A90357lt - A903616
JUL-DEC. 1977
A903573 (COD.) Boles and BelatiODShips of fliddle Courts. HH: editorial revision. O The Stated Clerk of the General Asseibly of the PresbTteriao Church in the Onitcd states; 19iuq77: A903S73.
i903574. Transcendental neditation, a paper for study in the church. 7 p. Appl. au: Council on Theology and Culture. HH: editorial revision. O The stated cleric of the General A^seably of the Presbyterian Church in the Onited states; 18Auq77: A903574.
A903575. Counterstrike, dice gaae, coaplete official international rales. Polder. Add. ti: Conplete official international rules for Counterstrike, dice qaae. Appl. au: Donald A. E. Beer d.b.a. Essex Gaae CoBpany. Prev. pub. as Official international rules, counterstrike. NH: editorial revisions & additions. Essex Gaae Coapany: 9Nov7e: A903S75.
A903576. Conflicts of interest: onion pension fund asset nanaqeaent. By Bichard Blodqett. 61 p. C The Tiieotietb Century Fund, Inc.: 17Har77; A903576.
A903577. Net fiscal incidence in Hichiqan: who pays and who benefits? By Donald B. Peppard, Jr. & Douqlas B. Boberts. 122 p. Board of Trustees of Hichiqan State Oniversity: 28Sep77: A903577.
A903578. Charging for computer services: principles and quidelines. By Dan Bernard, Jaaes C. Eaery, Bichard L. Nolan e Bobert B. Scott. 120 p. Educoa, the Interuniversity Coaaunications CouDcil, Inc.; 23Sep77; A903578.
A903587. Build-a-nord. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder C sheets. O Curriculua Associates, Inc.; 21Apr76; A903587.
A903S88. Arranqe and change. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder 6 sheets. O Curriculua Associates, Inc.; 28Apr76; A90358e.
A903589. Add-a-word. By Bobert G. Forest. Folder t sheets. Curriculua Associates, Inc.; 28Apr76; A9035B9.
A903590. Livinq Hithout fear. By Jaaes H. Tolie. 95 p. Jaaes H. Tolle; 1SOct77; A903b90.
A903591. Stochastic processes in water resources engineering; proceedings. Second International lAHB Syaposiua on Stochastic Hydraulics, Lund Institute of Techno- loqy/aniversity of Lund, Lund, Sweden, Aug. 2-1, 1976. Edited by Lars Got- tschalk, Gunnar Lindh & Lennart De Hare. 552 p. O Bater Besource^ Publications; 6Sep77; A903591.
A903592. Besearch, reflection and recollections of Block Island. By Frederick J. Benson. 147 p. O Frederick J. Benson; 70ct77; A903592.
A903593. Diseases of the tenporoaandibular apparatus: a aultidisciplinary approach. Edited by Douglas Henes Horgan, Hilliaa Popplein Hall e Spyros Jaaes Taavas. 181 p. The C. V. Hosby Coapany; 29Sep77; A903593.
A903601. Bho's afraid of Elizabeth Taylor? By Brenda Haddox. 252 p. Brenda Haddox; 170ct77; A903601.
A903602. Suffolk in Virginia circa 1795-1840: a record of lots, lives, and likenesses. By Fillaore Norfleet. 198 p. O Fillaore Horfleet; 80ct7lt; A903602.
A903603. Illustrated world eocyclopedia; one voluae ed. Editor: Boger Bobley. 1619 p. Portions prev. req. 1951-1961 e others. BH: updating G revisions. ller-Fried Corporation; 28Sep77; A903603.
A9a36ait. Vans and vanners. By Arnold S. iolfe, photography by Tboaas Zaaiar. 154 p. Add. ti; Vans, vanners and vanning. Arnold S. iolfe; 220ct76; A9036a4.
A903605. The Beer can collector's bible. By Jack Hartells* color photography: Jack Hartells, other photography: Patrick K. Snook. 124 p. O Jack Hartells; 15Feb76: A9O3605.
A903606. Fishing the Great Lakes. By Patrick K. Snook. 218 p. Add. ti: The Coapleat guide to fishing the Great Lakes. Patrick K. Snook; 1aay76; A903606.
A9a3607. Growing up healthy. By Diego Bedondo e Edith Freond, illas. by Lee Brock. 170 p. Diego Bedondo G Edith Freund; 5Nov76; A903607.
A9a3608. How to play golf with your wife and survive. By Harry E. Gunn. 184 p. Barry E. Gunn; 30Jun76; A9a3608.
A903579. fievised codes of Montana. Pt. 1-2, 1977 interia suppl. 2 v. Add. ti: Hontana codes. O The Allen Saitb coapany; 130ct77; A903579.
A903580. Thirty lessons in note taking. By Jennifer Pirie G Alex Pirie. 62 p. G folder. Curriculua Associates, Inc. ; 21Hay76: A903580.
A903581. Lessons in paragraphing. By Jean u. Alley G Elaine B. Dohan. illus. by Jennifer Pirie. 84 p. G folder. O Curriculua Associates, Inc. ; 10Hay76; A903581.
A903582. Lessons in proofreading: capitalization G punctuation. By George F. Laubner. 48 p., folder 6 2 p. O Curriculua Asso- ciates, Inc.; 21Hay76; A903582.
A903583. Following directions; priaary. By Jennifer Pirie G Alex Pirie. 48 p. G folder. Curriculua Associates, Inc. ; 20Peb76; A903583.
A903S84. Followinq directions. Britten £ illustrated by Jennifer Pirie G Alex Pirie. 47 p. G folder. Curriculua Associates. Inc.; 22ApE74: A9035e4.
A903585. Forward, back, and around. By Bobert G. Forest. Polder G sheets. O Curriculua Associates. Inc.; 28Apr76; A903585.
A9D3586. Collective nouns, antonyas. synonyas. By Bobert G. Forest. 7 p. G sheets.
A903594. Atlas of orthodontic principles. By Bayaond Carl Thurov. 2Dd ed. 419 p. The c. V. Hosby Coapany; 29Sep77: A903594.
A903595. Guide to 0. S. Governaeut publications. Vol. 2. By John L. Andriot. 1 *. BH: revisions G additions. John L. Andriot; 18Hay77; A9a3595.
A903596. Guide to O.S. Governaent aaps: geologic and hydrologic aaps; prelia. ed. (updated through Auq. 1976) By Laurie Andriot G Donna Andriot. 703 p. NH: additional listing for Dec. 1974-Aug. 1977. O John L. Andriot: 4Hay77; A903596.
A903597. Hydraulic probleas solved by stochastic aethods; proceedings. Second International lAUB Syaposiua on Stochastic Hydraulics, Lund Institute of Technology/Oniversity of Lund, Lund, Sweden, Auq. 2-4, 1976. Edited by Peder Hjorth, Lennart Joensson G Peter Larsen. 60 2 p. C Bater Besources Publications; 6Sep77: A903S97.
A903598. The Chain photon theory of aatter and energy. By Bobert L. Saxe. 340 p. Bobert L. Saxe; 140ct77; A903598.
A903599. The Aerobics way: new data on the world's aost popular exercise proqraa. By Kenneth H. Cooper. 311 p. O Kenneth B. Cooper; 170ct77; A903599.
A903600. Catching up. By Charles Veley. 228 p. Charles Veley; 170ct77; A903600.
A903609. The one-of-a-kind cookbook of original down-to-earth recipes. By Dorothy Gessert. 216 p. Dorothy Gessert; 1Apr76; A903609.
A903610. The Joy of CB. By Bobert L. Perkowski G Lee Philip Stral. 186 p. Bobert L. Perkowski G Lee Philip Stral; 1SHar76; A903610.
A903611. Introductory guide to Hidwest antiques. By Harlene Seaple, illus. by Chris Avers G Dale Beda. 192 p. O Barlene Seaple; 31Hay76; A903611.
A903612. Left bander's golf book. By Earl Stewart, Jr. G Barry E. Gunn. foreword by Hickey Bright. 166 p. C Earl Stewart, Jr. G Harry E. Gunn (in notice: Earl Stewart Jr. G Barry E. (Bud) Gunn) ; 1Hay76; A903612.
A9a3613. The Beer can. By Beer Can Collectors of Aaerica, edited by Larry Bright. 216 p. Beer Can Collectors of Aaerica; 15Har76; A903613.
A903614. The All-purpose guide to paddling. Edited by Dean Horaan. 218 p. Dean Boraan; 1Apr76; A903614.
A9a3615. Hiking trails in the Bid-Atlantic states. By Edward B. Garvey. 214 p. Edward B. Garvey; 15Hay76; A90361S.
The Dilly deli guide and cookbook. By
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