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JUL-DEC. 1977

A9 0ltll80 (coa.) 6 on section entitled Filnoqraphies; art directors and production designers; Elliott Stein: 12llov76: A90I4480.

tSOUUSI. Alfred Stleqlitz and the iaerican avant-Qarde. By Hilliaa Innes Boner. 335 p. O Billiaa Innes Ho«er; 6Apr77; A90«l)81.

A90III482. Engine asseably and testing procedures. By Jaaes N. Horiacty. 1 >. Intext, Inc.: 1JU177; A90a482.

A90l4lt83. Engine bearings, caoshafts, and crankshafts. By Jaaes N. Horiarty. 1 y. Intext, Inc.: 1Jul77: A90ait83.

A904lt81|. Engine pistons, piston rings and connecting rods. By James U. Horiarty. 1 w. O Inteit, Inc.; lJul77; A90i»il8i(.

A904l»85. Engine valves and valve nechanisos. By Janes N. Horiarty. 1 v. O Intext, Inc.: 1Jul77: A90l*a85.

Agouaee. Engine disassembly and inspection. By Janes H. Boriarty. 1 v. O Intext, Inc.: 1JU177: A90itit86.

A9011U87. Practical arithnetic. Pt. 5: Heights and measures. By B. a. Spangler. 75 p. Appl. au: Intext, Inc. staff. HH: editorial revision. Intext, Inc.; 15Sep77: A90ltl487.

A9ai|l488. Production planning and control. By John E. Biegel. 1 v. O Intext, Inc.; 1Jun77: A90HU88.

A90ltl489. Eastern literature; student guide 1. By Bonnie B. Botondo. 41 p. O Intext, Inc. : 1Jun77: A904489.

A904490. Eastern literature; student guide 2. By Bonnie B. Botondo. 44 p. Intext, Inc.: 1Jun77: A904490.

A90449t. Introduction to philosophy: student guide 2. By Andrew chrucky. 42 p. Intext, Inc.; 1Sep77: A904491.

A904492. Han in the twentieth century; student guide 2. By Ernest A. HcKay. 48 p. e Intext. Inc.; 1Aug77; A904492.

A904493. flan in the twentieth century; student guide 1. By Ernest A. HcKay. 46 p. O Intext, Inc.; 1Jun77: A904493.

A904494. Spanish-Aaerican culture, 2: student guide 1. By Jose E. Beyes-Tudela G Alice S. Beyes. 44 p. C Intext. Inc.: 1Aug77: A904494.

A904495. Spanish-Anerican culture, 2; student guide 2. By Jose E. Reyes-Tudela 6 Alice S. Beyes. 42 p. C Inteit, Inc. ; 15Auq77: A904495.

A904496. Student assiqnnent booklet. Biology, 2411. 43 p. NH: editorial revision. O Intext, Inc.; 1Aug77; A904496.

A904497. Integrated circuit prolects. Vol. 5. By Forrest H. Hiis 3rd. 2Dd ed. 95 p. Badio Shack, a Tandy corporation company: 5Aug77; A9a4497.

A904498. Your own conputer. By Hitchell Haite £ Hichael Pardee. 80 p. C Howard i. Sams and Company, Inc.; 50ct77; A904496.

A904499. Aviation electronics. By Keith H. Bose. 3rd ed. 352 p. Prev. pub. as Aviation electronics handbook. C Boward H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 50ct77; A904499.

A904500. Hicrophones for CB. By Frank Swinehart. 96 p. Boward 1. Sans and Company, Inc.; 50ct77: A904S00.

A904501. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 145, Oct. 1977. By the Howard H. Sans and Company. Inc., engineering staff. 128 p. Howard H. Sans and Company, Inc.; 30ct77; A904501.

A904502. Sams Photofact auto radio series. Vol. 249, Oct. 1977. By the Howard U. Sans and Company, Inc., engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard U. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77; A904502.

A904503. Sams Photofact CB radio series. Vol. 142, Oct. 1977. By the Howard H. Sans and Company, Inc., engineering staff. 128 p. O Howard 8. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77; A904503.

A904Sa4. Sans nodular hi-fi components. Vol. 102. 128 p. NH: compilation 6 additional text. Howard H. Sams and Company, Inc.; 30ct77: A904504.

A904505. Seeking adventure skillbook; California suppl. 11575 to 2970, teacher 's ed. 1 p. O Scott, Foresman and Company; 3Jun77; A904505.

A904506. Activities and tests for Uorld cultures. By Sandra S. Deines. 60 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and Company. Scott, Foresman and Company; 29Jul77; A904S06.

A904507. English for a changing world; exercise book. Pt. 1A. By Bonald Hardhaugh, Felisa P. Oe Carrillo, A. J. Hald Hadsen £ others. 46 p. Appl. au: Scott. Foresaan and Company. NH: 2 p. of new text. Scott, Foresman and Company; 24Aug77: A904507.

A904508. English for a changing world; exercise book. Pt. IB. By fionald Sardhaugh, Felisa P. De Carrillo, A. J. Hald Hadsen 6 others. 95 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresaan and Company. NH: 5 p. of new text. O Scott, Foresman and Company: 24Aug77: A904508.

A904509. You and your health; school, hone, community; activity booklet. Book 8. 32 p. Scott, Foresman and Company; 23Aug77; A904509.

A904510. you and your health: school, hone, comnunity: activity booklet. Book 7. 32 p. C Scott, Foresman and Company: 23Auq77; A904510.

A904511. English for a changing world; exercise book. Pt. 2A. By Bonald Rardhaugh, Felisa P. De Carrillo, A. J. Bald Hadsen £ others. 44 p. Appl. au: Scott. Foresman and Company. NH: 4 p. of new text. O Scott, Foresman and Company; 25AU977: A904511.

1904512. English for a changing world; exercise book. Pt. 2B. By Sonald aardhaugh. Felisa P. De Carrillo, A. J. Hald Hadsen £ others. 94 p. Appl. au: Scott, Foresman and Company. BH; 4 p. of new text. O Scott, Foresman and Company: 25Aug77: A9a4512.

A904S13. English for a changing world, 3; teacher's annotated ed. 160 p. Scott, Foresaan and Company; 25AU377; A9a4513.

A904514. Police and society. Edited by David H. Bayley. 260 p. O Sage Publications, Inc.; 22Sep77; A904514.

A904515. Hisfits and missionaries. By Jon Uagner. 247 p. (The City and society, vol. 2) O Sage Publications. Inc. ; 22Sep77; A904515.

1904516. The Andean pact: a political analysis. By Boger B. Fontaine. 72 p. (The Bashington papers, vol. 5, no. 45) The Center for Strategic and International Studies (in notice: The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown Oniversity) ; 3Aug77; A904516.

A904517. Hass news nedia and the third world challenge. By Leonard fi. Sussnan. 80 p. (The Hashington papers, vol. 5, no. 46) e The Center for Strategic and Inter- national Studies (in notice; The Center for Strategic and International studies. Georgetown Oniversity) ; 13Aug77; A904517.

A904518. Egypt: the dilenaas of a nation. 1970-1977. By B. Hichael Burrell £ Abbas B. Kelidar. 78 p. (The Uashington papers, vol. 5, no. 48) The Center for Strategic and International studies (in notice: The Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown Oniversity) ; 10Oct77; A904518.

A904519. Ideas froa geology. By Lou Uilliams Page. 250 p. O Addison-Besley Publishing Company, Inc.; 2Jan73: A904519.

A904520. The Arithnetic priner; student ed. By Paul Shoecraft. 150 p. Addison- Uesley Publishing Conpany, Inc.; 20Aug76; A904520.

A904521. Baseball: a gaae of nuabecs; student ed. By Hichael Sentlowitz £ Jaaes H. Thelen. 186 p. Addison-Hesley Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 23Sep77; A904521.

A904522. Columbia, HS, telephone directory, October 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone company; 23sep77; A904522.

A904523. Cleveland, HS, Drew, Gunnison and others telephone directory. October 1977. South central Bell Telephone Company: 100ct77; A904523.

A904524. Owenton, KT, New Liberty telephone directory, October 1977. O South Central Bell Telephone company; 30ct77; A904524.


Hount Sterling, KY, telephone directory.


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