JUL-DEC. 1977
A90l)189. Indoor look. By Bob Kllnq (Bobert Joseph Klinq) 95 p. Bob Kllng; 21Scp77: 490111B9.
&90II190. To climb a broken path. By Hacqacet noss La Place. 1 v. C Harqacet Moss La Place: 120ct77; 119011190.
ft90ii191. Minutes of the 117th Genecal tssenbly. Presbytecian Chucch in the Onited States. Ft. 2: statistics for 1976. 356 p. The Stated Clerk of the Genecal Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the Dnited States; 27Jul77: A904191.
A90II192. Ten steps auay fron buying it riqht; a quide for used car buyers, information by mail. By Charles liayborn Hathey. 28 p. M and N Enterprises; noct77: »90t192.
&90 11193. Uho's Mho in childbirth education. 1977-78; directory of the certified teacher and physician meabers of American Society for Psychoprophylaxis in obstetrics. Inc. 119 p. American Society for Psychoprophy laiis in Obstetrics, Inc. (ASPO) ; 180ct77; A90II193.
A90119II. An Old priest remembers, 1892-1977. By John K. sharp. 174 p. John K. Sharp: 15Sep77: A901I19I4.
A901(195. "The VellON book" of funeral directors and services, 1977-78. 527 p. Add. ti: National yellow book of funeral directors and suppliers, 1977-78. C Nomis Publications, Inc.; 2aSep77; A90it195.
A904196. Personal qolf book. 1 v. Appl. au: William Edward Hyden. O The Deacon's Corner, Inc.; 160ct77: A90it196.
A901I197. Hooq chassis parts wall chart and specification quide. 20 p. Appl. au: Hubert Calmus Hooq. NN: compilation G additional text. nooq Automotive, Inc.; 29Sep77: A9011197.
A90H198. Color-a-day calendar kit, 1978. Appl. au: Paula oyama. Paula Oyama; 140ct77; A904198.
A90ai99. Baytown, HO, area suburban directory, October 1977. Leland Mast Directory Company; 30ct77; A90IH99.
A904 200. For your Bar Mitzvah. Folder. Appl. au: Rita B. Zoppo. Rita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904200.
A901201. For you on Easter. Folder. Appl. au: Bita £. Zoppo. O Blta E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904 201.
A90l*202. In your time of sorrow. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. zoppo. Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A90II202.
A90l)203. On your weddinq day. Folder. Appl. au: Bita E. Zoppo. O Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A90H203.
A90lt201t. On your confirmation day. Folder. Appl. au: aita £. Zoppo. Rita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A90a201|.
A904205. conqratulations on this graduation day. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. Blta E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904205.
A90't20e. Happy birthday. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. Bita £. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904206.
&90I4207. For you on Easter. Folder. Appl. au: Bita E. Zoppo. Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77: A904207.
A9ait2a8. For Mom with love on Mother's Day. Folder. Appl. au: aita E. Zoppo. Rita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904208.
A<J0lt209. Congratulations. Folder. Appl. au: Bita E. Zoppo. O Blta E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A901I209.
A904210. Happy anniversary lovebirds. Folder. Appl. au: Bita E. Zoppo. O Rita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A901t210.
A901t211. Foe your shower. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. O Rita E. Zoppo; 110ct77: A90it211.
A90it212. Uith love on Father's Day. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. Blta E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A90lt212.
A9011213. Happy birthday to someone special. Folder. Appl. au: Blta E. Zoppo. O Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904213.
A90<1211t. On this special occasion. Folder. Appl. au: Bita B. Zoppo. Bita E. Zoppo; t10ct77; A90421I4.
A9011215. On your Bas Mitzvah day. Polder. Appl. au: Blta E. Zoppo. O Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A904215.
A904216. For someone special. Folder. Appl. au: Bita £. Zoppo. Bita E. zoppo; 110ct77; A9a4216.
A904217. For your first communion. Folder. Appl. au: Bita E. Zoppo. Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77: A90it217.
A9011218. Merry Christmas and happy new year. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. O Bita E. Zoppo; 110ct77; A90'l218.
A904219. For baby on christening day. Folder. Appl. au: Rita E. Zoppo. O Bita E. Zoppo; 90ct77; A901(219.
A90II220. A Guide to top oanaqement organization, plauninq and control — the Management Oynamics of all lines insurance companies. By T. J. Collum. 107 p. KM: additions, revisions G compilation. O The Guide; 17Sep77; A904220.
A901t221. Heuger Corporation 1977-78 catalog: distinctive eguipment for music education and the performing arts. 39 p. Appl. au: Jerry A. Uenger. O Ueuger Corporation; 10ct77; A904221.
A904222. Art for the middle school. Curriculum bulletin, 1977-78 series, no. 3. 127 p. Board of Education of the City of New York; 9Sep77; A904222.
A904223. Deita-Matic 2 scraper: planning, installation, maintenance, parts list. 55 p. Appl. au: Richard Moysey. The De Laval Separator Company; 28Sep77: ^904223.
1904224. DeLaval Sahlstrom slurry spreader: planning, assembly, maintenance. Illustrator: Barbara Biedler. 1 v. Appl. au: Chester Smith. The De Laval Separator Company; 28Sep77; A904224.
A904225. De Laval Sahlstrom homogenator: planning, installation, maintenance, parts list. Illustrator: Barbara Biedler. 1 v. Appl. au: Chester Smith. The De i.aval Separator Company; 28Sep77: A904225.
A904226. Delta-Flush system: planning, ins- tallation, operation, maintenaiice, parts lists. 14 p. Appl. au: Bichard Moysey. The De Laval Separator Company; 28Sep77; A904226.
A904227. The A.B.M. automatic removal mechanism: planning, installation, maintenance. 20 p. Appl. au: Bichard Moysey. NM: revisions G additions. The De Laval Separator Company; 28Sep77: A904227.
A904228. Detecting the sequence; secondary placement test forms X and Y. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. (Specific skill series) O Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 140ct77; A904228.
A904229- Following directions; secondary placement test forms 1 and Y. By Bichard A. Boning. 1 v. (Specific skill series) O Barnell Loft, Ltd.; 140ct77; A904229.
A904230. Moment's. By Linda Darr Hehl. 1 v. Linda Darr Behl; 170ct77; A904230.
A9a4231. Chantcuse song book. 1 v. Appl. au: Bichard M. Harris. Bichard M. Harris; 5Sep77; A904231.
A9a4232. Marketing in the Middle East. By E. Brantley Schwartz. 23 p. (CMC monograph, no. 8) Appl. au: Center for Marketing Communications. O Center for Marketing Communications; 19Aug77; A904232.
A904233. Uhat industrial marketers think about publication salesmen and their services. 9 p. (CMC survey) O Center for Marketing Communications; 27Sep77; A904233.
A904234. Bevised pages of the Stationery and office supply price list compilation, October 19, 1977. 1 v. Stationers Price Service Company; 190ct77; A904234.
A904235. The Pote'nza is you, wear it always. By Joseph B. Gatti. Card. O Joseph B. Gattl; 28Jun77; A904235.
A904236. Foreign language curriculum for secondary schools. Editor G coordinator: Sister Mary Vernice, S.N.O. 203 p. Appl. au: Diocesan Education Office, Diocese of Cleveland. NM: rearrangement of text, deletions, additions G editorial revision. O Diocesan Education Office, Diocese of
Cleveland; 200ct77; 1904236.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.