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4901970 - A902011


JUL-DEC. 1977

&901970. /1/4MP: /l/articQlation lodification proqram. By Patricia J. Collins & Gary i. CUQDinqhaiir illustrated by Hanucl Iranzo. 1 V. O C.C. Publications, Inc.; 1Sep77: &901970.

A901971. /f non- printable data l/AMP: / non- printable datal/articulation modification program. By Patricia J. Collins 6 Gary g. Cunninqham, illustrated by Bandall D. Emberlin. 1 t. e C.C. Publications, Inc.: 1Sep77; A901971.

A901972. Step 2 workbook: a basic concepts deyelopDent proqram; teacher's ed. By Patricia J. Collins & Gary H. Cunninghaa. 58 p. e C.C. Publications, Inc.; 11Jan77 (in notice: 1976); A901972.

A901973. Step 5 workbook: a basic concepts development program; teacher's ed. By Patricia J. Collins e Gary R. Cunningham. 63 p. C.C. Publications. Inc.: 1SAag77 (in notice: 1976); A901973.

A90197it. Step I* workbook: a basic concepts development proqram; teacher's ed. By Patricia J. Collins & Gary H. Cunningham. 62 p. C.C. Publications, Inc. ; 9Jun77 (in notice: 1976); A90197it.

A901975. IGA Haqic $ Squares. <t p. Appl. au: Eric S. Bessborg. 6 Eric S. Hessborg; 11Attg77; A90197S.

A901976. Flowers of friendship. Color illus. by Haryrose Bampler, managing editor: Balph Luedtke, photographic editor; Gerald Koser, production editor: Stuart 1. Zyduck, designed by Mark Clifford Brunner. 80 p. NM: compilation, additional text 6 pictorial matter, e Ideals Publishing Corporation: 50ct77; A901976.

A901977. let's celebrate Christmas — the American Christmas: its customs and pageantry. Compiled 6 designed by Mark Clifford Brunner. managing editor: Balph Luedtke. photographic editor: Gerald Koser 6 production editor: Stuart L. Zyduck. 80 p. MM: compilation, additional text E pictorial matter. Ideals Publishinq Corporation: 50ct77: A901977.

A901978. Financial information services and terminals. 246 p. International Besource Development. Inc.; 1Feb77; A901978.

A901979. Hinter tourinq: cross-country skiing and snowshoeinq. By Clayne fi. Jensen. 163 p. Burqess Publishing Company; 28Sep77; A901979.

A901980. Bio aids. By Laurence Levine. 2nd ed. 95 p. e Laurence Levine; 29Sep77; A901980.

A901981. Astronomy exam study guide. By John B. Barner. 68 p. 6 Department of Astronomy, University of Minnesota: 29Sep77; A901981.

A901982. Organization of the elements: a laboratory program. By Frank B. Balker. 2nd ed. 251 p. 6 Frank B. Balker; 29Sep77: A901982.

A901983. Anti- shock trousers may support life — deflate with care. Ball chart. 6 Emergency Care Sesearch Institute; 10Oct77; A9019e3.

A90198'(. Study guide for Journalism. Prepared by Karen Helms Bard, revised by Fanny Segalla. 132 p. Add. ti: American School Journalism study guide. Based on the textbook The Complete reporter by Harriss. Leiter and Johnson. Appl. au: American School. NM: 20( is new material. O American School; 70ct77; 4901984.

A901985. Study guide for Child care. Prepared by Louis Harper, revised by Alta Light. 72 p. Add. ti: American school Child care study guide. Based on Baby and child care by Benjamin Spock. Appl. au: American School. NM: 25S is new material much of which is a condensation of the prev. ed. e American School; 70ct77; A901985.

A901986. Doctoral programs in marketing. Edited by James E. Littlefield S Donald L. Shawver. 124 p. (Educational workshop series, no. 2) Q American Marketing Association: 70ct77; A901986.

A901987. Market segmentation: a selected and annotated bibliography. Edited by Bonald 0. aichman, Myron Gable £ Baiter Gross. 58 p. e American Marketing Association; 40ct77; A901987.

A901988. Manchester, Oerry area, NH, telephone directory, October 1977. New England Telephone and Telegraph Company; 110ct77; A901988.

A901989. Nederland, Port Heches, TX, telephone directory, September 1977. O Southwestern Bell Telephone Company: 60ct77; A901989.

A901990. Greater Beaumont, TX, telephone directory. September 1977. Q Southwestern Bell Telephone Company; 60ct77; A901990.

A901991. Bevelation: the last Book of the Bible. By Edwin 4. Schick. 80 p. NH: over 90X new material, e Fortress Press; 40ct77; A901991.

A901992. The Psalms, Job. By Boland Edmund Murphy. 96 p. (Proclamation commen- taries: the Old Testament witnesses for preaching) 9 Fortress Press; 30ct77; A901992.

A901993. Crucifixion in the ancient world and the folly of the message of the cross. By Martin Hengel, translated by John Bowden. 99 p. Translation of Mors turpissima crucis; die Kreuzigung in der antiken Belt und die "Torheit" des "Bortes vom Kreuz" pub. in Bechtfertiqung: Festschrift fuer Ernst Kaesemann zum 70. Geburtstag. 6 on translation; Fortress Press 6 SCM Press, Ltd.; 40ct77; A901993.

A901994. Automobiles. Vol. 1-1, Aug. 14. 1977. 10 p. Appl. au: Lewis B. Medlin, Jr. K. B. Lewis Company; 24Aug77; A901994.

A901995. Thesaurus of terms in mortgage and consumer credit. By Susan E. Miller. 112 p. (Credit fiesearch Center monograph, no. 6} Q Purdue fiesearch Foundation; 30Sep77; A901995.

A901996. Bones to biscuits: the dog food book. By Linda McDonald, illus. by David Barker, foreword by Jo- Marie Sekol. 136 p. O Linda McDonald; 24May77; A901996.

A901997. Personal quiet time notebook. 1 v. Appl. au: James A- Fowler. O James A. Fowler; 15Sep77; A901997.

A901998. Ano de San Antonio. Editor: Ellea Sawyer. 1 v. e Arts Council of San Antonio; 30ct77; 4901998.

4901999. So you think you know tennis! By Burt Cutler, illus. by Jack Bonestell. 79 p. Burt Cutler; 28Sep77; 4901999.

A902000. Instant photo/instant art. By Dominic Sicilia. 95 p. Dominic Sicilia; 29Sep77; A902000.

A902001. Artist's materials retail pricec. 1 v. Q Stationers Price Service Company; 10ct77; A902001.

A902002. Business migration study: an analysis of out- migration patterns of Seattle firms. Prepared for the City of Seattle, Department of Community Development by Carole A. Aaron. 1 v. Appl. au: Hark Nerheim. Institute for Puget Sound Needs; 18Aug77; A902002.

A902003. Thoughts. By Alden H. Beed. 1 p. Alden M. ("Doc") Beed; 80ct77; A902003.

A902a04. Stop smoking: "your cigarette may be killing you and me too!" By Barry Missig. 8 p. Barry Missig; 80ct77; A902004.

A902005. Program for gambling. Printout. Appl. au: John Bychllcki. John Bychlicki; 60ct77; A902005.

A902006. Manual to weight control. By Susan Surrency. 1 v. NM: revisions G additions, e Susan Surrency; 20Jan77; A902006.

A902007. The Symbolic meaning of dreams. The Variable language of the sub-conscious. By Thomas M. Cochran. 1 v. NM: new matter on the structure of dreams. e Thomas M. Cochran; 25Aug77; A902007.

A902008. Eighteenth-century art and music. Hriter: Baphael Crystal, supervising editor: Baiter Simmons, editor in chief: Gladys Carter, art director: Juanita Elefante Gordon. 11 p. & 2 filmstrips. Accompanied by sound recording, reg. N46185, in box. Appl. au: Educational Audio Visual, Inc. Appl. states all new except most pictorial matter on filmstrips which is newly compiled. O Educational 4udio Visual, Inc.; 30Sep77; 4902006.

4902009. Shepard's Southwestern reporter citations; advance sheet ed. Vol. 22, no. 3, Sept. 1977. 31 p. e Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 15Sep77; 4902009.

4902010. Shepard's California citations; advance sheet ed. . cases. Vol. 45. no. 3. Sept. 1977, pt. 1. 39 p. O Shepard's Inc. of Colorado Springs; 26Sep77; 4902010.


Shepard's California citations; advance


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