JUL-DEC. 1977
4903988 (con.) 6 p. Realty Directory Publications, Inc.; 16Sep77; A903988.
A903989. Suppleoent to Suburban real estate directory* Septeobec 1977. 17 p. Philadelphia Real Estate Directory, Inc.; 2 1Sep77: 1903989.
1903990. Supplement to Loner Bucks County dicectocy, laqust 1977. 9 p. O Phi- ladelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.; 25Sep77: 1903990.
A903991. Suppleaent to East Hontqomery County real estate directory, Septeabec 1977. 7 p. Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc.; 20Sep77: 1903991.
1903992. Philadelphia real estate directory, Auqust 1977. Suppl. 8. 17 p. Philadelphia fieal Estate Directory, Inc.: 21Sep77; 1903992.
1903993. Brooklyn real estate reqister, Septeober 1977. Suppl. no. 3. Sheets (9 p.) Beal Estate Begister, Inc.; 19Sep77; A903993.
A90399I*. Philadelphia real estate directory, 1977-1978. Sheets. Philadelphia Beal Estate Directory, Inc. ; 12Sep77; A90399it.
1903995. Barnet and Stubbs's Practical guide to writinq. By Sylvan Barnet 6 Barcia Stubbs. 387 p. NH: revisions e additions. C Little, Brovn and Coapany, Inc.; 1itlpr77; 1903995.
1903996. Instructor's aanual to accoapany Barnet and Stubbs's Practical quide to aritinq, revised edition and revised edition with additional readings. By Sylvan Barnet £ Barcia Stubbs. 106 p. NB: additions & revisions. Little, Broun and Coapany, Inc.: 2«Bar77: 1903996.
1903997, Instructor's aanual to accoapany the Little, Broun reader. Edited by Barcia Stubbs C Sylvan Barnet. 122 p. C Little, Brovn and Coapany, Inc.; 2ilHar77: 1903997.
1903998. Barnet and Stubbs's Practical guide to aciting. By Sylvan Barnet £ Barcia Stubbs. 576 p. NB: revisions, additions e coapilation. C Little, Broun and Coapany, Inc.; 24Sar77: 1903998.
A903999. Federal incoae taxation o£ business enterprise. 1977 suppl. By Bernard ftolfaan, yitb the assistance of llan T. Cathcart. 385 p. Bernard Holfaan; 7Sep77: 1903999.
1901)000. laerica in the seventies; probleas, policies, and politics. Edited by Allan P. Sindler. 332 p. O Little, Broan and Coapany, Inc.; 2itBar77: 1901000.
1901*001. The Little, Brovn reader. Edited by Barcia Stubbs 6 Sylvan Barnet. 5i»9 p. HM: coapilation, pref. , glossary, biographical notes & additions. Little, Brovn and Company, Inc.; 2iiBar77; A9011001.
frontier. Photos, by aarcus Halevi, text by Kenneth Indrasko. 152 p. on text; Barcus Halevi G Kenneth Indrasko; 10Jun77; A904002.
A90a003. Alaska crude: visions of the last frontier. Photos, by aarcus Halevi, text by Kenneth Andrasko. 152 p. on photos.; Barcus Halevi; 10Jun77; 1904003.
A90'400l|. Bhose baby? By aary DeBall Kvitz, illustrated by Bay Skibinski. 1 v- in box. Appl. au: Sestern Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 27Sep77; A90<100«.
A901005. Halt Disney Productions' Pete's dragon: the best of friends. 1 v. O Halt Disney Productions; 7Sep77; A90U005.
A90lt006. This room is mine: a story about sharing. Story by Betty Ben Bright, pictures by Judy Stanq. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Company Inc., employer for hire. MB: 5 new paqes of art. Western Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 26Sep77; 1901(006.
1904007. Halt Disney's Mickey Bouse and the best-neighbor contest. 1 v. Ippl. au: Halt Disney Productions. Halt Disney Productions; 8Sep77; 1904007.
1904008. Halt Disney Productions' Pete's dragon. 1 V. e Halt Disney Productions; 9Sep77: 1904008.
1904009. The Fairy princess. By Inne Foster, illustrated by Jim Bobison G Fred Irvin 1 V. (Superstar Barbie) Appl. au: Battel, Inc., employer for hire. O Battel, Inc.; 20Sep77; A904009.
A904010. By lunch box book. By Kathleen H. Daly, illustrated by Jane Palecek. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. O Hestern Publishing company. Inc.; 16Sep77; A904010.
A904011. By picnic basket book. By Kathleen N- Daly, illustrated by Jerry Scott. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. MB: nev art. Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 16Sep77; A904011.
A904012. By flight bag book. By Kathleen N. Daly, illustrated by Yoshi Hiyake. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. HB: nea art. Western Publishing Company, Inc.; t6Sep77; A904012.
A904013. By doctor bag book. By Kathleen H. Daly, illustrated by Bare Brovn. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc., eaployer for hire. NB: neu art. O Western Publishing Company, Inc.; 16Sep77; 1904013.
1904014. By sports bag book. By Kathleen N. Daly, illustrated by Jim Bobison. 1 v. Appl. au: western Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Hestern Publishing Coapany, Inc.; 16Sep77; A904014.
illustrated by Pat Boyd. 1 v. Appl. au: Hestern Publishing Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Hestern Publishing Company, Inc.; 16Sep77; A904015.
A904016. Superstar Barbie sticker fun. Ho. 2190. 1 V. O Battel, Inc.; 30Sep77: 1904016.
1904017. Halt Disney Productions' Pete's dragon coloring book. Ho. 1088. 1 v. Halt Disney Productions; 7Sep77; 1904017.
1904018. Superstar Barbie coloring book. No. 1975. 1 V. O Battel, Inc.; 8Sep77; 1904018.
1904019. Honey Hill Bunch coloring book. Bo. 1093. 1 V. O Battel, Inc.; 21Sep77: 1904019.
1904020. Halt Disney Productions' Pete's dragon sticker fun. No. 2171. 1 v. O Halt Disney Productions; 26Sep77; 1904020.
1904021. DC 100 system software operation guide. 1 V. (Burroughs publication change notice, PCN no. 1096252-002, lug. 29, 1977) Prev. reg. 1787425 6 1854217. NB: additions £ revisions. Burroughs Corporation; 6Sep77; 1904021.
A904022. Asynchronous/synchronous IBB 360/370 Burroughs TO 830/TD 820/TD 800/ID 700. 1 V. (Burroughs publication change notice, PCN no. 1082823-002, lug. 15, 1977) Prev. reg. 1671993 £ 1775023. NB: additional text. Burroughs Corporation; 261ug77; A904022.
A904023. Burroughs aini-coaputer console and foras reference manual. 1 v. (Burroughs publication change notice, PCN no. 1066180-004, Aug. 15, 1977) Prev. reg. 1787412 £ others. NB: additional text to sections 3 £ 4. Burroughs Corporation; 2Sep77; A904023.
A904024. Credit union industry: glossary of terns. lip. Burroughs Corporation; 6Sep77; 1904024.
A90402S. Food stamp prograa using Federal work sheet. 19 p. (Burroughs C7200 program description, no. P612, July 1, 1977) Prev. reg. A672190. NB: revisions e updating. Burroughs Corporation; 9Aug77: A904025.
1904026. B 80 scholastic 2 student records; deaonstration guide. 1 v. Burroughs Corporation; 1Sep77; 1904026.
1904027. S 1200 proof of deposit/encoding operator's aanual; prelia. ed. 1 v. Prev. reg. A830609 £ A739453. NB: additions £ revisions. O Burroughs corporation; 12Apr77; 1904027.
1904028. B 80 CBS budgetary deaonstration guide. 36 p. O Burroughs Corporation; 17Jun77; 1904028.
1904029. Transaction oriented recovery and contention handler (TOBCH) user's aanual. 1 V. O Burroughs Corporation; 24Aug77; A904029.
A904015. By toolbox book. By Jan Sukus,
CBS production control system 1: work
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.