A902834 - A902879
JUL-DEC. 1977
1902831). Saint ClaiCf HO* telephone directory* October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 100ct77: &9028311.
A902835. Lansinq* Leavenworth, KS« telephone directory, October 1977. 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 100ct77; 4902335.
1902836. Canton, Lindsborq, Marquette, ucPherson, K3, telephone directory, October 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 3act77: S902835.
A902837. Hot Sprinqs, Crystal Sprinqs, Jes- sieyille, &B, and others telephone directory, September 1977- 6 Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1'tSep77; &902837.
A902838. Uest suburban including Bethany, nustanq. Piedmont, OK, and others telephone directory, September 1977. Q Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 9Sep77: 4902838.
A902839. Elect-a-Liqht kit. Folder. Appl. au; Franziska H. Shepard. Q Franziska H. Shepard d.b.a. flueller Hiniatures; 15Sep77: A902839.
A902840. Dear friend: letter. Folder (4 p. I NB: additional text & information. 6 Horth American Bait Farms, Inc.; 6Sep77; 4902840.
A902841. Schick's Bemarkable new weiqht loss proqram. 1 v. 3 Schick Laboratories, Inc.; 1Sep75: A902841.
4902842. Concrete apartments with style in the Southwest. Folder (4 p.) <Besidential concrete construction; special report, no. 24) © Portland Cement Association; 8Jul77; 4902842.
4902843. Buildinq weathertiqht concrete masonry walls. 2 p. (Concrete information) NH; editorial revision S additional text. 6 Portland Cement 4ssociation; 19Aug77; A902843.
A902844. Flyinq forms reduce cost of concrete floors. Folder (4 p.) (Architectural desiqn aid: special report) O Portland Cement Association; 7Sep77: A902844.
A902845. Horkinq safely with concrete. Folder (3 p.) Q Portland Cement Association; 29JU177; 4902845.
A90284e. Replacement cost and operating rate estimates: 0. S. Portland cement industry, July 1977. Folder (3 p.) 6 Portland Cement Association; 8Aug77: A902846.
A902847. Jobsite precast concrete panels- -textures, patterns and designs. 10 p. (Concrete information) MH: editorial revision, additional text 6 pictorial matter. Portland Cement Association; 14Jun77; A902847.
A902848. Napa Biver Bridge, Napa, California. Folder (4 p.) (Bridge report) 6 Portland Cement Association; 6Jul77: A902848.
A902849. Central Hardware's Fall dollar sale. 8 p. Suppl. to the Saint Louis Globe- Democrat, Oct. 1977. NM: artistic drawings of merchandise, textual & pictorial material not prev. pub., layouts & revisions. 6 Central Hardware Company; 40ct77; A902849.
A902850. Handbook on government contracts administration. By Emmett E. Beam. 2nd ed. 1 V. Appl. states copyright is not claimed in material taken from O.S. Govt, sources. 3 Emmett E. Hearn; 25Aug77; 4902850.
A902851. Volunteer handbook. 42 p. Na: additional text, editing & updating. 3 The Nature Conservancy; 8Sep77; A902851.
A902852. The Nature Conservancy's Student stewardship proqram; student workbook. By Institute for Environmental Education. 203 p. Appl. au: The Nature Conservancy, employer for hire. NH; narrative material. 3 The Nature Conservancy; 8Sep77; 4902852.
4902853. Helvin makes amends. Folder (4 p.) 4ppl. au: Anna C. Pertsch. 6 Anna C. Pertsch; 70ct77; A902853.
A902854. Balancing of high speed, flexible rotating shafts across critical speeds; a thesis. By Gary Paul Ihite. 42 p. 3 Gary Paul Khite; 13Jul77; A902854.
4902855. Grandparents. By Thomas Frank Paules. 1 p. 3 Thomas Frank Paules (in notice: Tom Paules): 84ug77; 4902855.
4902856. Barber adaptor kit for the Gustafson drill fill seed treatment applicator; instruction booklet. 4 p. @ Gustafson, Inc.; 100ct77; 4902856.
4902857. Just a little while ago. 1 p. Appl. au: Nathan F. Brumley. O Nathan F. Brumley; 110ct77; A902857.
4902858. It happened to someone else today. Are you next? Folder. 4ppl. an: Carol Andrea Hiller. 3 4udio Visual Inventory, Inc.; 1aay77; 4902858.
A902859. Voters guide: Nassau County, 1977. Editor: Helen a. Sandhaus. 8 p. 3 League of Somen Voters of Nassau County; 110ct77; 4902859.
A902860. 4merican James Beard cooking wheel. Appl. au: Greenleaf, Inc. 3 Greenleaf, Inc.; 124ug77; 4902860.
4902861. Diet James Beard cooking wheel. 4ppl. au: Greenleaf, Inc. 3 Greenleaf, Inc. ; 124uq77; 4902861.
A902862. International James Beard cooking wheel. Appl. au: Greenleaf, Inc. 6 Greenleaf, Inc.; 124uq77; 4902862.
4902863. International Conference of Building Officials: research recommendations. Sheets. NM: reports have been re-examined & brought up-to-date. 3 International Conference of Building Officials; 40ct77; 4902863.
A902864. America nark Perma Posters catalog, 1978. Folder, e America Hark; 6Sep77; A902864.
A902865. The Bright Line catalog, 1977. 19 p. 3 B of A, Inc.: 28Dec76: A9a28£5.
A902866. Help! 1977; a guide to community resources for Hount Lebanon residents. Compiled by Dount Lebanon-South Hills Branch, American Association of Oniversity Women. Folder. 3 American Association of Oniversity Romen, Hount Lebanon-South Hills Branch: 17Sep77; A902866.
A902867. The 1st international padiddle rule book and game. Illustrated by Doug Katagiri. Kit. Appl. au; Frederick a. Burkle, Jr. 3 F. a, Burkle, Jr.; 30ct77; A902867.
A902868. The Season;5 of our lives. By Hilliam Bridges, illustrated by Lyn Sampson. 72 p. 3 iilliam Bridges; 70ct77; A902868.
A902869. Sing with understanding; scripture references in hymns. Compiled by Keith D. Schwanz. 16 p. 3 Keith 0. Schwanz; 21Aug77; A902869.
A902870. Jasper, a Christmas story. By Dorothy 0. Thompson, illus. by Elsie Harie Bronson. 1 v. 8 Dorothy a. Thompson; 110ct77; A90287G.
A902871. Proceedings of the Second Annual Homen in German Symposium, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, September 24, 1977. Edited by Katherine Bamsey Goodman & Buth Hetmanski Sanders. 132 p. 3 Homen in German; 24Sep77: A902871.
A902872. Dolls to color, cut and play with. 8 p. Appl. au: Edith B. Biegert. Edith B. Biegert; 1Jun77; 4902872.
A9Q2873. 1500 clean brake model 611HH: ins- tructions and fabrication manual. 8 p. Appl. au: Ton Fosseen. 3 Tom Fosseen; 70ct77; 4902873.
4902874. Free with Biz Bee; a self help book. By E. Lorraine Miller, illus. by Chris Stuker. 48 p. O E. Lorraine Millar; 80ct77; A902874.
A902875. Giving space, taking time, sharing love. By James Martin. 24 p. 3 James Martin; 60ct77; A902875.
A902876. Boyal gifts — Christmas '77. 12 p. Appl. au: Crest Fruit Company. 3 Frank Lewis; 15Sep77: 4902876.
4902877. Home-sellers check list; 88 steps to a quicker sale an4 a higher price. 12 p. 3 First-Mark Beal Estate, Inc.; 50ct77; 4902877.
4902878. Graham-Field catalog. No. 14. 220 p. 3 Graham-Field Surgical Company, Inc.; 26Sep77; 4902878.
A902879. South Carolina shipwrecks, 1520-1776. Poster. Appl. au: Edward Lee Spence.
3 Edward Lee Spence; 10Apr76; A902879.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.