19011599 - S90it6lt0
JUL-DEC. 1977
4904599. Shepacd's Massachusetts citations; advance sheet ed. , cases £ statutes. Vol. 45, no. 1, Sept. 1977. 35 p. 6 She- pard*s. Inc. of Colorado Springs; 29Sep77; S904599.
ASOteOO. Shepard*s Atlantic reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 22. no. 3. Sept. 1977. 30 p. e Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 15Sep77; 4904600.
4904601. Shepard's Southeastern reporter citations. Vol. 57, no. 2, Sept. 1977. 199 p. e Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 8Sep77: 4904601.
4904602. Shepard's Northwestern reporter citations. Vol. 74, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 400 p. e Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 12Sep77; 4904602.
4904603. Shepard's Puerto Bico citations; cases & statutes. Vol. 10, no. 1, Sept. 1977. 310 p. 3 Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs: 29Sep77: 4904603.
4904604. Shepard's Law review citations- Vol. 10, no. 2, Sept. 1977. 506 p. e Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 21Sep77; 4904604.
4904605. Shepard's West Virginia citations; cases e statutes. Vol. 65, no. 2, Sept. 1977. 1 1 1 p. @ Shepard's, InCo of Colorado Springs: 19Sep77: 4904605.
4904606. Shepard's Montana citations; cases & statutes. Vol. 65, no. 1. Sept. 1977. 80 p. 3 Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 27Sep77: 4904606.
4904607. Shepard's Ohio citations; cases & statutes. Vol. 69, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 354 p. Q Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 19Sep77; 4904607.
4904608. Shepard's New York miscellaneous citations. Vol. 61, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 197 p. 3 Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs: 20Sep77; 4904608.
4904609. Shepard's Florida citations: cases & statutes. Vol. 64, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 254 p. O Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 21Sep77; 4904609.
4904610. Shepard's Federal' labor law citations; cases, statutes & cross references. Vol. 19. no. 1. Sept. 1977. 690 p. Q Shepard's, Inc. of Colorado Springs; 27Sep77: 4904610.
4904611. Hospital design guidelines. Vol. 2. 1 V. e Greshao and Snith; 7Jan77; 4904611.
4904612. Introducing attributes: spinners. By Shirley Nickel. Kit. 3 Creative Teaching 4ssociates; 30Sep76; 4904612.
4904613. No upper limit: the challenge of the teacher of secondary mathematics. By gilliam 4. Leonard. 122 p. Creative Teaching 4ssociates; 164uq77; 4904613.
4904614. The Disastrous dollar. Kit. 4ppl. au: Bonald Claassen. NM; revision. 3 Creative Teaching Associates; 30Dec73; 4904614.
4904615. The Herry metric. Kit. Appl. au: Bonald Claassen. 3 Creative Teaching Associates; 23aay74; 4904615.
4904616. Domino math task cards. By Arthur J. Riebe. Sheets in envelope. 6 Creative Teaching 4ssaciates; 80ct76; 4904616.
4904617. flathematical nuggets from the newspaper. By Betty Buzitis G Jeanette Keller, iilus. : Bobin Campbell, graphics; Linda Boaano. 131 p. Creative Teaching 4ssociates; 164ug77: 4904617,
4904618. Science experiments. . Book C. By Marvin L. Stevens, illus.; Marvin L. Stevens, graphics; Gail Bosenthal. 1 v. 6 Creative Teaching 4ssociates; 29Jun77; 4904618.
4904619. Bank account. 4uthor: Arthur J. Niebe. Kit. O creative Teaching Associates; 13Sep76; A904619.
A904620. Budget. Kit. Appl. au; Arthur 'J. Hiebe. 6 Creative Teaching 4ssociates; 7Feb77; 4904620.
4904621. Orientation to policyowner service. Multiple volumes. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N46529. Life office Management 43sociation; 40ct77; 4904621.
4904622. Contemporary Uurlitzer. Produced by Greg Bister, photography; Boland Bister, fiecord jacket. 4ccompanied by sound recording, reg. N46530. 3 Greg Bister; 100ct77; 4904622.
A904623. Journey across Bussia; the Soviet Onion today. Pt. 1-2. 2 v. & 2 p. Accompanied by 2 filmstrips e sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society: 13Sep77: A904623.
A904624. Sharks. 8 p. Accompanied by sound recording G filmstrip in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 13Sep77; A904624.
A904625. Pollution: problems and prospects. 2 v. Accompanied by 2 filmstrips & sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 13Sep77: A904625.
A904626. Geology: our dynamic Earth. 4 v. & poster. Accompanied by 4 filmstrips & sound recording in box. 8 National Geographic Society; 13Sep77; A904626.
A904627. Animals around you. 5 v. Accompanied by 5 filmstrips & sound recording in box. National Geographic Society; 13Sep77: 4904627.
4904628. Seasons: autumn. 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) & 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit: a readin- q/listening/content comprehension reinforcement program) 4ccompanied by filmstrip & sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 14Sep77; 4904628.
4904629. Volcanoes. 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) 6 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit; a reading/iiste- ning/content comprehension reinforcement program) 4ccompcLoied by filmstrip & sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 14Sep77; 4904629.
4904630. Hhat is an insect? 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) & 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit: a readin- g/listening/content comprehension reinforcement program) 4ccompanied by filmstrip & sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 23Sep77; 4904630.
4904631. Earthguakes. 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) 8 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit; a reading/liste- ning/content comprehension reinforcement program) Accompanied by filmstrip £ sound recording in box. 3 National Geographic Society; 23Sep77; A904631.
A904632. Hhat is a reptile? 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) & 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit; a readin- g/listening/content comprehension reinforcement program) Accompanied fay filmstrip C sound recording in box. Q National Geographic Society; 23Sep77; 4904632.
4904633. Seasons: winter. 2 folders, sheets (2 p.) 6 3 cards. (National Geographic Society learning shelf kit; a readin- g/listening/content comprehension reinforcement program) 4ccompanied by filmstrip & sound recording in box. e National Geographic Society; 16Sep77; 4904633.
4904634. Seminar on Pension Beform. Prepared by the Office of Continuing Legal Education, College of Law, Oniversity of Kentucky. 106 p. 4dd. ti: Beport of the Seminar on Pension Beform. Held at Lexington, KY, Nov. 19-20, 1976. 4ppl. au; Marianna Bead, e Office of Continuing Legal Education, Oniversity of Kentucky, College of Law; 16Sep77: 4904634.
4904635. Speculation. 2 p. 4ppl. au: Carlton Johnson. 3 Carlton Johnson; 190ct77; 4904635.
4904636. Oregon history: adventurers and explorers. Hritten & edited by Beatrice Bolton. 24 p. 6 Beatrice Bolton; 6Sep77: 4904636.
4904637. Program IDSE0G1. 5 p. Add. ti: Computer program IDSEDG1. Appl. au: Irwin Doliner. 3 Irwin Doliner d.b.a. Interactive Data Systems; 140ct77; A904637.
A904638. Program IDSEDL1. 3 p. Add. ti: Computer program IDSEDL1. Appl. au: Irwin Doliner. 3 Irwin Doliner d.b.a. Interactive Data Systems; 140ct77; 4904638.
A904639. Program IDSHEBI. 2 p. Add. ti: Computer program lOSHESI. Appl. au: Irwin Doliner. 3 Irwin Doliner d.b.a. Interactive Data Systems; 140ct77; 4904639.
4904640. Program IDSC0P1. 2 p. Add. ti: computer program IDSC0P1. Appl. au: Irwin
Doliner. 3 Irwin Doliner d. b.a.
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