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A904310 - A90lt351


JUL-DEC. 1977

A904309 (con.) Centarv-Ccof ts, a publishioq division of Pcentice-aall. Inc.; 29Sep77; 4901309.

t90i|310. FcdDkenstein's doq. Story bj Jan Hahl, pictures by Kay Chorao. 1 w. O Jan iahl; 12Sep77: »904310.

A904311. Frankenstein's doq. Stocy by Jan Hahl, pictures by Kay Chocao. It. on illus. : Kay Chorao; 12Sep77: 1901(311.

&904312. Lawrence 8eik*s Musical faaily albuB. By Laurence Helk, Hith Bernice HcGeehan. 1 T. Laarence lelk; 26Sep77: 1900312.

19011313. The Saqa of special effects. By Bon Fry £ Paaela Fourzon. 212 p. Ippl. states all new except soae repub. photos. Bon Fry 6 Paaela Fourzon: 29Sep77; 1901313.

1901311. Hinninq. By Bobin F. Brancato. 213 p. Bobin F. Brancato: 221uq77: 1901311.

1904315. Hon to be a thin person. By Baysa Bose Bonou, with an introd. by Gerard Husante. 135 p. Baysa Bose BonOB: 22Jul77; 1901315.

1901316. The Luxeabourq run. By Stanley Ellin. 272 P. Stanley Ellin: 221uq77: 1901316.

1901317. BurqXars can't be choosers. By Lawrence Block. 181 p. Lawrence Block: 9Auq77: 1901317.

1901318. The Beturn. By law H. Boatenq. 119 p. Ippl. au: Bandoa Bouse, Inc. . employer for hire (nap) Prev. pub. abroad 2Ilay77 & req. NH: introd. G frontice sap. O law a. Boatenq: 12Sep77; 1901318.

1901319. The View froa Serendip. By Irthur Charles Clarke. 273 p. Portions pcev. pub. in Istronautics and aeronautics & others. on new text, revised text, coBPilation G editinq; Irthur C. Clarke; 12Sep77: 1901319.

1901320. Playinq God; qenetic enqineecinq and the manipulation of life. By G. June Goodfield. 218 p. Portions prev. pub. fcoa "Gerontion" in Collected poeas, 1909-196 2 G others. O June Goodfield; 31uq77; 1901320.

1901321. llfred Hitchcock presents: Stories that qo bump in the niqht. 312 p. Ippl. au: llfred Hitchcock, Nancy Swoboda G Bandom House, Inc., eaployec for hire of Harold Hasur. Portions prev. pub. as Kiss, kiss in The New Yorker. on new text, revised text, editinq, coapilation, introd., G the story "In Evening in Soho**; Bandoa Bouse, Inc.: 22JU177; 1901321.

1901322. Hhat every pregnant woaan should know: the truth about diets and drugs in pregnancy. By Gail Sforza Brewer with Toa Brewer. 240 p. Gail Sforza Brewer; 12Sep77: 1901322.

1901323. The Body has its reasons: anti-exercises and self-awareness. By Therese Bertherat G Carol Bernstein, illus. by lodree vilar. 159 p. Ippl. aa: Bandoa Bouse, Inc. Translation of Le Corps a ses raisons. on English translation; Bandoa House, Inc.; 31Hay77; 1904323.

1901321. The Body has its reasons: anti-exercises and self-awareness. By Therese Bertherat & Carol Bernstein, illus. by Indree vilar. 159 p. Ippl- au: Bandoa House, Inc. Translation of Le Corps a ses raisons. on illus. for Preliainaries; Bandoa House, Inc.: 3laay77; 1901321.

1904325. The Coaplete book of runninq. By Jaaes F. Fixi, illus. by Bobert Handville, cartoqraphy by David Liodroth. 314 p. Jaaes F. Fixx; 27Sep77; 1904325.

1904326. It Bandoa: the reainiscences of Bennett cerf. By Bennett llfred Cerf. 306 p. on new text, revised text, editinq G coapilation; Bandoa House, Inc. ; 161uq77; 1904326.

1904327. Cannibals and kings: the origins of cultures. By Harvin Harris. 239 p. aarvin Harris; 27Sep77; 1901327.

1901328. Binq: a biography of Bing Lardner. By Jonathan lardley. 415 p'. Portions prev. pub in the Chicago tribune G others. O on new text, revised text, coapilation, introd. C editing; Jonathan Yardley; 5JU177; 1904328.

1901329. 1 Charlie Brown Christaas. By Charles a. Schulz. 1 V. Based on Lee Hendelson- Bill Helendez television production of "1 Charlie Brown Christaas." Ippl. au: Bandoa House, Inc. on new text, editing, revisions, coapilation G depiction of characters; Onited Feature Syndicate, Inc.; 7Sep77; 1901329.

1901330. The Bescuers. 1 v. Featuring characters froa the Disney fila suggested by the books by Hargery Sharp, The Bescuers G Hiss Bianca. Ippl. au: Bandoa House, Inc. O Ualt Disney Productions; 3iug77: 1901330.

1901331. Hephisto. By Klaus Mann, translated froa the Geraan by Bobin Sayth. 263 p. Ippl. au: Bandoa House, Inc., eaployer for hire of Bobin Sayth. O on translation; Bandoa House, Inc.; 301ug77; 1901331.

1901332. Personal vitality. By Donald B. Biller. 371 p. O Iddison-uesley Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 13Jun77; 1904332.

1901333. Introduction to lasers and their applications. By Donald C. o'Shea, i. BUEsell Callen G Hilliaa T. shodes. 276 p. Iddison-Hesley Publishinq Coapany, Inc.; 13Jun77; 1901333.

1904334. Exploratory data analysis. By John U. Tukey. 688 p. Idd. ti: EOl. Iddison- Hesley Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 17Hay77: 1904334.

1901335. mother kind of autuan. By Loren Eiseley, woodcuts by Baiter Ferro. 95 p. Soae poeas in collection prev. pub. in the June 1977 issue of Harper's aaqazine G others. O on text; The Estate of Loren Eiseley; 30ct77; 1901335.

1904336. mother kind of autuan. By Loren Eiseley, woodcuts by Halter Ferro. 95 p. Soae poeas in collection prev. pub. in the June 1977 issue of Harper's aaqazine G others. on woodcut illus.; Baiter Ferro; 30ct77; 1904336.

1904337. The Owner-built hoaestead. By Ken G Barbara Kern. 394 p. NH: 35)1 new text, editorial revision, updating G 50% aew illus. O Ken Kern G Barbara Kern; Uug77: 1904337.

1904336. The College cookbook. By Geri Harrington. NH; 10X new text G editorial revisions. Geri Harrington; 12Sep77; 1901338.

1901339. The Others. By Bobert Ferro. 86 p. O Bobert Ferro; 19Sep77; 1901339.

1904340. Free-fora bargello. By Gigs Stevens. 106 p. Ippl. states all new except poea on p. 28, photo, on p. 32 G plate no. 31. O Gigs Stevens; 30ct77; 1904340.

1904341. The Big bag book. By Carter Houck G Hyroo Hiller. ISO p. O Carter Houck G Hyron Miller; 30ct77; 1901311.

1901312. The Biver bank froa The Bind in the willows. By Kenneth Grahaae, illustrated by Idrienoe Idaas. 30 p. on illus. ; Idrienne Idaas; 30ct77: 1901312.

1901313. Total loving: how to love and be loved for the rest of your life. By "J", pseud, of Joan Theresa Garrity. 256 p. O Joan Garrity (writing under the pseud. "J"); 15JU177; 1901343.

1901314. Quicksand: a novel of the city. By Elliott Irnold. 343 p. O Elliott Irnold; 261ug77; 1964341.

1904345. The Evil that aen do: the stocy of the Nazis. By Irnold P. Bubin. 223 p. NM: text G integration of acknowledged aaterial. O Irnold P. Bubin; 30Sep77; 1904 315.

1901316. On the way up: what it's like in the ainor leagues. By David Klein. 125 p. Ippl. au: Dacaa, Inc. NH: text C coapilation of photos. Dacaa, Inc. G David Klein (in notice: Dacaa, Inc. G Dave Klein) ; 30Sep77; 1901346.

1901317. Habit control in a day; the breakthrough book that describes professionally tested new aethods for eliainating: stuttering, nail biting, hair pulling, auscular tics and other nervous habits. By Nathan B. izrin G Bobert Gregory Nunn. 190 p. O NathaJi B. Izrin G B. Gregory Nunn; 16Sep77; 1901317.

1901318. Oreaas die first; a novel. By Harold Bobbins. 350 p. Harold Bobbins; 6Sep77; 1901318.

1901319. lour personality and your career. By Sarah Splaver. 190 p. Sarah Splaver; 30Sep77; 1901319.

1901350. The Investigation; a novel. By Dorothy Ohnak. 341 p. O Dorothy Ohnak; 2ajul77;



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