A9023l5 - A902347
JUL-DEC. 1977
i9023iy (con.) Telephone Dicectory Coapany, General Telephone Company of aichiqao; lljun??; A902314.
4902315- Hallace, Kelloqq^ Hullan, ID, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of the Northvest, Inc.; t|Jun77: A902315.
A902316. Prenont, fll, 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Hichiqao; 1Jun77: A902316.
A902317, Battletoun, Brandenbarq, Custer, KT, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. Add. ti: Braodenburq, KT. C Brandenburq Telepbone Coapany; lJun77; A902317.
A902318. Alleqan, Gobies, Uaailton, HI, flay 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Dicectory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of Michigan; 2lMay77; A 90 23 18.
A902319. Oouqlas, Broxton, GA, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Dicectory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Southeast: 17Juo77; A902319.
4902320. Carv« HC, June 1977. General Telephone Dicectory Coapany; 15Jud77; A902320.
A902321. Blue Mountain Lake, Chestertovn, Eaqle Bay, NY, and others. Hay 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of Opstate New York, Inc.; 28May77; A902321-
A902322. Palaerton, Boh aanstovn, Kcesqeville, KunkletOMD, PA, June 1977, Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O Palaerton Telephone Coapany; 15Jan77; A902322.
A902323. Clarendon, Bedley, Lakeview, TX, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Southwest; 13Jun77; A902323.
A902324. Mountain Hoae« Uhiteville, Lakeview, AB, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O Mountain Hone Telephone Coapany, Inc. & Yelcot Telephone Coapany* Inc.; 1Jun77; A902324.
A902325. Radcliff, vine Grove, inclading listinqs of Cecilia, KY, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory coapany. Add. ti: Vine Grove, KY. Brandenburg Telephone Coapany; 1Jun77; A902325.
A902326. McBae, Jacksonville, Mount Vernon. GA« June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of the Southeast; 1Jun77; A902326-
A902327- Grand Haven, HI« 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Dicectory Coapany. General Telephone Company of Michiqan; lJun77: A902327.
A902328. Jacksonville, New Suaaerfield, Busk« Hudson, TZ, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone coapany of the Southnest; 13Jun77; A 90 2326.
A902329. Bebcon, Deaotte, Mount Ayr, 4 Seasons, IN, July 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. Nor- thwestern Indiana Telephone Coapany; 20Jun77; A9p2329.
A902330. Dow, Haaburq, Hardin, IL, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Conpany. General Telephone Coapany of Illinois; 20Jun77; A902330.
A902331. Toccoa, Bastanollee, Carnesville, Lavonia, GA« June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. O General Telephone Coapany of the Southeast; njun77; A902331.
A902332. Booker, Darrouzett, Pollett, TZ, and others, June 1977. Coapiled by Genecal Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of the Southwest; 16Jun77: A902332.
A902333- Bedondo Beach « Heraosa Beach, flanhattan Beach, CA, and others street address cross ceference directory with telephone nuaber section, June 1977. Coapiled by General Telephone Directory Coapany. General Telephone Coapany of California; 1Jun77; A902333.
A902334. Engineering report to Texas iater Bights Coaaission, Hortbbcook Municipal Utility District, Harris County, Texas, bond application nuabec 2. 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in aaterial taken froB O.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 12Auq77; A902334.
A902335. iest Belt Hanicipal otiiity District, Harris County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of water, sanitary sewer, And drainage facilities in iestwood Center, section 3. Contract no- 2, job no. 1237-020. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken fcoa O.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 3Auq77; A902335.
A902336. The Charter Associates* Inc. foe Northbrook Municipal Dtility District, Harris County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of dcainaqe facilities for Southaeadow Billow Hatechole Bayou extensions. Contract no. 1« job no. 0900-12(1. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken fcoa a.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 23Mar77; A902336.
A902337. Engineering report to Texas Hater Bights Coaaission, bond application nuaber 2, Best Belt Municipal Utility District, Haccis County, Texas. 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 12Aug77; A902337.
A90 2338. Center Savings Association foe Hestway Otiiity oistcict, Harris County, Houston, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of stage 2 of water plant nuaber 1. Contract no. 1, job no- 2358-010- 1 v. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. O Turner, Collie and Bcaden. Inc.; 9Sep77; A902338.
A902339. Century Developaent Corporation: Greenway Plaza phases 3 and 4 traffic study. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in aaterial taken froa O.S. Govt- sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc. ; 24Aug77; A902339.
A902340. Gceenbriar Associates, Hiu^ris County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of paving and appurtenances in Greenbriar north patio hoaes. Contract no. 1, job no. 1138-065. 1 V. Appl. states copyright not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa 0*5. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 13Apr77: A902340.
A9023ai. Engineering report to Texas Hater Eights Coaaission, bond application nuaber 4, Gceens Public Utility District, Haccis County, Texas. Job no- 1229-400. 1 v. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa Q- S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 16Aug77; A902341,
A902342. Charter Associates, Inc., for Northbrook Municipal Otiiity District, Harris County, Texas: contract documents and technical specifications for construction of lift station nuaber 1. Contract no. 1* job no. 0900-122. 1 V. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 11Apr77; A902342.
A9023U3- Blue fiidge Associates, Port Bend County, Texas: contract docuaents and technical specifications for construction of paving and appurtenances in Quail Bun section 1. Contract no. 1, job no. 1356-360. 1 v. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa U.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc. ; 50ct77: A902343.
A902344. Engineering report on bond reguiceaents for Cheery Bill Municipal Otiiity District, Port Bend County, Texas. Job no. 1509-112- 1 V. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden, Inc.; 15Peb77; A902344.
A902345. Trinity Bay conservation District, Chaabecs County* Texas: contcact docuaents and technical specifications foe construction of sanitary sever facilities. Oak Island. Contract no. 5, job no. 2229-222- 1 v. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any aaterial taken froa a.S. Govt, sources- Turner, Collie and Braden* Inc.; 10Aag77; A902345.
A902346. Engineering report to Texas Hater Bights Coaaission, bond application nuaber 4* Harris County Hater Control and lap- coveaent District Nuaber 129, Harris County, Texas. Job no- 0979-080- 1 v. Appl. states copyright is not claiaed in any material taken froa O.S. Govt, sources. Turner, Collie and Braden* Inc. ; 9Aug77; A902346.
A902347. Initial study and report foe Southwest Mesquite dcainage project: city of Mesquite* July 1977. 2 v. in folder.
Add. ti: Initial study and report:
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