»901t237 - A90I4272
JUL-DEC. 1977
A9014237. k Cataloq of perCoraance oblectives, criteriOD-referenced neasures and pecfocnance guides for public housing aoaqeaeut. By Carol Keyser C, Hallace D. Huntec. Sheets (233 p.| Appl. au: Voca tional-TechDical Education Consortiua of States. Vocational-Technical Education Consoctiua of States (»-TECS); 120ct77: A90I4237.
>9a<t238. Hv way; a aethod of selecting, preparing and painting aodel soldiers. By Uenci Lion vith Valentine Bean. 80 p. O Henri Lion & Valentine Bean: 23Sep77: A90II238.
k904239. Garden reading method. Grade 1, vorkbook 2. By Hae Carden. 55 p. NH: rearitinq. neii illus., S 3 additional pages. O Hae Carden, Inc.; 120ct77; 49014239.
t90l42<t0. The Pool gaae. 1 p. Appl. au: Jack Lee O'Dell. O Jack L. O'Dell; 27Sep77; A90U2H0.
A90<42U1. Leaqatbon; the big noney gane of franchise football. Kit. Appl. au: aichael E. Hestaoreland. O Uestaoreland Products. Inc.: 30Sep77: A9042U1.
A9ail2it2. Prayer and the devotional life. By Dale S. Brinqaan e Prank H. Klos, edited by David H. Gieschen. 1<44 p. Prev. pub. 19611. NH: 3 additional chapters £ revisions. Parish Life Press: 1'4Sep77; A90lt2l42.
A90lt21l3. The Haqnificent nobility: a history of ioaan's Hissionary Union of North Carolina, 1952-1972. By Kate c. Haddry crouch. 125 p. O Hoaan's Hissionary Union of North Carolina, auxiliary to the Baptist State convention: 30ct77: A90II243.
A90lt2lm. Cognition, curriculua, and coapre- hension. Editor:John T. Guthrie. 300 p. Seainar on The Developaent of Neadioq COBprehension, held in Newark, DelaHare, suaaer 1975. International Beading Association, Inc.; 15Sep77: A90it2'l't.
A90M2a5. Pala Coast, PL, directory and shopping guide, 1977-78. Blake Publishing COBPany; 9Sep77; 490142115.
A90II2I46. The Virginia Peninsula presents Lanqley Air Force Base, 1977-78. 1 v. Add. tl: Lanqley, 1977. National Hilitary Publications, a division of Blak« Publishinq Coapany: 1Aug77: A90II2I46.
A9042<47. Spring Hill, PL, householders directory, 1977-78. O Blake Publishinq Coapany: 19Aug77: A90142147.
A90I42<4e. Siqauod and the sea aonsters: direc- tions. Card. O Hilton Bradley Coapany: 10Peb75: A90l42l*8.
A90I42149. Detroit diesel engines, series 53, highway vehicle: service aanual. No. 6SE226 (rev. 7/77) 1 ». Add. ti: Series 53 vehicle engine service aanual- Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Motors Corporation (in notice: General Hotocs Corporation): 22Jul77: A90I42I49.
A90I4250. V-71 engines operator's aanual. No. 6SE323 (rev. 7/77) 180 p. Add. ti: y-71 engine operator's aanual; Detroit diesel engines v-71 operators aauual. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation) : 10Auq77: A90142SO.
A9042S1. In-line 71 engines: operators aanual. NO. 6SE329 (rev. 7/77) 172 p. Add. ti: Detroit diesel engines in-line 71 operators oauual; Xn-Line 71 engine operators aanual. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors Corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation): lOAug??; A90<4251.
A90I4252. Series 53 engines; operators aanual. NO. 6SE337 (rev. 7/77) HI p. Add. ti: Detroit diesel engines series 53 operators aanual; Series 53 engine operators aanual. Appl. au: General Hotors Corporation. Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors corporation (in notice: General Hotors Corporation): iaAug77: A90I4252.
A9ai4253. Detroit diesel engines V-71: service aanual. No. 6SE18<1 (rev. 6/77) 1 v. Add. ti: v-71 engine service aanual. Appl. au: General Hotors corporation. O Detroit Diesel Allison Division, General Hotors corporation (in notice: General Hotors corporation); 22Jul77; A90I42S3.
A90I42SI4. New aedical college adaission test; interpretive aanual. Issued by the Division of Educational Heasureaent and fiesearch. Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 1 V. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 5Aug77: A90I12511.
A9011255. Exploratory analyses of the relations of institutional variables: a replication: final report. By Charles B. Sheraan, issued by the Division of operational Studies, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 26 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 15Apr77; A90I4255.
A90l«256. Career choices of the 1976 graduates of U.S. aedical schools; final report. By Janet Helei cuca, issued by the Division of student Studies, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 165 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 31Hay77: A90I4256.
A90I4257. A Second exploratory analysis of the relations aaong institutional variables; final report. By Charles B. Sheraan, issued by the Division of Operational Studies, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 3<4 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 3Har77: A90a257.
A904258. Second preliainary report of the faculty developaent survey; special report. Issued by the Division of faculty Developaent, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 121 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Medical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 2Jun77: A9014258.
A9014259. Classification of U.S. aedical schools: a replication; final report. By Hichaei G. HcShane, issued by the Division of Operational Studies, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. i42 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 28Har77: A90II259.
A90I4260. Study of Public Health Service (PHS) scholarship recipients and National Health Service Corps (NNSC) participants; final report. Issued by the Division of student Studies, Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. 58 p. Appl. au: Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges. O Association of Aaerican Hedical Colleges; 31flay77; A90I4260.
A9014261. Toshiba field service training prograa. 147 p. Add. ti: Toshiba calculator service training prograa. O Toshiba Aaerica* Inc.; 15JU177; A90I4261.
A90l42b2. FTD florist record systea. 5 v. & sheets. Appl. states all new except General ledger no. I480, Summary of FTD "in" and "out" no. i495 t chart of accounts. O Data Hanageoent, Inc.; 20Jun77: A9014262.
A9ai4263. The Pasting parade. By Ann Bisbara & Ellen Sussaan. 31 p. Creative Teaching Press, Inc.: 22Aag77; A90<4263.
A90'426'4. Sports. Sheets in box. (Turn 'n* learn, set 3SJ Appl. au: Sue Parker. O Creative Teaching Press, Inc.; 9Sep77; A9014 26I4.
A90I4 26 5. Beading readiness: seasonal activities to develop auditory and visual perception. Hritten C illustrated by Shirley Gallardo. 3<4 p. Creative Teaching Press, Inc.; 9Sep77; A90I4265.
A9014 266. Sports. Sheets in box. (Turn *n* learn, set 3A) Appl. au; Sue Parker. O Creative Teaching Press, Inc.; 9Sep77; A9ai4266.
A90I1267. Lake and Hendocino Counties, CA, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company; 70ct77; A904267.
A90I4 268. Freaont, Hatward, Union City, CA, and others, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 29Sep77; A90'126B.
A90it269. Airport area, Los Angeles, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany; 21Sep77: A90I4 269.
A90I4270. Liveraore, Pleasanton, Sunol, CA, and vicinities, telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company: 60ct77: A90<4270.
A90I4271. Glendale, Burbank, La Crescenta, CA, address telephone directory, October 1977. O The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Coapany: SOct77: A90<4271.
A9QI4272. Airport area* Los Angeles, street
address telephone directory, October 1977.
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