i9025il3 - 4902582
JUL-DEC. 1977
4902543. SrsiieBS and data processinq in insarance coBpanies. By Chacles H. Cissley. 237 p. Life office HaDaqeaeDt Association; 26*uq77: »9025't3.
»9025lt't. Teenaqe survival aanual: ban to enjoy the trip to twenty. By B. Saaa CooBbs, illus. by Stephanie Lipney. 141 p. O Centers for Teenaqe Discovery: 25&uq77; i9025<Hl.
49025145. 1000 toothpick holders; a collector's quide. By Hilliaa B. Heacock. 112 p. NH: text, illus.. e coapilation. Hilliaa B. Heacock; 15&uq77: A902S<I5.
i9025U6. Knowledqe, value and belief. Edited by B. Tristraa Enqelhardt, Jr. & Daniel Callahan. 365 p. (The Foundations of ethics and its relationship to science, vol. 2) Institute of Society, Ethics and the life Sciences; 5Sep77: A9025it6.
i9025it7. The Rite: aore than aeets the sky; an exhibition of kites. By Pat Baaaond. 1 V. Pat Baaaond: 28Auq77; A902547.
1902548. Harvard Business School cases: 4-178-001, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. O President and Fellows of Harvard College; 1Jul77; A902548.
A902549. Harvard Business School cases: 1-378-039, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business Adainistration. President and Fellows of Bacvard Colleqe; 8Jul77; A902549.
A902550. Harvard Business School cases: 5-177-261, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate school of Business Administration. President and Fellows of Harvard Colleqe: 10Jun77; A902550.
A902551. Harvard Business School cases: 9-677-175, and others. Hultiple voluaes. Appl. au: Harvard Oniversity Graduate School of Business AdBinistration. President and Fellows of Harvard Colleqe; 20Jun77: A902551.
A90 2 552. Action Aid local aarketinq proqraa for Master Charqe banks. Kit. Hountain States Bankcard Association: 12Apr77: A902552.
A902553. Caterpillar qreen. Rritten by Hacla Hartin, illustrated by A. Daniel Zook. 139 p. Appl. au: Jaaes l. Boll. Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 15Auq77; A902553.
A902554. Teacbinq English. By David Hartin. 24 p. Appl. au; H. Lynn Hartin. O Bod and Staff Publishers. Inc.; 13Jul77: A902554.
A902555. Birds and insects of the Bible. Pictures by A. Daniel zook. 1 v. Add. ti: Colorinq book: birds and insects of the Bible. Appl. au: Clyde L. fieinford. O Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 10Jun77: A902555.
Pictures by A. Daniel Zook. 1 V. Add. ti: Coloring book: the parables. Appl. au: Clyde L. Beinford. O Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 30Jun77: A902556.
A902557. Aniaals aan uses. Pictures by A. Daniel Zook. 1 v. Add. ti: Coloring book: aniaals aan uses. Appl. au: Clyde L. Beinford. O Bod and Staff Publishers. Inc.; 10Jun77; A902557.
A90255e. Hild aniaals of the Bible. Pictures by A. Daniel Zook. 1 v. Add. ti: Coloring book: wild aniaals of the Bible. Appl. au: Clyde L. Beinford. Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 10jun77; A902558.
A902559. A Study guide in Bible- land history and geography to accoapany Baker's Bible atlas. 155 p. Appl. au: Bay Eby E Elaa Beaver. O Bod and Staff Publishers, Inc.; 21Jui77: A902559.
A902560. A Study guide in Bible-land history and geography to accoapany Baker's Bible atlas; unit tests. 58 p. Appl. au: Bay Eby & Elaa Beaver. O Bod and Staff Publishers. Inc.; 21Ji^77; A902S60.
A902561. David the King. By Bod Brownfield. 8 p. Based on 1 6 2 Saauel. Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 4Auq77; A902S61.
A902562. Jesus: bread of life. By Bod Brow- nfield. 8 p. Based on the Gospel of Saint John. Hilliaa H. Sadlier. Inc.: 4Aug77; A902562.
A902563. laproving coaputational skills: drill for skill, yellow. Author: Bose Anita acDonnell. 48 p. O Hilliaa B. Sadlier, Inc.: 4Aag77: A902563.
A902564. God takes a people. By Bod Brownfield-. 8 p. O Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 4Aug77; A902564.
A902565. Ten planned retreats and aini-retreats: leader's guide. By Hichael B. Katrichak, Brother Hilliaa Griffin, c. F.X. e Sister Cheryl Bose, H.H. 137 p. O The Center for Learning; 8Aug77; A902565.
A902566. Preparing a teaa for ainistry; leader's guide. By Brother Hilliaa Griffin, C.F.X., Barry H. Katrichak 6 Sister Cheryl Bose, H.H. 56 p. O The Center for Learning: 8Aug77: A902566.
A902567. Church history: creating your part of the story; aini ed. By Sister Angela Brennan, H.H. , George Pritcbard E Sister Hary Jane Siaaons, H.H. 118 p. O The Center for Learning; 28Jul77: A902567.
A902568. Church history: creating your part of the story; standard ed. By Sister Angela Brennan, H.H., George Pritchard £ Sister Hary Jane siaaons, H.H. 190 p. The Center for Learning; 28JU177; A902568.
A902569. Celebrating the Lord's year with youth: a liturgy handbook. By fiobert J. Paolino E Sister Joan Curtin, C.H.D. 120 p. The Center for Learning; 11Jal77; A902569.
A902570. Hew life liturgies: prayer services and celebrations. Grades 4-6. By Patricia Haraon Bello E fiuth Spencer. 64 p. O Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 2Aug77: A902570.
A902571. God's suffering servant. By Bod Brownfield. 8 p. Based on Isaiah 42: 1-9, 49:1-6, 50:4-9, 52:13-53:12. Hilliaa H. Sadlier, Inc.; 4Aug77; A902571.
A902572. Texberry container corporation: glass, plastic, aetal. 1 v. Texberry Container Corporation (in notice: TCC) ; 2Aug77; A902572.
A902573. Xavier De Haistre. By Charles H. Loabard. 155 p. O G. K. Ball and Coapany; 1Jul77; A902573.
A902574. Index to record and tape reviews; a classical ausic buying guide. 1976. By Antoinette Opal Haleady. 761 p. Antoinette Opal Haleady: 21Sep77: A902574.
A902575. Botes on a screenplay for F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the night. By Halcola Lowry E Hargerie Bonner Lowry. introd. by Paul Tiessen. 84 p. Hargerie Bonner Lowry: 15Apr76: A902575.
A902576. Aaerican book prices current. 1976. Vol. 82. Editors: Katharine Kyes Leab S Daniel J. Leab. 1201 p. Bancroft- Parkaan, Inc.; 6Sep77; A902S76.
A902577. Annual book of ASTH standards, 1977. Pt. 10: aetals — aechanical, fracture, and corrosion testing; fatigue: erosion; effect of teaperature. Editorial staff: Bobert P. Lukens E others. 882 p. Add. ti: Annual ASTH standards, 1977. Appl. au: Aaerican Society for Testing and aaterials. Aaerican Society for Testing and aaterials; 1Sep77: A902577.
A902578. Annual book of ASTH standards, 1977. Pt. 22: wood, adhesives. Editorial staff: Bobert P. Lukens £ others. 1042 p. Add. ti: Annual ASTB standards, 1977. Appl. au: Aaerican Society for Testing and Haterials. O Aaerican Society for Testing and Haterials; 1Sep77 ; A902578.
A902579. Drug abuse: clinical and basic aspects. Editor: Sachindra Hath Pradhan. associate editor: Saaarendra Hath Dntta. 598 p. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any portion written by a O.S. Govt, eaployee as a part of his official duties. O The C. ». Hosby Coapany: 31Aug77; A902579.
A902580. Coaparative constitutional law: cases and coaaentaries. By Halter F. Hurphy E Joseph Tanenhaus. 754 p. HH: coapi- lation, original text 6 editorial notes. O Saint Hartin's Press. Inc.; 6Hay77: A902580.
A902581. Sociology: an introduction. By Bonald H. Saith S Frederick B. Preston. 575 p. HH: original text, editorial revision £ organization. Saint Hartin's Press. Inc.; 4Feb77; A902581.
A902582. The Dreaa aachine: the golden age of Aaerican autoaobiles. 1946-1965. By Jerry Flint. 344 p. SH: text, captions B selection of photos. O (Juadrangle/Ihe New York Tiaes Book Company: 16aay77 (in
notice: 1976); A902582.
These entries alone may not reflect the complete Copyright Office records pertaining to a particular work. Contact the U.S. Copyright Office for information about any additional records that may exist.