states copyriqht not taken for section 1. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc. ; 18Aug77; A904759.

A904760. Besearch Institute of Aaerica tax guide: weekly alert. Sections 1-2, vol. 12, no. 33, Auq. 4, 1977. 1 v. Add. ti: Besearch Institute of 4merica tax guide (deve- lopments): weekly alert. Appl. au: James E. Cheeks. Appl. states copyright not claimed for section 1. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 4Aug77; A904760.

A904761. BIA Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Sections 1-3, vol. 23, no. 33, Aug. 18, 1977. 2 v. £ sheets. 4dd. ti; Besearch Institute of 4Berica Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. 4ppl. au: James E. Cheeks. The Besearch Institute of 4Berica, Inc.; 184uq77; 4904761.

4904762. BI4 Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Sections 1-2, vol. 23, no. 31, 4uq. 4, 1977. 2 v. 4dd. ti: Besearch Institute of Aaerica Federal tax coordinator 2d: weekly alert. Appl. au: Jaaes E. Cheeks. O The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 44ug77; 4904762.

4904763. BIA supervisory alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 34, Aug. 23, 1977. Folder (p. 167-170) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. 6 The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 23AU977: A904763.

4904764. BI4 supervisory alert: action. Vol. 6, no. 33, 4ug. 16, 1977. Folder (p. 163-166) 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of 4merica, Inc.; 16Aug77; A904764.

A904765. BIA sales alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 31, Aug. 2, 1977. Polder (p. 148-151) Appl. au: Bichard B. Salzmann. The Besearch Institute of America, Inc.; 2Aug77; A904765.

A904766. BIA sales alert: personal action. Vol. 6, no. 34, Aug. 23, 1977. Polder (p. 156-159) 4ppl. au: Bichard B. Salzaann. O The Besearch Institute of 4aerica, Inc.; 23Aug77; A904765.


BIA sales alert: sales action. Vol. 6,


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