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A902790 - A902833


JUL-DEC. 1977

A90278a (con.) O Bovard H. sais and coipanr. Inc.; 50ct77: 4902788.

1902790. Si BOD and Schuster's CrossKOCds froi the Times. Series 32. Edited by Barqaret Farrar. 1 ». »ppl. au: The Hen York Tines. NH: foreword & coapilation. The Neu lork Tines; 23Sep77 ; »902790.

4902791. Sinon and Schuster's Crosswords £ro» the Tines. Series 31. Edited by Barqaret Farrar. 1 ». »ppl. au: The Hew York Tines. HB: foreword S conpilation. The New York Tines; 21Bar77; 4902791.

4902792. Cases iD narketioq channel strategy. By John Robert Poster. Arch G. Boodside S J. Taylor Sins, Jr. 220 p. Harper and Sow. Publishers, Inc.: 20JQ177; 4902792.

4902793. Pathways to spelling, B. 136 p. (SPI: student personalized instruction) O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 22Bar76: 4902793.

4902794. Pathways to spelling, P. 152 p. (SPI: student personalized instruction) O Harper and Bow, Publishers, Inc.; 10Jun75: 4902791*.

4902795. Techniques of 1ob search. By Boss Fiqqins. 118 p. 4ppl. states all new eicept chapter The Coyer letter and resume. Portions prey. pub. in Personnel lournal, Sept. 1969. C Boss Figqins; 194ug76; 4902795.

4902796. 2991 nodel 2 blood cell processor. 71 p. (IBB General Systens Division custoner enqineering education student self-study course) International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation); 114ug77; 4902796.

4902797. Systen/32 1255 attachnent proqran support. 1 y. (IBB General Systens Division custoner enqineering education student self-study course) Inter- national Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Cor- poration) : 1JU177: 4902797.

4902798. IBB 3611 passbook printer naintenance infornation. 5th ed. Sheets. O International Business flachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice; International Business Bachines Corporation) ; 94ug77; 4902798.

4902799. Systen/32 nanagenent systens for law firns; application reference nanual. Progran no. 5725-P52. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBB industry application proqran) O In- ternational Business Machines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines Cor- poration) ; 1JU177; 4902799.

4902800. Herd processor/32; progran logic nanual. Progran no. 5725-i;i1. 2nd ed. 1 v. (IBB progran product) International Business Bachines Corporation a.a.d.: IBB Corporation (in notice: International Business Bachines corporation); 27Bay77; 4902800.

4902801. 8080 octal reference card. By George Clifford Borrow. Folder. HB: t.p. e additions. George C. Borrow; 13Jun77; 4902801.

4902802. Bath puzzles and qanes. By 4rthur H. Hanchester. 1 v. 4rthur H. Banchester (in notice: Art Banchester) ; 294ug77: A902802.

A902803. Cherished nenories. By Balph A. Busic. 20 p. Balph A. Basic; 15Sep77; A902803.

A90280lt. Spanish tales. By Harold Lee Prosser 2nd. 16 p. O H. L. Prosser; 30ct77 ; A9a28ait.

A902805^ San Joaquin carols. By Lloyd Stone. 1 V. Lloyd Stone; 10Oct77; A902805.

A902806. Federal warranty of corporate bonds. By Carl Bashe. 9 p. KB: revisions. Carl Bashe; 2Sep77; A902806.

A902807. Here's how to get started fasti 2 p. O Complete Offset Lithography, Inc.; 30Sep77; A902807.

4902808. Instructor's guide to The lesley College student learning profile. By Joseph B. Dougherty £ Carol K. Psaros. Sheets. Appl. au: Uesley College, Inc. Joseph i. Dougherty £ Besley College, Inc.; 19Sep77; A902808.

4902809. A Guide to the spreading and analysis of Bezican bank statenents. By David S. Cook, Jr. 33 p. Bobert Borris Associates; msep77; A902e09.

A902810. The Anatony coloring book. 207 p. Appl. au: Shirley Ann Bcllroy (Shirley Bcllroy) 6 B. Karen Ellyn Kushner (Karen Kushner) Shirley Bcllroy 6 Karen Kushner; 10Oct77; 4902810.

A902811. Ending street gang violence: the Long Table Gang Consortiun Project of AntirSelf Destruction, Inc. By Hark S. Gitelsou. 12K p. O Hark S. Gitelson; 6Aug77; A902811.

A902812. Bood reflections. By Bonald Janes Bena. 1 V. Bonald Janes Bena (in notice: Bon Bena) ; 10ct77; A902812.

A902813. Clean your chain at least every 150 niles for fast, quiet ride and prolonged life. 1 p. Add. ti: Instruction card for keeper to remove chain, instruction card for keeper to reinstall chain. Appl. au: George flcQueen Kilner. BH: additional text 6 editorial revision. George HcOueen Kilner; 130ct77; A902813.

A90281U. Bible study tips. By Aonice Elizabeth Hunt. Polder. O Annice Elizabeth Bant; 20Sep77; A902814.

A902815. Coronary patient teaching instructional guide. By Susan Barie Theissen Bussell. Sheets (70 p.) Susan Barie Theissen Russell; 22Jun77; 4902815.

4902816. Training progran nanual 1- Developed 6 prepared by Leon Bevien. 43 p- Leon Bevien; 30Sep77; 4902816.

4902817. 4nerican National Standard APBBA standard instrunent ball bearings. ANSI/APBBA 12-1969 (E1977) 28 p. NB: additions 6 revisions. O The Anti- Priction Bearing Banuf acturers Asso- ciation, Inc.; 120ct77; A902817.

A902B18. Recreational Egaipnent, Inc., your outdoor co-op winter and ski, 1977-78. 99 p. O fiecreational Equipnent, Inc. ; 7Sep77; 4902818.

A902819. 5090 S — writ of execution. Sheets (2 p.) SB: editorial revision 6 re- arrangenent. All-State Legal Supply conpany; 110ct77; A902819.

A902820. The Law of average through the anthology of a three digit naneral. By Barley Thonas Christy. Sheets (4 p.) Barley Ihonas Christy; 27Sep77; A902820.

A9a2821. Poens by Bosalyn J. By Bosalyn Janece Ester. 1 V. O Bosalyn Janece Ester; 130ct76; A902821.

A902822. Theory and ezperinents to deternine core notion. By Eugene D. Bichard. 11 p. Eugene D. Bichard; 10Oct77: A90 2822.

A902823. Tooling progress. Vol. 3, no. 4. 34 p. The Valeron Corporation; 17Bay77; A902823.

A902824. Financial audit service, October 11, 1977. sheets. Conning and Conpany: 110ct77; A902824.

A902825. Beaufort, Onion. Bashington, BO, telephone directory, October 1977- Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 30ct77; A902825.

A902826. Bellingtoo, KS, telephone directory, Septenber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 1Sep77; A902826.

A902e27. Kinsley, KS, telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 30ct77; A902827.

A9a2e28. Barshall, HO, telephone directory, Septenber 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 6Sep77; A902828.

A902829. Chandler, Carney, Luther, Bellston, OK, telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 30ct77; A902829.

A9a2830. Bewoka, Cromwell, OK, telephone directory, Septenber 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; bsep77; A902830.

A902831. Portageville, Barston, Bardell, BO, telephone directory, September 1977. Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 12Sep77; A902831.

A902832. Antlers, Battan, OK, telephone directory, October 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Conpany; 30ct77; A902832.

A902833. Stafford, KS, telephone directory, October 1977. Southwestern Bell

Telephone Conpany: 10ct77; A902833.


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