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A902012 - A9020117


JUL-DEC. 1977

(902011 (con.) sheet ed., statutes. ?o 15, no. 3, Sept. 1977. pt. 2. 30 p Sbepard's IDC. of Colorado Springs 26Sep77; A902011.

&902012. Shepard's Nisconsin citations; advance sheet ed., cases and statutes. Vol. 12. no. 2, Sept. 1977. 28 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Sprioqs; 28Sep77; t902012.

A902013. Shepard's Alaska citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 19, no. 2. Sept. 1977. 259 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 29Sep77; 4902013.

4902011). Shepard's Georgia citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 69, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 210 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs: 9scp77: 4902011.

4902015. shepard's Federal citations; Federal reporter. Federal cases. Vol. 67. no. 6, Sept. 1977, pt. 1. 105 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 20Sep77; 4902015.

4902016. Shepard's Federal citations; Federal suppl.. Federal rules decisions, court of claias. Vol. 67, no. 6, Sept. 1977, pt. 2. 47 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 20Sep77; 4902016.

4902017. Shepard's Haizie citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 62, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 298 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 23Sep77; 4902017.

4902018. Shepard's Oregon citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 70, no. 1, Sept. 1977. 172 p. e Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22Sep77; 4902018.

4902019. Shepard's Federal law citations in selected lav reviens. Vol. 1, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 289 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 12Sep77; 4902019.

4902020. Sbepard's 4cts and cases by popular naaes. Federal and state, 1977. 101 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 30Sep77; 4902020.

4902021. Shepard's Arizona citations; cases and statutes. Vol 60, no. 1, Sept. 1977. 206 p. C Sbepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 27Sep77: 4902021.

4902022. Sbepard's United States citations; patents and tradeaarks. Vol. 10, no. 2, Sept. 1977. 266 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 30Sep77; 4902022.

4902023. Sbepard's Nea York Supreme Court citations. Vol. 61, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 375 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22Sep77: 4902023.

4902021. Sbepard's Connecticut citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 71, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 262 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22Sep77; 4902021.

4902025. Shepard's New York Court of 4ppeals citations; coiiion law, chancery- Vol. 62. no. 2, Sept. 1977. 181 p. O Sbepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 18Sep77; 4902025.

4902026. Shepard's Illinois citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 72, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 131 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 23Sep77; 4902026.

4902027. Shepard's Bhode Island citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 62, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 332 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 22Sep77; 4902027.

4902028. Shepard's Indiana citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 69. no. 2, Sept. 1977. 300 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 9Sep77; 4902028.

4902029. Sbepard's Hew York statute citations. Vol. 38, no. 2. Sept. 1977. 520 p. O Sbepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 11Sep77; 4902029.

4902030. Sbepard's 4rkansas citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 63, no. 2, Sept. 1977. 136 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs: 20Sep77; 4902030.

4902031. Sbepard's Nevada citations; cases and statutes. Vol. 21, no. 1. Sept. 1977. 290 p. Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 18Sep77; 4902031.

4902032. Sbepard's New York suppleaent citations. Vol. 65, no. 3. Sept. 1977. 122 p. Sbepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 13Sep77; 4902032.

4902033. Best's Indiana digest. Vol. 1-30. 1977 cumulative annual pocket parts. 30 v. in 33. O liest Publishing Company; 154ug77; 4902033.

4902031. Collier bankruptcy cases. Vol. 13. Edited by Irwin Hall. Current material highlights, vol. 13, release no. 1, Sept. 1977. Sheets (209 p.|, 8 p. S 1 v. 4ppl. au: Hattbew Bender and Coapany, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 1bSep77; 4902031.

4902035. Uarren's Forms of agreements; desk ed. By 4melia C. Greenhill e 41ec B. Brown. 1977 revision, release no. 2, prepared by 4melia C. areenhill S, Alec a. Brovn e Sept. 1977 suppl. index. Sheets 6 2 p. 4bridged from Barren's Forms of agree- ments, business forms, volumes 1-3. 4ppl. au: aattbew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. e Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 8Sep77; A902035.

4902036. 4ntitrust laws and trade regulation. Current service, release no. 22, 4ug. 1977. By Julian 0. Von Kalinowski, assisted by 4nne Kolbe. Multiple volumes £ folder (3 p.) (Business organizations, vol. 16-16N) Appl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. , employer for hire. O Hattbew Bender and Company, Inc.; 9Sep77; A902036.

4902037. Bender's Oniform commercial code reporter-digest. Vol. 6 et seq. Sept. 1977 suppl., release no. 13. By Uilliam F. iillier 6 Frederick M. Hart, with the assistance of students at Boston College Law school. 7 v. (Bender's Oniform commercial code service, vol. 6B) 4ppl. au: Matthew Bender and Company, Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 19Sep77; 4902037.

4902038. Ohio forms of pleading and practice Vol. 1-1, 14, 5, 54 £ 6. By Hilliam H. Hilligan, senior managing editor; 4nn B. Hiele, editor: Joel S. Bernstein, supervising editor: Irwin Hall. Vol. 1-1, 14, 5, 54, 6, 8, 4U9. 1977 suppl., release no. 10. By Uilliam 8. Hilligan, senior managing editor: Ann B. Miele, editor: Joel s. Bernstein, supplemental table of cases, table of statutes and rules 6 index, prepared by editorial staff of Matthew Bender and Company, Inc. Sheets C multiple volumes. 4ppl. au; Matthew Bender and company. Inc., employer for hire. O Matthew Bender and Company, Inc.; 9Sep77; 4902038.

A902039. The Private law firm library; an integral tool of the lav firm. 132 p. (Patents, copyrights, trademarks and literary property course handbook series, no. 85) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NH: compilation 6 additional text. O Practising Lav Institute; 28Jul77; 4902039.

4902010. 8th annual Institute on International Taxation. 736 p. (Tax law and practice course handbook series, no. Ill) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. NM: compilation & additional text. O Practising Law Institute; 254ug77; 4902010.

4902011. Current developments in copyright law, 1977. Vol. 1-2. (Patents, copyrights, trademarks and literary property course handbook series, no. 81-82) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 18Hay77: 4902011.

4902012. Consolidated tax returns, 1977. Ill p. (Tax law and practice course handbook series, no. 109) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. O Practising Law Institute; 5May77; 4902012.

4902013. 8th 4nnual Estate Planning Institute. 336 p. (Estate planning and adminis- tration course handbook series, no. 60) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. MM: compilation & additional text. O Practising Law Institute; 224ug77; 4902013.

4902011. Protecting the corporate officer and director from liability, 1977. 132 p. (Corporate law and practice course handbook series, no. 215) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. e Practising Law Institute; 5May77; 4902011.

4902015. New York matrimonial practice, 1977. 121 p. (New York law and practice course handbook series, no. 50) Appl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. Practising Lav Institute; 5Sep77; 4902045.

4902016. Leveraged leasing, 1977. 261 p. (Commercial law and practice course handbook series, no. 162) 4ppl. states no copyright claimed in Government material. Practising Law Institute; 31Mar77; 4902016.

4902017. The Closely held corporation, 1977. 280 p. (Corporate lav and practice course handbook series, no. 237) Appl. states no

copyright claimed in Government material.


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