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JUL-DEC. 1977

A90<t10a (con.) Prepared b? Gary E. Nhite. 187 p. O John Hilev and Sons, Inc.; 10Feb76: A90it100.

A904101. Hodern oethods of chemical analysis, second edition; solutions nanual. By Robert L. PecsoJCy Thomas Cairns & Ian G. Hcuilliam. 102 p. Add. ti: Solutions manual for Hodern methods of chemical analysis, second edition. NH: revisions & additions. 6 John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 2aDec76: A904101.

A90II102. The Flyinq circus of physics with answers. By Jearl Ualkec. 295 p. Prev. pub. as The Flyinq circus of physics. UH: revisions & additions. John ffiley and Sons. Inc.; 110ct77: A90it102.

A90i(103. Study quide in alternatinq current circuits: a personalized system of instruction. By Irving 1. Kosou. 501 p. e John Hiley and Sons, Inc.; 30ct77; A904103.

A9041011. A Teacher's supplement to Discovering Idaho. By D-wight Hilliam Jensen. 89 p. Diiiqht Hilliam Jensen: 1Sep77: A90i(10'l.

A901H05. Emotional iob fitness: key to human productivity and satisfaction. By Otto Altorfer, edited by Honore Elizabeth Marshall. 179 p. e Otto Altorfer; 25Auq77; A90t105.

A901|10e. All about our company's nev hearing conservation proqram; a supervisor's guide. 20 p. 6 nine Safety Appliances company: 27Sep77; A904106.

A90t107. Stop s.proutinq spray with PPG Sprout Hip. 8 p. PPG Industries, Inc. , Chemical Division (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 22Sep77: A904107.

Agoaios. Hearinq conservation; a management guide to planning, establishing, and operating an industrial hearing conservation program. 16 p. Q nine Safety Appliances company; 16Sep77; A904108.

A90tia9. conserve moisture and protect your valuable land. Folder. Q PPG Industries, Inc. , Biochemicals Group (in notices PPG Industries, Inc.) ; 15Sep77; A904109.

A90it110. Typical hearing conservation program. Folder. 6 nine Safety Appliances Company; 27Sep77: A90t110.

A90'I111. Guide for application of Chem Hoe Fm herbicide through center pivot sprinkler irrigation systems on alfalfa in eastern Nashington and eastern Oregon. Folder. 6 PPG Industries, Inc., Biochemicals Group (in notice: PPG Industries, Inc. ) ; 28Sep77; A904111.

A901I112. A Program for hearing conservation. Folder. 6 nine Safety Appliances Company; 40ct77: A9011112.

A904113. God's creation. Lesson 1. Folder (4 p.) S 2 p. Appl. au: John Noyes Clayton. e John N. Clayton; 28Jul77: A90II113.

-A904114. Evolution--God's plan for life's survival. Lesson 7. Folder (4 p. ) 6 2 p. Appl. au: John Noyes Clayton. John N. Clayton; 28Jol77 ; A904114.

A904115. The Theories you learn in school. Lesson 2. Folder (4 p. ) £ 2 p. Appl. au: John Noyes Clayton. John N. Clayton; 28JU177: A904115.

A9a4116. Does God exist? Intermediate cor- respondence course teacher's manual. By John Noyes Clayton. Sheets (56 p.) e John N. Clayton: 28Jul77; A904116.

A904117. Book of poems. By Buth P. Spencer. 1 V. Ruth P. Spencer; 14Jan77: A904117.

A904118. Flathead cultural and language materials. Book 1. 56 p. 6 Confederated Salish and' Kootenai Tribes; 5nay77: A904118.

A904119. Crochet Critters. Author: Ruth E. Doda. 16 p. Q fiuth E. Doda, sole owner of Crochet Critters; 19Sep77; A904119.

A90412a. Mupciala; wedding souvenir. By Ramon A. Martinez. 1 v. Songs prev. reg. uifpub. Nn: compilation, additional text £ cover illus. Ramon A. nartinez; 1Apr76; A904120.

A904121. The nid-nou Valley, your community. 1 V. e League of Homen Voters of the Hon Valley Area; 8Sep77; A904121.

&904122. Self-study and evaluation guide. Sections A, C-1 6 D-8. 1977 ed. 3 v. @ National Accreditation Council. for Agencies Serving the Blind and Visually Handicapped (in notice: National Accreditation Council) ; 1Sep77; A904122.

A904123. Family cluster resources. Rritten by Bonnie Agard, edited by Alva Johanson, artwork by Sally Anderson. 66 p. Appl. au: The Evangelical Covenant Church of America, Department of Christian Education. Q Department of christian Education, The Evangelical Covenant Church of America; 18JU177; A904123.

A904124. Early childhood education, child care education 503; colleqe-at-hoae program. By Jane n. Rendall. Sheets (17 p.) e Jane H. Rendall; 28Apr77: A904124.

A904125. Growth through play, child care education 551; colleqe-at-home program. By Jane n. Rendall. Sheets (20 p.) Add. ti: Northhampton County Area Community College: college-at-home program, child care education . 55 1. Q Jane n. Rendall; 28Apr77; A904125.

A904126. Northampton County Area Community College: college-at-home program — Child in his environment. By Jane n. Rendall. Sheets (16 p.) O Jane n. Bendall; 28Apr77; A904126.

A904127. Grains in memory lane. 1 p. Appl. au; Helene Storm. Helene Storm; 1Jul77: A9a4127.

A904128. Helody in the night. 1 p. Appl. au: Helene Storm, e Helene Storm; 1Jul77; A904128.

A904129. Along your way. 1 p. Storm. Helene Storm;

A904130. School bus monitor training manual. Hritten & compiled by Carol Fast. 20 p. NH: editorial compilation £ additions, e Carol Fast; 6Sep77; A904130.

A904131. Ski lift operator training guide; instructor's ed. Text by Paul Christopher Stoddard, issued by Mountain Recreation Hanagement Services. 1 v. Q Paul Christopher Stoddard (in notice: Chris Stoddard); 1Aug77; A904131.

A904132. Laboratory manual for materials testing laboratory. By Sidney H. Avner £ George C. Cavaliere, photos.: J. C. Pappadopulos. 3rd ed. 63 p. @ Community College Press; 2Sep77; A904132.

A904133. NDD: National distribution directory. Issue no. 14. 1977-78 ed. 280 p. Appl. au; i. n. Hite. 6 Guide Services, Inc. ; 21Aug77; A904133.

A904134. The 30 year credit union home mortgage loan manual. By Gerald H. Hyland. 129 p. 6 Credit Onion Mortgage Assistance Corporation, Inc.; 29Aug77; A904134.

A904135. In straw and story: Christmas resources for home and church. By Joyce Miller. 191 p. Appl. au: The Brethren Press, employer for hire. BH: additional text £ compilation of prev. pub. material. 3 The Brethren Press; 15Aug77; A904135.

A904136. Ueatherford, including Hillsap and Springtown, TX, telephone directory, September 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 130ct77; A904136.

A904137. San Augustine, TX, telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 17oct77; A904137.

A904138. Honey Grove, Ladonia, Holfe City, including Hindom, TX, telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 180ct77; A904138.

A904139. Greater Orange, TX, telephone directory, October 1977. S Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 180ct77: A904139.

A904140. Bridge City, TX, telephone directory, October 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 180ct77; A904140.

A9Q4141. Standard directory of advertising agencies, October 1977; the agency red book. No. 182. Editor: Bob Heicherding, editorial supervisor: Beverly Hiller. 1 V. Appl. au: National Register Publishing Company, Inc. 6 {National Register Publishing Company, Inc. ; 100ct77; A904141.

A904142. Carroll Company chemical specialties catalog. 28 p. 6 Carroll Company; 23Sep77; A904142.

A904143. The Komondor in the Onited States, 1937-1976. By Joy C. levy. 42 p. niddle Atlantic States Komondor Club,

Inc.; 80ct77; A904143.


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